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my beautiful daughter aurelie 3

Publié par : jesuisbi le 10/03/2018

This afternoon of February 8, 2018, I decided to go to my beautiful daughter's house, I knew she wasn't working as I told her the last time that I would come and fuck her when I wanted to, and that I had clearly seen that her I was quite exited to have said that I said to myself why not try to surprise her so I arrive in front of her door and I saw that there was her car in front of it so I waited for someone to enter the building like her. not had to ring the intercom I went straight to her house and the door was locked so I rang it opens and she was really surprised to see me, she was just dressed in vulgar jogging and not very sexy t-shirt I gave her kiss him and say quite simply that I had an hour to kill so I went by,by asking her if it is not disturbing her she tells me that no but her seeing herself well she was upset because she was not hair or dress, she asks me if I wanted a coffee I tell her that no but that I hope to have something else and then she blushed and told me that we should stop everything that the idiots had done, so I don't answer it seriously hurt anyone I take her by the waist and take off the T-shirt she lets herself be done she has a bra underneath that brings up those 90 c breasts;then I lower her jogging she wears very simple panties but she starts to shake a little she shivers under my fingers so I think she will let herself be dominated once again I run my hand through her panties she wet a little already she sticks to me I undo her bra and her breasts which fall and rub against my thorax I already have a hard-on like crazy I'm completely naked she tells me to stop what has the rules she withdraws my hand so I see what really does not want I ask her if she wa ...

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Keywords : Hetero, Teens, Mature