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A very good student (part 1)

Publié par : vincesuceur77 le 20/12/2020

When I was a student, I taught math and physics to finance my studies.I had so far only met male students, and had contented myself with giving my lessons.When the director of the support agency called me to help a grade 1 student called Claire, 16, my curiosity was aroused.So I went to the first appointment, said diagnostic, with a smile on my face.Claire's mother, Sophie, opened the door for me and offered to go up to Claire's room to be calm.I then found myself alone with this gorgeous little blonde with blue eyes, wearing a short skirt, a t-shirt without a bra and- detail that I liked.The first class went without special event, except that I could see her hard nipples sticking out under the t-shirt. I agreed to take charge of Claire's support, and her mother explained to me that she would probably not be present for the next class.When I visited the latter a week later, I was curious to see how my student would behave.No sooner had I rang that Claire came to open me up, dressed in an even shorter skirt and a white blouse, still without a bra. A quick glance made me think she must be wearing 85B. When we went up to her room, she preceded me, which allowed me to peek under her skirt: unsurprisingly in this type of environment, the teenager was wearing printed cotton panties!We sat down at his desk, and I began to give him his first exercises. Seeing her suck her pen during her reflection made me stir up the juice. I saw her lick the tip, nibble the hood, and my mind heated up.As I explained to her the importance of differential calculus, she put her hand on my thigh, and brought her face closer to mine. I pretended not to notice, although my cock grew a littl ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Blow job, Ados, Teens, European, Studies