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suck and cum games (continued)

Publié par : bipassif03 le 11/10/2021

Here is the rest of my journey before returning home. So after emptying these beautiful tails and having taken full in the face and mouth. I thus passed myself a blow of wipes on the face and put back my shorts and my shirt and directed me towards my car in order to travel the 300 kms which separate me from my house. so crossing the wood that separates me from the parking lot, I met a man who has my sight stroked the package through shorts, so I stopped and directly put my hand on the penis and felt a beautiful bump, I So unbuttoned his shorts which fell on his ankles and discovered a nice thick cock that only wanted to grow, I knelt and took it immediately in the mouth, my tongue circled around the large acorn which was more and more hard and had reached his waist, not very long but very thick, I was busy doing good come and go with my mouth, alternating with a good jerk off, my partner seemed to enjoy this moment, his sighs and groans already said a lot, I felt his pleasure accelerate under my assiduous eagerness to give him this pleasure, I hardly warned youhe was going to come, just had time to take his cock in my mouth that I felt a long and big very powerful jet hit the back of my throat and flood my mouth, I swallowed everything and continued to suck the last drops of his juicy fair sex, he thanked me, pulled up his shorts and we separated, so I returned to my car and took the way home. After a few kilometers I decided to stop at a small rest area that I had spotted in relation to the site but where I had never had any luck finding a queue or anything else. This time there was a car to stop and in it there were apparently 2 men, I was parked behind this car, I went down to make a need ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Threesomes