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The end of a duet

Publié par : gynesexuel le 23/01/2022

There are stories that only have one chapter so desperate that it falls into the basket of things not to remember, the thing to do especially not to redo, or even both. With my submissive Dominique (Tv), we have only one idea after having written the second volume, it is to get to work for the third with the ad-hoc means.The plan is to meet in the parking lot of the sauna "Le 9" in Le Cannet, to go shopping together and then to spend part of the afternoon in the sauna after 3rd sex. The evening before, I learn that the sauna is closed for a few days and it is difficult to contact my chip because of Madame (His wife, for those who have not read my previous writings). I still set off a little ahead of my scheduled time. She calls me shortly before my LPG refueling. We change the meeting place, the usual car park. On the spot, once a problem of lost lace glove solved, object that Madame must not find in any case, we take the direction of a shop that I had visited alone in Villeneuve Loubet during a previous business trip. We stayed there for a while as the task was a bit complicated. Giving a semblance of breasts… After many fittings, under the gaze of the saleswoman, delighted to see such an unusual duo so comfortable, we find what we're looking for. The silhouette is more feminine, natural without excess. For my part, for the little story, I panicked the staff a little by announcing that licking does not cause me too many worries, but I do not find the taste of the lubricant sometimes pre-applied average average. Another area that is more natural and will be confirmed throughout the day is our relationship. Don't get me wrong, it was good before, it's even better. The stress of the first meeting is far away, the second went wonderfully, and the chat and telephone exchanges, because yes, we sometimes use this means, result in confirming our complicity. We leave the shop and during the trip we talk about a lot of things including my defect… My hairiness. Because yes, even if I did a pruning so that it didn't look like the virgin forest, it was far from being a lunar landscape. I, who intended to keep this for the sauna, am announcing that I declared war on my natural thermal insulation some time ago. For her part, she tells me of her desire to have her makeup done like a lady in an institute. I find this attitude worthy of a woman who wants to please, who takes care of herself, and fatally in contradiction with one of my neighbors whom I meet, dress, thong socks, without equaling the good taste of her boyfriend who swaps the dress for her in profile a zebra bathrobe. Dominique, it is confirmed, is a happiness of a sexy woman, not painful at all. Oh yes ! I didn't tell you where we are going: Cap 3000, a large shopping center with lots of people. We are moving up a gear by abandoning places that are a little specialized or not very frequented for our first walkabout. Dominique has a black collar with ring in addition to being dressed to highlight the splendor of her legs. If the goal is to drive the males present as much crazy as their girls who aren't as well shaped in the end, we've come to the right place. Besides, we are still sometimes loudly noticed. We do a few boutiques, mostly shoes. Not only… At a luxury brand, After having put aside a little make-up, a salesman, probably gay, offers to test the brand's products on Dominique. She is entitled to something quite advanced, lipstick and pencil, foundation, powder, pencil to intensify the look. She is worried about the time it takes because I am only a spectator, but this moment is for her, if not in the institute, she is dolled up and she finds a certain pleasure in it. Vendors discreetly revel in this unusual spectacle. A lady takes advantage of it much closer and talks to us a little… She is right, in addition, it will give her a crisp subject of conversation when having tea with friends. Made up and happy with the result, we're looking for stockings… This saleswoman, who doesn't suspect anything at first, is surprised to learn that Dominique is one of those women who have something extra. Destabilized, she skates a little in the semolina for a short time, I love it. We leave and on the way. Dominique calls Madam to tell her that she will be back later, our moments together, even apps are so intense that time passes quickly. We stop to share a gourmet coffee so as not to be completely empty stomach alone, like everyone else. We head to our final destination, the Klub, libertine sauna in Fréjus for a first visit.We enter and pay the couple rate. I leave to undress and I show myself stark naked. A couple, Germans do the same, we hardly exchange a few words. Despite the extra time obtained, we don't have more than that. Wanting to be punished, I take the culprit to the friendly area to put some atmosphere. Problem, Dominique is only adorable… It is with absolute bad faith that I ask her to put her hands against a wall and punish her for having lied to Madame with a few paddle strokes under the amused gaze of the people who were there. However, no one flinched… Too bad. We install you in one of the rooms and I ask him to get on all fours on the bed, me standing at the edge. However, I do not ask him to show me his butt but it mouth. I don't know if it's the bestial side of the position, the view of her buttocks, the sensations provided, but I find this configuration excellent. Determined to also have her dose of delicate attentions, my greedy presents me with her buttocks which I ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, BDSM, Trav, Threesomes