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become the mistress of a transvestite

Publié par : christiane le 29/02/2016

Bjr (true story) I got sucked off by 1 transvestite, after hitchhiking him back; we see each other often; I arrange to go by around 3am; (time when she left the bar where she was) we gained confidence in each other; I go home regularly; drink 1 glass; I embrace her; near to leave; she takes my hand; straight on his cock, please; jerk me off; Ouahhh; fast she band hard, gently I jerk her off, she seems loved; me too ; I jerk her harder; faster ; I gain confidence in myself; It seems to please him, his burning cock in my hand pleases me; I take pleasure in the decalotee; she tells me lower yourself and suck me; I am excited to hear me talk like a 1 girl, suck and stroke me the puck; put 1 finger in my ass; I obeyed him with pleasure; she directs me very well; C very good; I am completely like a girl; she guesses it; turn around; lower your head, your body; let it go ; I'm going to drop you; you fecondee; she is sure of herself; I am squatting; close to give me; gently she prepared my washer for me; I feel his hot cock, right at the entrance, she ignores me well; the gel helps me; I feel with pleasure his cock retracted; slowly ; it pushes gently; it fits ; (his cock is not very very big approx 3.5; but it suits me perfectly; the 17, 18cmsme touches the bottom I feel his balls against my buttocks; that's all I have in me; it comes out; damn; turns me around; she kisses me; very hard;; I confess, I liked it; it was good; she answers; I know; I wanted to gently deflower my ass; now I'm going to fuck you like we fuck 1 girl; you are going to take everything, I am going to unload all my juice in your ass; I gave myself to her; let me do it until he came inside me; what happiness; proudly she t ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Masturbation, Sodomy, First time, Submission/domination, Fetish, , transsexual