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Trio HHF - Surprise for Madam

Publié par : gege57100 le 24/09/2020

For several days Madame had wanted us to meet a man in order to make a trio.This man must have been, at the very least, bi-curious.We therefore prospected on several libertine sites, including "placesdedrague" and found a few candidates. Unfortunately, most were in a relationship and could not be free in the evening. Others had professional imperatives. So our search was in vain ... The next morning, I remembered a man we had met at a multi party in the region, with whom I had discussed at length about bisexuality and remembered that he was tempted by a first discovery of this area which was part of his fantasies.So I made contact with him via his libertine file. Unfortunately he could not be released early this Wednesday evening. Still missed. In the morning, I received a message from him telling me that he could be at my house around 6 p.m. He had a 1 hour drive to come.I informed madam, by text message, that I had found without telling her who was to come.After work, she came to my house directly (we don't live together). She wanted to start the festivities in the meantime. A fter having showered, she informed me that she was going to pee and that she wanted her to wipe her pussy with my tongue in order to taste the last drops. Of course, I accepted since I love it.Then she offered to make me wear stockings with a garter belt. I informed him that I did not know if our host would appreciate seeing a man thus undressed. So this idea was abandoned.Madame got ready very sexy, without underwear, just a dress that showed a small part of her buttocks and her pussy.We waited for my guest to arrive.When he arrived, he started by rolling a hell of a skate to Madame. I had planned an aperitif dinner.By the time I brought the food back to the living room, he was already on his knees licking and fingering her.I continued my service while watching him have fun. Madame asked me for a moment to come and suck it in order to shape it. I walked over, undid his pants and pulled down his pants and started sucking him greedily. It didn't take long to get hard. I continued my setting up then it was he who had to make me the same. All this under the mischievous eyes of Madame.The 3 of us had fun for a good time, punctuated by aperitif breaks. Madame had two orgasms before we went up to the bedroom.We climbed.Madame made us lie on the bed ass to ass so that she could take our cocks in the mouth at the same time. It was excellent. Meanwhile, our host was searching her pussy and I was searching her ass. He got to the point of fisting her. Ella cummed again and flooded the sheets.We gave her time to regain consciousness before continuing to take care of her. She asked us to suck each other so as not to lose our strength, which we did with pleasure.The idea occurred to him that our host take my ass. I handed him a condom while I lubricated myself. Unfortunately, like many men, the condom effect makes sex softer. So impossible to penetrate me. So I'm still a virgin with a real cock in my ass.We resumed the festivity at 3. And the same punishment, he could n ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Mature, Submission/domination, Uro/Scat, Threesomes