Cruising spots nature
Forest Road Bouaye.
Cruising spot gay in Saint-Aignan-Grandlieu
proposed by hubert44 (07/07/2016)
nice place for walks and meetings
Cruising spot straight in Ménil-Hermei
proposed by normandise (12/03/2017)
Forest Street in the Folatière
Cruising spot straight in Nanteuil-en-Vallée
proposed by wesker16 (07/07/2016)
Lac de la Plaine Tonique
Cruising spot straight in Malafretaz
proposed by profilsupprime (07/07/2016)
New place to discover
Cruising spot gay & straight in Montauroux
proposed by loupgarrou (06/07/2016)
Dolmen Mane Croc'h
Cruising spot gay & straight in Erdeven
proposed by caderreip (06/07/2016)
Questembert Green Lane
Cruising spot gay & straight in Questembert
proposed by breton56230 (06/07/2016)
Rest area with fireplace.
Cruising spot gay & straight in Villentrois
proposed by lovemister (04/07/2016)
Small pond Jaubertie
Cruising spot gay & straight in Saint-Maime-de-Péreyrol
proposed by loulou24 (04/07/2016)
isolated discrete locations between Valros and Alignan Wind
Cruising spot gay in Alignan-du-Vent
proposed by salopebi34 (04/07/2016)
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