Cruising spots 94 - Val-de-marne

Rest area    Bar    Cinema    Nightclub    In town    Hotels and B & B    Nature    Public garden    Parking    Swimming pool    Beach    Sports Hall    Sauna    Sexshop    Dating, cruising or sex sites    Private parties    Public toilets

cool and friendly place

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Type : Nature gay & straight
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Orly
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
cool place on Orly next to the pool and tennis court

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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Parking Conforama

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Type : Parking straight
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Villeneuve St Georges
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Parking Conforama in Villeneuve St Georges 94 on n6

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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Drill our lady


Cruising spot gay in Sucy-en-Brie

proposed by olympus77  (25/02/2015)

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Type : Nature gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Sucy-en-Brie
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Enter Noiseau and 1st right. Basically, there is the entrance to the wood. Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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instead of the town hall of Creteil


Cruising spot gay in Créteil

proposed by jerome94  (25/06/2013)

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Type : In town gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Créteil
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Square City Hall Creteil, metro terminus Creteil prefecture, near the regional shopping center creteil sun.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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The Royal Route, bordering La Queue-en-Brie and Pontault-Combault

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Type : Nature gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  La Queue-en-Brie
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
It's simple. Search the Carrefour shopping center of Pontault Combault 77340, there is a large roundabout. look for the Burger King and then first right. Pass Burger King stores, KFC and Decathlon. At Decathlon first left, go to the traffic light and fire, first left. Board behind the Decathlon shops, KFC and Burger King. At Burger King, take the small road on the right (do not take the big roundabout). Go to the bridge. It happens at the bridge: there are road, bikers, couples, everything going on in the royal driveway in the background (Do not dredge next to the forest house). Pick up your garbage. Thanks in advance.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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Public toilets Quays Shopping Center Ivry - Ivry Grand Ciel


Cruising spot gay in Ivry-sur-Seine

proposed by jerome94  (01/06/2018)

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Type : Public toilets gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Ivry-sur-Seine
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Little traffic and discreet. This is the public toilets on the 1st floor.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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Yuri Gagarin pool Villejuif


Cruising spot gay in Villejuif

proposed by jerome94  (25/06/2013)

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Type : Swimming pool gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Villejuif
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
brand new pool. The showers are nice and young thugs looks unambiguous.

We remind you that exhibition and sexual practices are prohibited in public places.

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rungis pavilion flowers

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Type : Public toilets gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Chevilly-Larue
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
In Rungis, at the corner of the Pavilion of Flowers on Tuesday and Thursday, mainly between 6am and 8am, there are many loan liabilities give pleasure to assets.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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Parc André Villette Fresnes


Cruising spot gay in Fresnes

proposed by chiroquois  (16/10/2013)

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Type : Public toilets gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Fresnes
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Sophora promenade next to the church. WC with glory hole between cabins. Quiet even during the day. Moderator: As in any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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Shopping Cente Beautiful Thorn Level 1


Cruising spot gay in Thiais

proposed by jerome94  (25/06/2013)

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Type : Public toilets gay
Cruising spots Val-de-marne (94)
City :  Thiais
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Toilets Center Commercial Belle Thorn located at 1, near the No. 107 and 108. A lot of people during the day. Shooting still underdeveloped, but ability to socialize. I have jerked off a hetero guy there. Rather young guys.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

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