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improvised trio

Publié par : chomenx le 06/09/2022

Hello, at the end of August I was on vacation by the sea, one evening my wife said to me: I would like to go for a walk but not in town rather by the sea. You should know that despite my many requests she did not never agreed to naughty several We left by car and I suggested that we go to a beach which I knew was a meeting place as soon as night fell.Arrived on the spot I park so as to see the movements of the cars which stop or pass slowly.Of course my wife understands quickly and tells me that it is out of the question to do this to several people.To this I answer OK I lock the doors and at the same time lower my shorts and ask her for a treat, hesitant at first she starts to suck me and I feel that the excitement is rising in her, I ask her to undress and put on in a doggy style position so that the voyeurs can enjoy the show, which she did immediately, throwing at me "kind of hello, you're turning me on like never before. Then she resumed sucking me even more, I caressed her buttocks and her buttocks . moaned more and more Taken in the excitement I had not seen that three men were watching the show while masturbating.At that moment she raised her head and realized that we were being watched, I expected her to say to me "we're going in, I don't like it" on the contrary she said to me "unlock the doors that 'they all fuck me that's what you always wanted'.Taken aback I told the one who was on the passenger side to come and eat her pussy and ass and fuck her like a female dog, the man complied immediately and he had barely put his mouth on her sex in her. searching with her tongue she let go of my cock and ordered me to get out of the car to be replaced by another voyeur whom she took in th ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, First time, European, Threesomes