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Sauna afternoon

Publié par : gillesmas le 01/12/2015

Monday 23 November 2015 I decided to go spend the afternoon in a Pau sauna.I am at the opening time (2 p.m.) in front of the door, the manager opens his establishment, once I have paid the entrance fee, direction the clothing cabins .... For the moment I am everything alone, but the doorbell rang several times, so there are people entering. A single man, in his forties, handsome, blond hair, good build, well trimmed ..... A couple is not long in joining the locker room, she is a beautiful woman, a little round but a chest to make all men who love them dream. big breasts 90E and with 15mm nipples .... Direction showers, impeccable hygiene, I reach the first floor, I stop for a few seconds at the cinema, two screenings, one straight and the second gay .... ... I continue towards the sauna ... I hear footsteps behind me,They enter a cabin with holes, the blonde goes around to offer his cock to this beautiful woman and I go into the cabin, her husband is on his knees eating her pussy, she pumps the blonde's beautiful cock and I start to lick her breasts .... it does not last long, the couple decides to leave this cabin to join another more comfortable with a bed.They ask us to follow them and here we are all four, naked in this room ... she lies down, the blonde licks her vulva, she pumps her companion and to me she jerks me off ... the blonde shrugs off of a condom and takes her legs in the air ..... she will not be ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Threesomes