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By my tree - episode 3

Publié par : discret46 le 13/01/2024

At the foot of my tree – Episode3 Six months of abstinence since the previous episode! And a missed opportunity a few weeks ago: night falling on the area, parade of headlights on the road and not a stop! This December 20 I'm returning to Fumel... and I'm dreading the same scenario. So I will go to the place before doing my shopping. Ready for departure...The already dark sky darkens further, a fine drizzle begins to fall: bad luck! Approaching the area: dry road, a little more clarity, but morale is at half mast... I'm finally arriving! A car is stopped near the busy crossing. Hope is reborn. I park nearby. My engine is still running and a man already gets out of the vehicle and walks decisively into the pass; It seems too good to be true! Quickly checking my bag, I take off my belt and set off quickly in his footsteps. As I walk, I unzip my fly and unbutton the jeans. A few dozen meters and I see it, already installed under “my tree”. The way he looks pointedly ahead, his back turned, with one side eye watching his back; his right arm which suggests a discreet coming and going of masturbation, no doubt about his intentions. To put him at ease from the start, I open my pants wide, lower my underwear below the testicles, and approach to touch him without procrastinating for a second. He turns towards me and I discover a beautiful stiff cock, medium size, rather long, proudly erect, arched towards the navel. I take it in hand and announce the color: “I have difficulty getting hard”And I begin to gently caress the pretty member then the small balls, the lower abdomen, the inside of the still tight thighs. He returns the favor, hugs me. The thighs open, the hands explore the crotches, knead the buttocks, the fingers slide into the lines of the ass and return to slowly jerk his stiff cock, mine half. I lower his member, slide it under my balls, squeeze it between my thighs. The man is not very tall. Entwined, my face against his neck, I feel the warmth of his body, his pleasant scent. When I was young, I didn't like kissing; then I adapted to the request, without any repugnance, but never to the initiative. And there, I feel troubled. He clearly a man, very horny; me, embraced, caressed, I feel like a woman submitted to his happy desire to excite him. Spontaneously I slip a furtive wet kiss into his neck, then two or three; I move my head back a little and place one on my lips. No sign of backing down from him. So, spontaneously, my right arm wraps around the back of her neck and I roll her a skate...a real one,...long, pressed, wet, like in the cinema, my wife did when we were young... And bank! I feel a split second of hesitation and his lips crush mine, our tongues mix, our mouths remain united and his meter goes crazy! An energetic and frantic hand slips under my t-shirt, tears my clothes from my pants, goes back up to knead my breasts, kneads my little nipples, goes back down to slip into my line, between my thighs. Instinctively I let my jeans slide down to my knees, I spread my legs to facilitate caresses. I jerk off his cock which has hardened again... Carried away by the frenzy I lift and pull up his clothes above his breast, I torture the nipple a little with my fingertips, press my lips together for a powerful hickey then lick, suck. My man lets out a groan of restrained pleasure. For my part, filled with excitement in my role as a woman, paradoxically I find myself getting very hard, which is rare. And again, a long, deep kiss while our hands are active. Carried away by the enthusiasm, we forgot for a moment the world around us! Our slightly worried gaze scans the surroundings: no one, everything is calm... My mouth rests again on the breast, sliding over the chest, the stomach, the pubis while I squat down. It's time to take care of the tense fair sex. My lips envelop the glans and with a large and rapid movement I swallow as far as possible. A gratifying sigh of pleasure tells me I'm on the right track. And I follow up with a vigorous pumping routine. My hands are not left out. They caress, fiddle, triturate the buttocks, lower abdomen, testicles, penetrate between the thighs, join the mouth at the base of the penis and accompany the movement... The fingers explore the furrow of the buttocks, slide over the anus. I alternate between vigorous pumping and other fantasies. I lick and suck the balls, roll my hand flat against the penis against the stomach, the plate of my moist lips which slide alternately from the root of the member to the base of the glans... my man reaches out his arm, kneads me a little. breast. I stand up with my legs outstretched, my body leaning forward, I continue to work. The hand caresses my buttocks, a few volleys of moderate slaps warm them up, the fingers try to explore my intimacy. I stand aside as best as possible to facilitate the maneuver, without interrupting my action. A finger reaches my little hole, slips in to deepen the exploration of what some call their anal pussy. I'm not a fan of the expression, but for once it seems quite accurate to me and probably also to my partner. I have little doubt about the answer when I ask my ritual question: “Do you want to fuck me?” " " Yes ! » And I add, in a honeyed slut voice: “Will you fuck me!...with a condom?“Yes, but I don’t have a condom!”" I have it ! » I immediately take one out of my bag and hand it to him.Time to put it on, I take a squirt of gel and quickly lubricate my ring. The precaution will not be useless. For my man, after the sweet wet kisses, it is the pussy function that will make him happy! I turn around, lean forward...this time no hesitation or clumsiness. An expert hand immediately presents the glans at the entrance. Barely enough time to feel it engage and cross the threshold, a powerful thrust propels the beautiful rod deep into my intimacy, stomach and testicles slam as they come up against my buttocks and without waiting a second a full-blown pounding begins! I really like this feelin ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, European