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De-virginity at 17

Publié par : adilater le 03/07/2020

he approaches and says to me, stroking my back "you want me to rub your back disturbed I don't know what to say, he spread my hand, squatted down and took my cock in my mouth (it was the first time). I started to bend very hard and by dint of these back and forth in his mouth I enjoy thoroughly. He swallowed everything moans "humm too good your juice, turn around I'll wash your buttocks" not knowing what answer I do it and I feel his fingers caressing my anus then a penetrated me he took shower gel and introduced me two fingers, I bandaged again and he saw it "tell me? you seem to like it? Flirty "at the time of answering I felt his huge cock seeking entry to my orifice, he slipped to my ear" let yourself be done, I will do you good, you will? " At the end of my internship we had sex almost every day, we met on weekends in nature. It was very intense then I went to the army where I remained very straight, when I was returned my tutor had moved to the south. I have never had this news since. The year of my 17 years was for me a discovery of pleasure between men that I enjoyed without continuing to look for meetings I was interested in women and it is that at the age of 21 I had ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Ados, Mature, First time, At work, Threesomes