
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Voilà maintenant 2 ans que je cherchais un partenaire , plus âgés que moi , actif , discret ( je suis en couple ) sympa et surtout, dispo .Je contacte yan (je vais l'appeler yan par discrétion )sur le site . Nous nous rencontrons sur un parking pour faire connaissance et s'apercevoir que le courant passe plutôt pas mal entre nous .Je fais savoir à yan que le revoir ne me dérangerai pas et il me répond que lui aussi serai ok pour qu'on se retrouve chez lui car , cerise sur le gâteau il peut see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination
I was that year in the last year of BTS, and our French teacher invited, as usual his students in groups or individually to discover either painting exhibitions, a city, or, his culinary talents. Friendly, courteous, Gilles (we will call him Gilles for the story) invited me for the weekend to visit the beauties of Provence.It was planned to sleep with a friend of his in Bézier where we would share the same room and the same bed; which did not bother me.Arrived in the region gille wanted to make see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual