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Easter weekend 1

Publié par : julera le 15/07/2023

After several family reunions for painful events, all my maternal family decided to make a cousinade because being all geographically distant we saw each other almost only for funerals. A cousin and an aunt managed the organization and the Easter weekend was chosen allowing everyone to travel while enjoying a long weekend. With Bretons, Nantes, Savoyards and Nice, the center of France has been chosen for this event. The Massif Central here we come. I will quickly introduce everyone so that you are not too lost. The Bretons are represented by my single mother divorced from my deceased father whose name is Gwenaëlle, 65 years old who lives in Vannes. The second Breton is me, I recently left Nantes to return to Morbihan following the death of my father (we will talk about my situation later), my name is Chris, 36 years old. For Les Nantais there is my uncle Jean Pierre 63 years old, brother of my mother as well as his wife Paulette 65 years old. Their two children Maxence 32 years old and Sophie 37 years old with their respective spouses and three grandchildren in total. We also have the Savoyards with my cousin Philippe 41 years old and my cousin Manon 38 years old, children of my late uncle and aunt. Philippe is married to Sybille and they have two teenage daughters. Manon introduces us to her darling Alex this weekend. And finally there are four of the people of Nice, my aunt Émilie, my mother's younger sister, 54, her husband Éric of the same age and their two children Léa, 23, and Julien, 21. I am going to introduce myself Chris, bisexual from Nantes for a long time and knowing certain places of amusement in Nantes well, my life changed drastically a few months ago. My single father died and left me a small financial and real estate fortune to the chagrin of my mother who had nothing. I have always worked but there, seeing the capital, I decided to stop my activity and become an annuitant thanks to investments in real estate. I live very comfortably, not enough to buy a yacht but enough to have a good life. I moved to southern Morbihan. The people of Nantes don't worry, I come back often. I acquired a nice property and a nice car, I take advantage of my land and my dogs only real caprice with my car. Anyway, back to this Easter weekend. My cousin Léa is a law student in Paris. She had just broken up with her darling, her driver for the weekend and she was exceptionally in Nantes for a legal case that she is studying as part of her master's degree. The people of Nantes have the cars already full so it's up to me to get Léa back. Little presentation of Léa who will be the second important character of this weekend even if I didn't know when I left. Intelligent to wish, impertinent and princess on the edges, she shines in her university course. Physically, she is very tall, 1m78 (we are tall in the family), very fine, long wavy brown hair, very elegant with a mischievous gaze, well-perched buttocks and a small chest. A golden tan that she acquired during her childhood in the Mediterranean and that she did not lose by going to Paris. She's not really my favorite type of woman, but she's pretty, that's undeniable. So I'm in charge of picking up the little cousin from a friend who hosted him this week. I hit the road at the end of the morning at the wheel of my whim, a powerful coupé with a three-pointed star for those who are interested. Arrived in Nantes around 1 p.m., I spot Léa at the meeting point loaded as not allowed. We hug each other, we're so happy to see each other, she's radiant. In my arms, I feel like I have a twig. Let's get back to her job, I tell her: ''Everything will never fit'' She has never seen my amg and did not understand the reduced side of my vehicle. After 15 minutes of negotiation and despite her doe eyes, she leaves a suitcase at her friend's house and here we are on the road. At the first roar of my car, Léa panics a little and I admit it makes me laugh a little. Went for more than 5 hours. I hadn't paid attention to my cousin's outfit until now. The promiscuity of the cockpit helping, I can detail it behind my sunglasses. She wears high waisted black canvas shorts that leave her endless legs bare and a braless crop top covered by a very short denim jacket. Her thin nipples pierce the fabric of her top which does not leave me indifferent. It attracts me a little too much to see something that I had never known either for her or for any woman in my family. To chase this view from my head, I focus on the road and start the discussion with my cousin to find out how she is doing. We talk quickly about her studies, she explains to me the case that she came to Nantes to study a business to finalize her Master's degree and get out of Paris. The discussion quickly switches to his recent split. It is the first time for Léa to be the person who is left. She has always had the habit of being eaten out of her hand and she has always led her conquests by the nose. She begins a session of intellectual self-flagellation. I try to reassure her as best I can even if I remain convinced that when she says she is annoying there is no exaggeration because she is a bit of a princess. Her sadness, despite her character, pains me and then she's my little cousin so she has the right to be boring. I mechanically try to give her my sympathy and to console her, to put my hand on her thigh to pat and comfort her. The result is not the one expected because immediately I feel a tension that is not very healthy. I immediately withdraw my hand to shorten the discomfort as quickly as possible. This contact electrified me, I have the impression that it gave a blow of heat to Léa who was surprised. I decide to focus on the road. My passenger begins to fall asleep lulled by the hum of the vehicle. I don't know if it's fatigue or embarrassment but I feel very stupid. Two hours later it's time for the gasoline and cigarette break. When I stop the car at the station, Sleeping Beauty comes out of her slumber. I pay for a round of coffee and we go out for me to smoke my cig. Léa asks me for one, I didn't know she was a smoker but why not. The motorway service area is crowded, I make a few strokes of humor on this or that customer which helps to break the slight distance with Léa who had settled in and we start laughing. When we reach the car, a father shows his little boy my vehicle. When we arrived, the father apologized for the inconvenience, I told him right away that there was no problem. Seeing the stars in the little boy's eyes, I suggest that the father get the little one in and start the car. The little boy is in heaven, the father takes a picture and thanks me. To conclude this exchange, I put on a light boost of gas which makes the engine roar for the greatest pleasure of the kid and mine. The little family moves away and Léa rooms me, saying that it's a bit of a car, and anything but practical. Apparently she hasn't forgotten her suitcase yet to stay with her friend. We have two hours to go. Back on the highway, the ice is broken, the discomfort gone and Léa asks me about how I have been doing since the famous death and noting that I have mourned, she begins to ask me questions about what I am doing. of my days because everyone in my family knows that I kinda gave up on everything. I explain to him that my father's death was a trigger. My father worked himself to death and I decided not to do the same. Then my cousin starts asking me about my love life. Being single, I explain to him that I live and that I enjoy life. She makes fun of me and my car saying that flirting has to help. I tell him that the motorbike works better but to bring suitcases and a little cousin who is a little too curious, it's more complicated. We laugh and we take back in heart the songs that parade from my playlist. As we arrive at the hamlet, Léa asks me to park as so ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Teens, Forty, European, Cousins