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Professional relationship

Publié par : bonau44 le 19/10/2020

Here are my training dates on Vannes are fixed, as agreed with customer contacts I send a little email to confirm that I would be well on Vannes and that we can possibly meet one evening for a drink and finally get to know one another. Answer during the day, ok for the appointment, remains to be confirmed who will be there and the place of our appointment.The day before my departure for my training, an email from one of the secretaries confirms to me that we will be 3 to come (2 women and a man) the place and time.On the big day, I go there in the center of the city, when I arrive on the square I scan the place to try to identify my contacts, not easy there are people and we do not know each other physically. My phone rings, Sandra who asks me if I have arrived, "yes I am in the square" they too are there and we therefore end up not finding each other. After the usual trivialities we will sit down at a table. The girls I see every day on the phone are rather charming (it even confuses me a little), in their forties, Sandra quite slender and Mélanie a little more coated.After a few drinks I ask them if we are having dinner together. Sandra has to go home but Jacques and Mélanie accept the idea. Sandra leaves us a priori with regret.The choice of restaurant is made, we sit down alone on one side, Mélanie facing me and Jacques by her side. We order our dishes and the aperitif. The discussion turns mainly on the job until Jacques says “enough to talk about job now”.So we talk about our respective lives or I learn that they are respectively divorced. As the conversation progresses, I notice that Mélanie is staring at me more and more and this will be confirmed when I feel her foot rubbing my leg and the way it's done it's not by accident, I'm confused and pleasantly surprised. I do not know if Jacques without seeing but he tells us that he will have to leave us, so we decide to pay the bill, once outside. We greet each other, I'm still troubled by Melanie's signs and I don't know how to try to extend the evening with her while remaining discreet. In the end, luck will do things, we are parked in the same parking lot. So we go together to join the cars, arrived in the parking lot, I start "nice your little kicks at the restaurant" and the direct "I would like to end the evening with you, but at home I can't have my son", she said to me. I must seem surprised because immediately she recovered and said "excuse me, it bothers you" in response to her words I approach her and kiss her full on the mouth. I invite him to come to my hotel room. We have barely entered the room when she takes off her skirt and sweater to reveal to me a pretty blue lingerie set that highlights her curves. I do the same to find myself in my underwear, she takes out condoms from her bag, telling me "you must always plan" with a big smile. We kiss and I push her on the bed I slide gently down her body to reach her crotch which she opens immediately saying "yes go ahead lick me" in a slightly authoritative tone, which I don't mind. . I remove her panties to discover her penis and a nice tri ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, European, Married, At work