Cruising spots nature

Small wooden Saint Galmier

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Cuzieu
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Towards the airport, take the ponds, then take right path that leads to a small wood. Small very discreet and quiet corner ...

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Parking Voltaire and Stade Bayard

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Charleville-Mézières
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

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Cruising spot which is next to the parking in the path that sinks to the left. There are many people on weekends waiting. The path leads to a wooden on the right and a large path on the left, both popular and Bayard stage in front where the cars turn and come alongside.

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camping area because of La Fresnaye-sur-Chédouet


Cruising spot gay & straight in

proposed by foufou61  (04/10/2012)

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Type : Nature gay & straight
Country :  France

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camping area because of La Fresnaye-sur-Chédouet, treated myself to suck once the bottom. I was passing by chance. is what I have been lucky or what ca frequent the bottom, I do not know but see ......

Axis Fossemagne Thenon

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Ajat
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Exit Fossemagne Thenon management, through the forest on the national there is a small parking lot on the right and then a road. Take this road to the right, then up again right up: the top is very discreet. Deserves to be known.

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Cruising spot gay in Strasbourg

proposed by kemalkeko  (11/04/2020)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Strasbourg
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Parking of "Hello Hood" in Neuhof village (Allée David Goldschmidt 67100 Strasbourg) Right next to the restaurant "Hello Hood". Dating men in all styles and all ages: office outings, sports, youth, grandpas ... The evening preferably after 20h. Very calm. Very few evenings pass. Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.

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Nature meets Straight St Froult

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Type : Nature straight
City :  Saint-Froult
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Department 17. St. Froult head towards the beach marina. Go to the parking lot and then walk along the beach to the north for about 600 m. Location also very quiet and frequented by nudists summer. Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.

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At the edge of the Oise Eragny

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Neuville-sur-Oise
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Very nice place to Eragny at the edge of the Oise. Descend towards Eragny - The village, then turn left when you reach the edge of the Oise on the towpath. This road continues and passes under the bridge before the RER back. Stop before rising and going for a walk in the small clearing under the bridge on the left, sheltered from view! Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.

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St Cyr En Val, small path in the woods

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Saint-Cyr-en-Val
Area :  Centre-Val de Loire
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
towards Sully sur Loire 1 km after the St. Cyr station in Val 2nd roundabout, street of the board go right round the roundabout and 20m has meadows small parking area with access to a path in the woods, bench table and discretion on this path.

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After the Etap Hotel Selestat

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Sélestat
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Take direction Marckolsheim, at the roundabout the first leg towards Marckolsheim and second-roundabout immediately right: parking walking tour and mixed encounter. Bi or couple.

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Cruising spot gay in Lourdes

proposed by profilsupprime  (28/06/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Lourdes
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Batsurguère drive towards Omex just after camping in the forest, take the path on the right we enter the forest Subercarrère, go to the first parking lot right on arriving at the bottom. The place is frequented in the late afternoon and evening.

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