Cruising spots, France
Impasse Bouan near the bus stop
Cruising spot gay & straight in Bouan
proposed by m09 (18/06/2020)
Quiet area with small wood
Cruising spot gay & straight in Gacé
proposed by maxanto61 (17/06/2020)
Parking to the right of the Bourg shooting range
Cruising spot gay in Péronnas
proposed by profilsupprime (12/06/2020)
Parking at the northern edge of Vaugrenier Park
Cruising spot gay in Villeneuve-Loubet
proposed by louise06 (03/05/2021)
Crossroads WC on the brasserie side
Cruising spot gay in Narbonne
proposed by paka (11/06/2020)
Venus Sauna Caen
Cruising spot gay & straight in Caen
proposed by antho2714 (10/06/2020)
Fucking plan sucks Sodo
Cruising spot gay & straight in Neuilly-Crimolois
proposed by hotboy21 (09/06/2020)
Rest area after TASSENIERES
Cruising spot gay & straight in Biefmorin
proposed by hardlove (07/06/2020)
Wood of the Château de La Rochefoucauld
Cruising spot gay & straight in La Rochefoucauld-en-Angoumois
proposed by bggb16 (07/06/2020)
Corsen Beach
Cruising spot straight in Plouarzel
proposed by brestoise (06/06/2020)
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