
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Au cours de l’été dernier, par une journée particulièrement caniculaire, je décide d’aller marcher un peu, plutôt que de manger au bureau.Je me rends donc sur mon aire de repos habituelle, située à l’écart, en sous-bois. J’aime bien y aller car elle est très peu fréquentée, et je peux m’y balader tranquille, bronzer nu comme un ver, manger peinard sans être trop dérangé.J’arrive vers 11h30 je mets mon short échancré, mes baskets et un marcel. Je garde mon mini-slip en see the rest
Keywords : Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, European, Threesomes
En cette période de soldes, je décide d'aller faire des emplettes. Je me rends dans une enseigne connue. Il y a beaucoup de monde. Après avoir choisi un pantalon, je vais l'essayer. Les cabines d'essayage sont surbookées, je fais la queue. Devant moi, un couple dans la cinquantaine, patiente aussi. Nous échangeons quelques mots puis une cabine se libère, une cabine pour handicapé. La dame me regarde et dit : "vous n'avez qu'un pantalon, si vous voulez, allez-y avec mon mari, il n'a qu'un pantalon see the rest
Keywords : Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, European, Threesomes
That day, last July, had started early but the heat was already invading the atmosphere by 8:00 am. So I got to the office early. In addition to that, a frenzied desire for sex tapped me, without leaving me. Around 11:30 am, I decide to go to a rest area that I have heard about.On the route, I change to keep only my swimsuit and a very large sleeveless T-shirt. When I arrived I noticed 4 cars parked, no one inside. I park further and decide to go for a walk on the path. After a hundred meters, in see the rest
Keywords : Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Threesomes

thermes et sexe (Sex Story bisexuel)

Published by : enee the 09/11/2021 in the Bisexual erotic stories
Ce jour-là, me vient l'envie d'une séance détente aux thermes, histoires de me changer les idées.En arrivant, je me rends compte qu'il y a peu de monde, super ! C'est plus calme quand on est peu.Hop, cabine, vestiaire, maillot de bain et plouf. Un tout dans l'anneau puis je me rends aux bains à bulles. Seul un couple l'occupe, j'en profite je m'installe tranquille. Je savoure ce plaisir les yeux fermés, massage agréable, j'aime. Un couple entre et s'installe, puis un autre, on commence à see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Partly true, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Threesomes

prise en salope (Sex Story bisexuel)

Published by : enee the 03/10/2021 in the Bisexual erotic stories
Le retour des beaux jours émoustille les sens. La chaleur estivale a des effets jusque dans mon slip alors un petit tour en nature s'impose. Un contact sur LDD me fait part de ses envies de fellation et m'annonce son intérêt pour mon annonce et mes envies. Nous décidons de nous rencontrer dans un coin tranquille, en forêt, là où nous pourrons être tranquilles pour faire ample connaissance.Sa fiche précise qu'il a un faible pour la lingerie et qu'il est dominateur léger. Une idée me vient, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, European, Trav, Threesomes
Nathalie had surprised us in the tractor, me leaning forward on the steering wheel and her husband who was gasping while sweeping the chimney. It was because it was not the first time because the rascal is rather enduring and always ready. After getting me off the tractor and getting into her pickup, she threw my side in the back. So I found myself sitting next to her completely naked. She wore a side too, which highlighted her generous curves. Except that I was not far behind. She must have suspected see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Mature, European, Trav, Threesomes
The invitation to try out his big farm machine was confusing, although I understood his intention. But after all, I wasn't ready for that anymore. And I wanted to taste this beautiful sting he displayed in front of me. He falls the odds: "go ahead, I follow you". I climb into the tractor cabin. He stops me on the way by taking my hips and sticks his mouth in my buttock groove: "A lick of the tongue, what do you think?". I feel his tongue against my puck, I arch my back so that he presses even harder: see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Threesomes
I had never realized my fantasy of showing off as a bitch in heat. It was not for lack of dressing in lingerie and photographing myself as a slut for a long time, but I had always had a reluctance, something held me back every time at the last moment.But that night, I decided to take the plunge. I completely wax myself, I put on the sexiest thing I have, stockings, high heels, black and red corset, brown wig, makeup like a whore. I put on a plug, just to dilate my little hole (you never know), it see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, European, Threesomes
The summer was sweltering last year. Also, I therefore preferred walks in the undergrowth, just to take advantage of the shade and the discretion of the place. It must be said that I like to walk around naked or in lingerie, just to titillate my senses.That day, I read an ad on LDD about a guy who discovered in his fifties that he had missed a few pleasures. He is looking for a dual experience, affirms his desire to learn through contact with a "trainer". I am responding to this request by asking see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, European
Here is the "relaxation at the thermal baths" suite.Out of the showers, considering what I had taken, I was already relatively relaxed !!!So I find myself with my cloakroom in front of the cabins, Madame in front of me, Monsieur behind.They look at each other and she speaks to me. Follow me, we'll dry you off.I enter the locker room, the door closes behind me. And there, everything accelerates. Madame takes off her jersey in two seconds, mine falls as quickly, pulled down by Monsieur. His hands grab see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, European, Threesomes