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Surprises...taken from SAM (continued)

Publié par : bisenviede66 le 12/12/2023

Hello everyone for your notes.As promised I will tell you about our Sunday which followed the evening and the (calm) night.End of evening I get up and join him in bed, everyone has left and I haven't heard anything.Me: Thank you Sam for this evening and I kiss him as I fall asleep again!!!It is Sunday morning, I open one eye and being turned towards the side of the bed, I feel a presence behind me thinking that it is Sam outside a hand that is not his caresses my back, my buttocks come land on my cock!!Oops !! I turn around and find myself facing the woman I made “love” with the day before.Me: "Hello, did you stay after the party?? Her: "Yes because I'm Lucie, Sam's wife!" Me: "Nice to meet you, He knows you're in my bed?" Her: "Actually it's Sam and I's bed. You slept most of the night against him and so did I!” Me: “Sorry!Her: “Don’t be, he went to prepare breakfast and I wanted to stay next to you!”I respond with a smile then she kisses me.We get up and go to the bathroom. A bath is already ready in the bathtub with 2 bathrobes. We crawl in together and start washing each other and we caress each other more than we wash!!!I don't know if it's the bath water but it's starting to get hot between us when suddenly!Sam's head appears and tells us, laughing, "You lovebirds aren't going to do this without me, but I'm hungry; so let's eat!"We dry off with Lucie and head to the kitchen where the table is covered with food. (Too strong this SAM) We have lunch while chatting as if we have known each other for years!We end up with a coffee on the sofa, all three of us in open bathrobes revealing our nudity and Sam is already in good shape. We Sam and I next to each other and (kindly) orders Lucie to take care of us.That’s good, she says, because I’m still hungry (laughing).She then begins to caress our sexes and begins to suck us greedily. We are hard-on and our cocks are very hard and stiff. Sam gets up and asks me to lie down and tells Lucie to impale herself on my cock, no need to tell her twice!!!Then I see Sam with gel, he puts it on his penis and his wife's ass!!Don't move anymore, he ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Mature, Odors, Uro/Scat