
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Je suis devenu candauliste il y a quelques années. Au début, mon épouse ne voulait rien entendre à ce sujet et ne participer à absolument rien de « hors norme ». J’ai alors rencontré des hommes à qui je montrais des photos de ma femme, ses dessous, ses chaussures à talons... Cela donnait lieu à des pratiques bisexuelles plus ou moins avancées. Mais une fois, c’est allé relativement loin, pour mon plus grand plaisir ! Cet été-là, je trouve un partenaire potentiel sur see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Submission/domination, BDSM, Uro/Scat, Black, Trav
At the age of 18, I left to study in a town more than 700 km from my parents' home.One night, after a copiously drunk student evening, while I was walking home, I decided to change my route and go through the market square. I then witness a strange merry-go-round: vehicles turn around the square, park, restart, and all that at 3am... I understand then that this square becomes, at nightfall, a meeting place of all kinds... I decide to come back to it the following night. The next day, around 1am, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, First time, Black
At the age of 18, I left to study in a town more than 700 km from my parents' home.One night, after a copiously drunk student evening, while I was walking home, I decided to change my route and go through the market square. I then witness a strange merry-go-round: vehicles turn around the square, park, restart, and all that at 3am... I understand then that this square becomes, at nightfall, a meeting place of all kinds... I decide to come back to it the following night. The next day, around 1am, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, First time, Black