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A very good student (Part 2)

Publié par : vincesuceur77 le 23/12/2020

I pressed her on her back, so that she found herself face down on her desk, legs apart, to give me a clear view of her puck and her pussy. The latter seemed indeed still virgin, but the anus, meanwhile, seemed relaxed.I asked her: "You are a virgin everywhere, except your mouth, is that right? -Yes ... she replied, vaguely seeming to hesitate -If I put a finger in your ass , will it be tight then? -Uh yes, I think, well I maybe once had a man in it but that was a long time ago, she whispered, losing a lot of confidence - Alright we'll check this out I grabbed his four-color pen on his desk, took it in my mouth to put some saliva in, spat on his puck to put the pen in. Claire gave a little cry of surprise, followed by a moan of pleasure.I moved the pen back and forth very deeply several times, then pulled it out sharply, to capture the delicious but brief moment when his anus remained slightly open.Claire moaned louder, but as I brought the pen to my mouth again to lubricate it, I was surprised to discover that it tasted like cum.Not showing anything, I moistened my middle finger and index finger and pushed them in deeply, to verify my hypothesis."But you're full of cum in there, I wrote to myself, in the tone of a teacher who berates his student. -Yes, she replied, on the verge of tears, I had a relationship with the neighbor, but it was yesterday afternoon, I washed three times but I think it went too deep ... -Very good, that explains that, but why did you lie to me? -Well, your cock is bigger, and I was afraid that you would want to fuck me that way if I told you that I was no longer an ass virgin, she replied in tears -But of course not, I never do anything you don't want to, I replied. To calm her down, I removed my fingers from her behind and leaned forward to lick her little apricot. I started by licking the big lips, to make them move aside and be able to access her clitoris. I was surprised to find that he was huge for a girl her age. His sobs gradually turned into moans, until my tongue managed to give him a few orgasms.I then suggested that she go back to school, but Claire insisted on finishing what she had started.She therefore returned under the desk, this time completely naked, and began to empty my balls with her small mouth.She took my cock as deep as she could, I pressed on her head to hit my penis in the back of her throat. I loved feeling his saliva run down my cock a ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Ados, Teens, Submission/domination, Studies