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fucked in tractor

Publié par : enee le 30/12/2020

The invitation to try out his big farm machine was confusing, although I understood his intention. But after all, I wasn't ready for that anymore. And I wanted to taste this beautiful sting he displayed in front of me. He falls the odds: "go ahead, I follow you". I climb into the tractor cabin. He stops me on the way by taking my hips and sticks his mouth in my buttock groove: "A lick of the tongue, what do you think?". I feel his tongue against my puck, I arch my back so that he presses even harder: "oh yes, that's good, again, hummmm". After this subtle licking, I enter the cabin. He walks around me and sits on the seat: "come sit on me, you're going to drive". I put my lil ass against his cock raised to the sky, I feel it against my furrow. I band hard too, he passes his hand to grab my stiff shaft and masturbate slowly and gently. Then he starts, he shifts gears between my thighs, not without caressing me in passing. It's nice, every bump rubs his cock against my ass, it's exciting. He stops and asks me to turn around. As I sit down, I kiss him full on the mouth, his tongue is hard and sharp, it wraps around mine, searches my mouth, he kisses like a god. I get up to impale myself on his cock. "Oh the acorn is huge, take it easy honey." I support with all my weight and his chybre enters me at once. It burns a bit in the process. Fortunately I took it up the ass this morning, my puck collects better. I tire of going down so that he buggers me to the hilt. I can feel it deep inside me, this super stiff cock swollen with desire. He starts the tractor again and we set off slowly. I do not move but we resume the bumps, it's delicious, we let the machine do it. With each stroke, he sinks more into me, I kiss him again, he buggers me so well, I have the impression that he has invaded me inside. The feeling is wonderful. In addition, the seat is cushioned so each blow surprises us. He saw that I took my foot, he accelerates. This time, the bursts are stronger, they create a terrible back and forth, he throws more back and forth, I start to moan, he kneads my buttocks, whispers exciting stuff in my ear "hmm, Your ass is good my bitch. You like my cock, eh? Come on, beg me to put you on. "I can't take it any longer" yes, go ahead again, I feel you good, go to the bottom, smash my ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Threesomes