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when a man submissive as a woman decides to take me as his mistress

Publié par : pattounett le 20/08/2022

It turns out that I like the change of lingerie regularly and often, even more currently not wanting to stay in my memories of good and bad times from losing my husband, so I put all my lingerie on sale to allow me to change it and since I'm taking a break at the moment it suits me very well.To my great astonishment I thought I would have the visit of women to take advantage of it and well no! it's the visit of trans people who come regularly to do their shopping, that doesn't bother me because I have always respected everyone's sexuality ... After having had the visit of several, I receive the request for photos of my articles a new client and having certain articles that she likes, we make an appointment together. She warns me that she is a submissive woman and that she will come with her master, I answer her no problem. ask me if my appointment is still OK? I answer yes of course because given my age I'm not the kind of person to ask rabbits. The hour arrives and I hear my doorbell ringing and who do I see? well two men! Here it is Morgane95 is with me that you have an appointment and my master. Morgane was quite simply a married man who likes to become a woman whenever possible and above all to be submissive as it should be by his master. He does his fittings. I help her to pass them as it should and have the opinion of the other person who was supposed to give her opinion, but I realize all the same that her master completely didn't care about it, I was so shocked for her, poor submissive ! They leave after she's done her shopping, but it bothered me so much that two hours later I couldn't help but call Morgane! and there we were able to discuss both and make him understand what a master had to do for him and her for him. Submissive yes! but take care of her too, give him an education as it should be to be fully available to his master when he decides and not ignore him if he wants his submissive ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Forty, First time, Submission/domination, BDSM, Trav, Married