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At the supermarket

Publié par : vol165 le 21/07/2023

At the beginning of this week I had to go shopping.1 pm, hop I put on a light dress and nothing underneath, it's very hot, I arrive at the supermarket, the store is practically empty of people, so much the better it will go faster.I noticed a very young man squinting at my big boobs and I purposely leaned over for his eyes.And suddenly he takes his courage in 2 hands and tells me that he has never seen and that it must be very pleasant to caress and kiss and that he had never touched a girl.He was very cute and especially all red. I couldn't leave him like this and told him to come to my car.Once inside I unbutton my dress to give him access, he kneels on the passenger seat and begins to caress and lick me, during this time I put my hand in his shorts he had a nice erection.After a few minutes I ask him if he wants to come to my place, he replies that yes he really wants to, once he arrives I take off his shorts and his t-shirt, he is stark naked with a stiff cock.I start to suck him and a few seconds later I feel a big squirt in my throat, he stays very stiff so I continue to suck, he ejaculates 4 times in a row and I like a ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Ados, First time, European, Threesomes, Cousins