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The touching of my aunt ...

Publié par : enviintense le 13/10/2015

This story dates from more than 10 years ago, I was still a child I was about 7/8 years old. My aunt would come to sleep with my parents on weekends but as the house was small she had to sleep with me. At the time she must have been around 20 years old, she was a very beautiful woman, but at the time I did not realize it I was a child who only thought of cartoons and playing with my toys, I was far from thinking about sex lol. Now when I look at the photos from before I say to myself yes she was a very beautiful woman. One Saturday evening she was sleeping with me, she took my hand and puts my hand on her breasts, but it was very brief, she had a very beautiful breast. But me, as I was a child, it didn't bother me. (We had to speak very quietly because there were my sisters in the next room.) I didn't realize how lucky I was. Then we fell asleep and the weekend went normally.The following week-end rebelotte, arrived in bed she remakes me touched her breasts, and I made myself "happy" I really felt myself ... She said nothing to me I will show you something ...She grabbed my hand and put it on her thigh, she made me stroke her thigh, then she took my hand and put it on her penis, and I got scared, I touched her fleece ... did not know at the time that a woman had hair ... And I did not want to touch that evening. In sho ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Masturbation, Teens, First time, European