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6:30 in the morning, Hugo approached the window ... continuation & end

Publié par : deepblue le 07/02/2017

"- You are really not embarrassed then! » « - There could have been children, it's incredible! » « - You are in a public domain, anyway! " These invectives end up Hugo draw its consideration. The pupils still dilated, he had some difficulty in locating the origin of the reproaches. A couple of sixty years old was there, a little higher up on the foreshore of the beach.Excuse me, are you talking to me?"- Who do you think it can be? You are the only person naked like a worm on this beach, you could have a little modesty all the same! "Only the man opened his mouth. Madame under these frightened airs, did not lose a crumb of the spectacle of this thin man and rather well of his person for his well over 40 years.Hugo smiles and understands the discomfort of his interlocutor. He tried to get up but did not want to add more. Madame anticipated gently by handing her scarf to the husband who seized it, stood up and handed it to her."- Thank you I'm confused if I could offend you, I thought I was alone ..." he sketched adjusting the thin veil on his hips. "The problem is, I'm in a boat… I'll have to swim in, I'm afraid I will mistreat your delicate silk." ""- and keep the young man well, he suits you perfectly, besides the weather is so mild. I don't need any… besides, we are ourselves in boats, and we were about to leave. We could drop you off… right honey? The husband nodded, a little taken aback by his wife's generous and naughty timeliness.In a few manly roars, the semi-rigid docked the light trimaran, Hugo thanked his hosts passing on his ship and offered to return the precious textile to its owner."- I told you it looks great on you, keep it in memory of this beautiful day ... we are happy to have helped you out ..." She said with a wink of accompaniment. "As for us, Hubert, back to Loctudy… the children are waiting for us… good and sweet evening young man…"Thanking with his hand he saw Estelle naked who played the shameless sirens a few meters from the 2 boats, the woman in the scarf answered his sign by leaving with a great burst of laughter, quickly covered by the angry roar of the steaming horses of Mossieur Hubert … Helping her out of the waves, Hugo maintained his smile, enjoying Estelle's slim sexual figure.She threw herself on the sleeping bag, letting the sun evaporate the salt droplets… she looked him in the eyes, giving him a brilliant, intense look of desire… "- Hugo, this bath was not the best of the fire you have. put in me, I burn to imagine your hands sliding over my buttocks, getting involved between my thighs, infiltrating my penis… ”Spreading her thin legs, she let appear the lace of her sexual mouth. Her delicately shaved pubis extended the line of her lips. Wet reflections appeared on her thin hems, confirming her state of strong excitement "- come, spread me, open me, tear me apart, fill me with your desire, push me in your penis, come and engulf yourself, come and fill my volcano begged t her in a last groan… ” Hugo untied the scarf from his pelvis, floated it in the wind and folded it to prepare a large opaque ribbon. Approaching Estelle he placed it delicately on her face. The number of folds masked all light perception. The light and feminine scent combined with the male scent of Hugo. Intoxicating even more of these known and unknown fragrances.Feeling Hugo present himself between her legs, she opened her private compass even more. He leaned over his pelvis and his animal breath felt the scent of his little crater. She perceived the trajectory of Hugo's mouth spinning around her intimate lace, climbing up her mountain, bypassing her thighs, coming back far near her perineum. She took her knees in her hands, tilting her pelvis, making it easier to access her second crater. His movement was accompanied by a long and sweet, hoarse and moaning plea.He grabbed the two globes in his hands to control the incidence and moveme ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero