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Those who invite you to their homes ... With full knowledge of the facts ...

Publié par : voyagheure le 05/07/2020

There are some who invite you!You are not common knowledge, but neither are you a complete stranger in your area… Your work makes your reputation and they know you!They use it and meet you at their place… as if by chance!I am displayed sex, clearly… on the lookout, but careful and kind! I have this naughty look, which obviously does not go unnoticed, and which has already been or criticized to me or which, on the contrary, to make it easier for some!So think well that whoever dares to support it will be rewarded if I forget the rules of common sense.Just a few days ago, I have an appointment with Docteur.Touchatout.Nothing to do with his profession, to Dr. Touhatout, who you will understand, besides being a real doctor, is my real doctor who touches everything.It's what I have to sell him that interests him. And even more, than what I have to sell him ,,, it is me who interests him! Here I am at his place. The way he has his chair right next to me, around the living room table, leaves no room for doubt!I like it seriously… from the start. And he launches… what more could you ask for?Of course, our knees brush against each other! That's the whole point, and the message got through!Our erections are visible and let's go for the exploration ,,, limit the consultation.I confirm it to you, it is my real doctor! And I have dreamed of this moment for years. So I jump at the chance, the pants, the fly, and what follows.It all goes very quickly, I have his cock in my mouth, so different from the one I had imagined for a long time, but super exciting and which does not seem lazy.A delight ! And after a few too short minutes, I become the model patient and for so many consultations I think he had plenty of time to perfect his method to make me react as he had planned.He took me under the throat with both hands, tactile to enjoy it without hands, to bring my face up to his level, and without going through the galoche box, pushed me back onto the back of the chair. Rummaged through my fly to find what he must hav ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, Married, At work