Cruising spots, France
football stadium panorama on the Devil's Bridge
Cruising spot gay & straight in Thueyts
proposed by cyril07 (02/07/2013)
Between Amancey and Bolandoz
Cruising spot gay & straight in Amancey
proposed by profilsupprime (20/06/2013)
Pool / sauna / locker coulommiers
Cruising spot gay & straight in Coulommiers
proposed by profilsupprime (20/06/2013)
Wood paling indicated by two small brown signs
Cruising spot gay in Poligny
proposed by profilsupprime (23/06/2013)
Armentières pool
Cruising spot gay in Armentières
proposed by profilsupprime (20/06/2013)
Boardwalk and more if affinity
Cruising spot gay & straight in Saint-Cyr-en-Val
proposed by profilsupprime (20/05/2020)
Under the Tennis Cogolin in the small undergrowth behind poublles
Cruising spot gay in Cogolin
proposed by syl3884 (30/07/2024)
Parking Former EDF in public toilet
Cruising spot gay & straight in Decazeville
proposed by antoportugais (20/06/2013)
Forest after St. Valerien
Cruising spot gay in Saint-Valérien
proposed by profilsupprime (20/06/2013)
Forest output Poissy front stage
Cruising spot gay in Poissy
proposed by senioraccrocsex (20/06/2013)
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