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unusual evening

Publié par : latino le 15/01/2020

hello, it happened in 2010: I was driving home from work, it was around 10 p.m. I had been hanging out a bit in a bar in Paris with a few friends.Arriving near my home, stopped at a red light, I see a young woman on the other side of the sidewalk looking at me and approaching my vehicle. She asks me if I will take her home. She tells me to live on the side of Rungis I run to drop her I find her very seductive despite being dressed in not very sexy jogging.In the car we discuss our jobs: I tell her that I am an automobile mechanic in Paris, she works in a fast food restaurant (American not to mention a brand).Arrived in front of her house, she asks me if I want to go for a drink in Paris, of course I accept. Installed at the bar we discuss everything and nothing we get to know. She is from Laos raised in an orphanage for young girls. During our discussions she tells me what she wants to sleep with me tonight I am very excited at this idea, I bring us back to our suburb during the journey I start to put my hand on her thighs she lets herself go and begins to spread her thighs she puts her hand on my cock which hardens more and more she tells me if I can remove my pants to let my cock breathe (these are her words). 'A6 motorway I get sucked, her mouth is hot, she strokes my balls at the same time.We stop in a parking lot and there she reveals her superb body, very pretty breasts, very hard nipples, a fully shaved pussy, I eat her little apricot she wet I strip like crazy she comes to ride on my cock. she sets the pace I eat her breasts she moans then screams louder and louder I moan too I hold her by the hips gives her butt kicks I'm going to explode inside her, my cum squirts inside her.Straddling her she sets the pace I eat her breasts she moans then screams louder and louder I moan too I hold her by the hips kick her butt I'm going to explode inside her, ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Asian