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Not too keen but surprise

Publié par : oqpassion le 08/03/2021

Hello, I live in the Yvelines and am married with very hot inclinations to you gentlemen.Four to five years ago on a hot summer, even too hot, I started looking for a plan.Despite a nickname without a photo, a guy in his forties contacted me. At the first approach, he is passive and seeks a mature man and he receives. I am not very tempted and my other research is unsuccessful; So I make up my mind and go for this meeting fixed in a parking lot not far from his home after the exchange of our 06. I will hide his first name and I name him C. Arrived there, a tall guy is waiting for me there. seems nondescript. I say to myself: let's go.At his place, we begin with an exchange of very hot kisses. I feel his tongue mingle with mine. Then C. leads me to a cozy room under the roof. The intense heat reigning there only increases our mutual desires tenfold. By stripping C., I discover a superb muscular guy just enough, hairless and member of a beautiful circumcised penis. Once bare, I start to lick his small nipples and he seems to enjoy.I go slowly down to her lower abdomen to taste her beautiful, well-trained cock. With the tip of my tongue, I lick his foreskin and then swallow his penis for a good blowjob and especially lick the frenulum of his tight cock. I hear him moan softly. I go back to his greedy mouth to kiss him.I feel down in turn to give me a delicious blowjob. I already have a very stiff band. C. leads me to the bed where we continue with a royal 69. We both moan with pleasure.I can no longer refrain from licking his washer that I feel open under my licks. Licking a very clean washer gives me pleasure tenfold the bandage of my tail and ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy