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crowded metro

Publié par : latino le 09/01/2020

Everything happened 1 evening after work.I take the metro to motte picquet (paris 15), the wagon is crowded.1 man older than me in very colorful clothes sticks to me.This does not bother me because I love this kind of situation, I start to bend, he sticks more and more on me I feel his penis under his swollen shorts, so I naturally lower my hand to his penis and caress him discreetly in hope no one sees our little merry-go-round.I turn to him I introduce myself and he does the same. I tell him that I go down to Antony incredible him too.He asks me if I want to go to his place to get to know better, of course I accept so excited.Arrived in his apartment I discover that there is already someone.We make the presentation then my host invites me into his room, we kiss I undress him quickly, I have already taken off my clothes, my cock is stiff and my penis is fully inflated, he sucks me puts on a condom and me ask to fuck him, which I do without hesitation after enjoying he call his friend this one come and suck me to give me back my vigor my cock straightens up without problem I file his buttocks while his friend licks my ass I follow to the angels I enjoy several times and then I watch them suck each other (superb 69).Then we go for a drink in the living room we discuss everything and nothing and we put the table back on the carpet I fuck like never before, we admire each other in the living room mirror, I moan they take turns sucking me and licking me the ass hummm I love it.I have to leave we meet for a next fuck, this time if we meet in 1 bar for a game of pool.Seeing them hold the pool cues I feel my penis swollen. So I come behind them and stick to their little asses so welcomin ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Trav, Threesomes