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50 shades of Nad "6"

Publié par : Lolo71 le 09/11/2015

Continuation and end of our evening restaurant .... So I was hanging on her lips, so that she tells me if it was happening in the toilets with the waiter.She smiles and begins to tell me, she arrives at the men's bathroom, a door is ajar, she finds our server there, all red, a mixture of shame and excitement, he is stroking a big bump on his pants.She comes in, closes the door and directly sits down on the toilet in front of him, pulls up her very short dress and immediately slips 2 fingers into her wet pussy ..... She masturbates vigorously while looking at him, he lowers his pants and let out his cock ...She tells me that at the sight of his cock, she wets even more, he has a big acorn, as she loves them, she swallowed it deep in her mouth. The waiter can not restrain a rattle which says a lot about the pleasure he has to sweep my wife's mouth.She takes out her fingers dripping wet, and she makes him lick. Immediately he kneels in front of the toilet, he wants to taste the pig there ... Nad this brings closer to the edge of the seat and he begins to lick it copiously.She tells me that her tongue tickles her clit, that she wets even more, to the delight of our server. He gets up a little and tries to fuck her, Nad tells him no, but takes it back in the mouth, he has his fingers sunk, and Nad jerks off .....Suddenly he stiffens, a sign that he is going to enjoy, Nad wanks this cock, the glans rests on his tongue, a huge squirt of cum comes to fill his mouth, then another ..... He empties himself and Nad me says qu: he mustn't have emptied it for a while !! the guy is on the verge of unease, he enjoys so much. All in silence so as not to rouse the customers of the restaurant.So here I am listening to my wife tell me how she made the server come. Besides, here it is again with the desserts .... He smiles Nad looks at him with his mouth half open, the bitch says to me I ... "So my guy did you like my bitch's mouth? " A real happiness "answered me it yourself There m.informa that if we wanted it ended around midnight.He went back to other tables. All this had me very excited and I bandaged in my pants, Nad ate chocolate and lick his lips, hmmm hot ideas come to mind. Quickly have a coffee and we'll go to the bar to pay the bill .. Nad always so sexy in her tight dress and perched on her high heels is by my side I love to see the guys at the table, him, ogling his ass, surely saying that 'he'll fuck him well ..... If he also knew how she's a bitch !!! In short ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Submission/domination, Threesomes