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Meeting at "Noz" "

Publié par : popperschaud le 01/05/2021

we talk a little level sex plan if it works and he takes out his phone and says to me "I will connect if you want we can dial a little" I answer him "ok". we quit after a few minutes I go out and connect and indeed he is connected he has already sent me an explicit message "I want to suck". I answer him "ok.derriere at Noz's there is a small wood if you want we find it there." I go into the woods and after a few minutes I see him arrive "I am exiting it exite me outdoors" arrived at my height without a word he begins to caress me through my jogging which soon makes me hard and I do the same and I feel his cock already quite stiff. after a few minutes I lower my jogging does the same to him and we begin to stroke each other by touching our two acorns "hummmmmm too good". After a few minutes he kneels and runs his tongue along my stiff cock before introducing it gently into her very hot mouth. I told him "hummmm c good you suck well" which must excite him because he accelerates the pace a little. I tell him "go slowly c too good" I did not want to send the mashed too quickly. I tell him "get up I'm going to jerk your big cock" (and it's true that he has a nice and big cock at least 18 cm) he does it I place myself on his right side and I start to jerk off. he strip re ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job