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The bourgeois and the virgin (Part 6).

Publié par : elleetmoi75 le 31/05/2021

It's been three days since I sucked Florian well, in the middle of the night, making him believe that I was half asleep and that it was François my husband that I thought was with me. Every morning, I make sure to let her see the top of my legs when we have breakfast and there is always at least one of my little thongs lying around in the bathroom that we share.On this Saturday morning, like two weeks ago, I asked him if he would like to accompany me to the gym again. He answered yes because he did not have time to go for a run this week after his working day. So here we are both sweating in the gym among twenty other people. Instead, he does weight training in one corner while I do cardio training in the other end. After a good hour, Florian comes to join me and says - Hélène, I think I'm going to go do a little hammam to relax a little. The last time, it did me a lot of good.- Go ahead, I said, I'll join you in about ten minutes.Then I continue a few exercises so as to let him think that he does not occupy my thoughts too much.When I in turn enter the hammam, he is alone and is lying on his back on one of the tiled benches and has his eyes closed. I sit next to him, on the side of his head then, after two or three minutes, I lean towards him and slip to his ear - It's dangerous what you're doing !!! A stranger might surprise you and take the opportunity.Without opening his eyes, he replies - I don't think that's the style of the establishment. We are not at the Pigalle hammam in front of which we passed the other day.I replied - Yes, you are certainly right. However, stay with your eyes closed, who knows ...Then I get up, walk towards the door, open it but close it without leaving the room. Then, after two minutes without moving, I open the door and close it as if someone had just entered the hammam. I'm going to sit on the same side as before, but this time at Florian's feet, still lying with his eyes closed.I wait a few moments then extend my arm in the direction of Florian's sex and put my hand on it. My nephew flinches a little but stays in the same position. My fingers close on its rod and I slowly start a few back and forth movements, looking closely at the access door so as to stop me if we enter. The tail of my nephew is slowly growing in my hand and he accompanies my wrist movements with a few movements of the lower abdomen. I bring my fingers to my mouth and moisten them well with saliva then, with the tips of my very wet fingers, I remove his penis and start to stroke his turgid mushroom. He must appreciate the caresses that I lavish on him because his cock is now well bandaged and reached beautiful proportions. I accelerate the movement and I suddenly see his lower abdomen come to rest and tense up. Without making any noise, forgetting the risk of being caught in an awkward position, I quickly lean towards her penis and take his penis in the mouth. It was about time because here he was discharging long jets of hot semen. I do not miss a drop and savor the precious liquid on the palate before swallowing it. Florian still has his eyelids closed, I kiss him on the mouth to give him the taste of his cum. When I leave the hammam, his eyes are always closed. I kiss him on the mouth to give him the taste of his cum. When I leave the hammam, his eyes are always closed. I kiss him on the mouth to give him the taste of his cum. When I leave the hammam, his eyes are always closed.Ten minutes later, we are outside and walk back to the apartment without him telling me about his adventure in the hammam. While I am putting away the few errands I have made along the way in the kitchen, Florian goes to the living room where his uncle is working at the computer. When I find them in this room, I ask François if he can put a little moisturizer on my back because my skin is a little dry. Without raising his head from his screen, he answers me - I'm sorry darling but I must imperatively complete this work before noon and send it by email. Florian, will you do your aunt a favor?And here is the nephew who follows me in our room where, once arrived, I take a tube of cream on my dressing table and hands him. Then, turning my back to him, I take off my tracksuit top and my bra then lie ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Teens