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The bourgeois and the virgin (Part 5)

Publié par : elleetmoi75 le 11/05/2021

It's 8:30 p.m. and I'm going to go to bed hoping that the second part of the shot, this time imagined by me, will go well. To hand Florian again after his little voyeurism session last night, I send him a quick text message “Florian, your uncle confirmed his return around 1:30 am. So you can enjoy your evening with friends. I go to bed. See you tomorrow ". In less than five seconds I received his response “Good night Hélène. Sweet dreams… ".Like the night before, I choose to wear the little almost transparent black nightie that Florian helped me choose in the store in Pigalle. I lightly perfume myself and slip under the duvet. I take my novel from the bedside table and browse a few pages. It's not easy concentrating on reading a detective story by Mary Higgins Clark when all your senses crave one thing, to feel your nephew's naked body close to you in the marital bed. So I end up putting my book down and just watch some television. Around 10 p.m., I finally decide to turn off the light and fall asleep very quickly.The sound of a bolt suddenly wakes me from my sleep, I quickly look at the fluorescent indications of my alarm clock: 10:45 p.m. So it is not François but Florian who comes home. I fall back into a semblance of sleep in the event that he takes a bite of the hook. I hear him take a shower then silence falls. After ten minutes or so, I tell myself that he will not dare to come back to my room as he did the day before, following François's instructions. Suddenly, the door to my bedroom opens slowly and someone stealthily steps towards my bed. My heart starts to beat harder, yet I have to control myself to give the change and make him believe that I am sleeping soundly under the effect of the sleeping pills that I am supposed to take every night before going to bed. The quilt rises slightly then a body slips next to mine. Nothing happens for two or three minutes, the rascal still hesitates. Here he is finally emboldened, his body is closer to mine and a hand caresses me gently, we should not break the spell of the moment by a few sudden movements. The body comes even closer and sticks to my back. I guess a stiff tail in my kidneys, my palpitations increase. But I don't want to give him everything tonight, it has to be gradual so that his desire for me increases every day when he sees me. I want to make the pleasure last because once I have taken her virginity, it won't be so exciting! his body approaches mine and a hand gently caresses me, we should not break the spell of the moment by a few sudden movements. The body comes even closer and sticks to my back. I guess a stiff tail in my kidneys, my palpitations increase. But I don't want to give him everything tonight, it has to be gradual so that his desire for me increases every day when he sees me. I want to make the pleasure last because once I have taken her virginity, it won't be so exciting! his body approaches mine and a hand gently caresses me, we should not break the spell of the moment by a few sudden movements. The body comes even closer and sticks to my back. I guess a stiff tail in my kidneys, my palpitations increase. But I don't want to give him everything tonight, it has to be gradual so that his desire for me increases every day when he sees me. I want to make the pleasure last because once I have taken her virginity, it won't be so exciting! But I don't want to give him everything tonight, it has to be gradual so that his desire for me increases every day when he sees me. I want to make the pleasure last because once I have taken her virginity, it won't be so exciting! But I don't want to give him everything tonight, it has to be gradual so that his desire for me increases every day when he sees me. I want to make the pleasure last because once I have taken her virginity, it won't be so exciting!Still pretending to be asleep, I turn to face Florian. Then, as if I were in a half-sleep, I press myself close to him and say - Oh, François, you came back!Then, I kiss her on the mouth and my hand slides towards her sex.Florian lets himself go without saying anything, his tail hardened quickly under my caresses and he made a few movements of the pelvis as if to masturbate in my hand. I continue my cinema as a sleeping wife delighted with the return of her husband - You seem to have missed me. Wait, I'll take care of you a bit.I slip under the duvet and lay my head on her stomach. I stroke her scholarships while exciting h ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Teens