I am single and measure 1m79 for 77 kilos.
I'm looking for a man between 26 and 60 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
Location Cruising spot
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I'm looking for a man between 26 and 60 years old for sex Registered since Subscribers only
Last visit Subscribers only
About me : White, Metis, Slim, Normal, large sex, Handyman, Cerebral, I like a lot, Loveliness, Kind, Friendly, Player, Romantic, Cuddly, To be initiated, Responsible, dialog, Hobbies, With man, With wife, Masturbate, Make me masturbate, Suck, Swallow, Get sucked, Lick / cunnilingus, Lick me, Kiss, Dominate, Leather / Latex, Masochist, Nature
I'm looking for : White, Black, Metis, Slim, Normal, Athlete, Muscular, medium-sized sex, large sex, Handyman, Athletic, I like a lot, Loveliness, Kind, Friendly, Player, HOT, Romantic, Cuddly, To be initiated, Responsible, Hobbies, With man, With wife, Masturbate, Make me masturbate, To be sodomized, Suck, Swallow, Get sucked, Lick me, Kiss, Dominate, Leather / Latex, Masochist, Nature

bien foutu,monte 19x4.5(rech un ou deux amants regulier) minces,decalottees,et surtout rases(plan voiture,nature,aire de repos) le soir,j adore le foutre suur mon corp visage(ou en gorge profonde),suis tres bissex,rv ici,,limoges alentours
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