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My military sexevice -chapter 1

Publié par : jeep78 le 25/11/2015

A long time ago, like all my generation, I did my military service in the army in a regiment whose number and location I will not mention. Where, should I say my military sexevice. It was at this time that I, despite myself at the beginning, had relations with men. Considering my Catholic education, I never imagined that. But it was without counting on the permanent promiscuity with men, the sexual frustration, the hierarchical pressure of the officers and finally of my impulses. Afterwards, ignoring this time like many, I got married and had a tidy life. That too was before the sexual drama that overwhelms many of us in life at one point. But, that's another story and today, This first story took place in an office of the general staff occupied by the officer in charge of the agenda of the colonel Chef de corps of this regiment. So I'm sweeping this room when this officer walks into his office. He does not find the room clean and decides to fine the troufion that I represent for him: it follows a soldier physically forced to bend over, face against the desk, his ass behind his pants down and being submitted by this pig in disguise. Impressed and totally paralyzed, I don't know what to do: during this time he takes out a condom from its upper drawer, which he quickly takes out of its packaging to cover the top of the broom handle. The idea, you got it, is to get it to me Very slowly, he positions this handle a little flat to warm my rosette, and suddenly, it's not unpleasant. Then continue by accelerating the movement, which Has the consequence of making me accelerate the breathing ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Sodomy, Teens, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, At work