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Completely crazy evening at the hotel

Publié par : sodomysemoi88 le 21/02/2021

I'm going to tell you my story that happened at the hotel not long ago;I must have stayed not too far from the border because I was on call, so I had to go to the hotel for the weekend because it was too cold to stay in my van, arrived at the hotel, I go to my room and when I can and according to the place and the hotel where I am, it is to leave my thongs clearly visible on the bed or the table, and also one or more toys dildo, vibrator , etc ... I had just left my thongs and one of my dildos in plain view, with a little note for the housekeeper or the housekeeper saying that if he or she would eventually be up for me break your ass I'll be there, (yes I know it was risky but I like to take risks and that whatever it is, of course always most of the risks that I take remain partly well thought out well in short), and so on Saturday morning after breakfast, I go to do some shopping, with everything I said, thong, dildo apparent, and the little note, when I come back no questions, no comments from anyone either at the entrance, so I go back to my room, the cleaning was done and there I even see that my thongs were folded and placed carefully on my backpack that is to say, when I notice that we m 'left an answer to my little note, telling me that she was unfortunately not interested even if the idea would not displease her, on the other hand if I wanted to she knew people to come and broke my ass and why left my bedroom door open in the evening after 9 p.m. and wait in a thong on all fours on the bed, so what did I do, 9 p.m. a little stressed I left the door in opened,and I got on all fours on the bed, 9:10 p.m. still nothing, I told myself in fact that nothing will happen, 9:30 p.m. still nothing, so in the meantime I started to play alone with my dildo like j I used to do it, I started to dildo my ass, when I heard someone arrive in the hallway, I thought to myself maybe another hotel guest, I So I continued to ride my dildo the excitement rises, and that's when my door opens I had a start because I did not wait, yes it's true I left the door between open and the 3 guys come into my room, close the door behind them, look at me and see me with my dildo in my ass, they also take their cocks out to me early and I'm really lucky because they are all really very well mounted,I started to suck them there is one that directly took my ass, on th ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Sodomy, Teens, Submission/domination, European, Maghrebin, Asian, Threesomes