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a full day

Publié par : legs le 02/08/2020

It's true that I have a tendency rather to be very exhibited and I love to be taken in hand. So on the site I talk to master bernard for several weeks, the emails are more and more torid and directive to me, master B lives in 100km so not easy to meet to satisfy my desires of submissions but we end up finding a meeting day together. It is agreed to meet us on canes in the parking lot of a love shop where we would go to try on some outfits together, then head for the surroundings from the lake of st cassien for a frugal meal and then he decided to offer me to several people contacted on the site, I am a little worried but also very excited about what could be I arrive on the D-day arrived I am febrile shaved all over the nails of the bright red varnished toenails a pair of flesh tights, a leather thong, pumps 11cm heels open revealing my varnished nails, a black corset blouse, a microphone skirt with ruffles put on the buttocks, brown square wig and makeup. all under a black blaser that stops close to the buttocks I find myself super sexy but classy.I thus take the road thus dressed with always the apprehension of a possible control of gendarmerie I do not however fail to stop at an area for a last need and especially for the pleasure of showing myself.I arrive at my meeting, master B is there in his cut-off audi a classy gentleman of a certain age bc bg we enter the store togetherI try on several skirts with her opinion and a few hugs from her but nothing pleases me so we leave and take the road again after having decided to go to Montauroux to buy something to eat in a croissanterie. arrived at the bakery I go downstairs car under the incredulous looks of the people present, joined master at his car parked a little further away and we go in to buy some nibbles for lunch I love the look of the women and men present on me and I feel desirable and a whore at the same time hummm .we leave and we stop by the side of the road to eat under the horns of the automomilists who see me in my sexy outfit. master then told me to have made an appointment with two people who should varnish around 2pm and offer me to her according to his voucher pleasure in the meantime he takes some pictures of me on the side of the road.we find one of the two meetings on the side of the road the s ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Submission/domination