Cruising spots aire-de-repos
D932: John Sango rest stop on the moors
Cruising spot gay & straight in Captieux
proposed by profilsupprime (08/03/2017)
Cruising spot gay & straight in Lanhouarneau
proposed by meet29 (29/07/2013)
drill the stud jardy
Cruising spot gay in Marnes-la-Coquette
proposed by ameliesupport (30/05/2018)
Fay de Bretagne area of the Madeleine
Cruising spot gay & straight in Fay-de-Bretagne
proposed by mili44 (01/06/2015)
A16 area Offekerque
Cruising spot gay & straight in Offekerque
proposed by profilsupprime (07/11/2015)
A10 - Bellevue Area
Cruising spot gay in Chaingy
proposed by Mecvoyageur (16/04/2020)
Bourgambray rest area (Belgium)
Cruising spot straight in Tournai
proposed by teateo (20/05/2024)
pérulwez rest area
Cruising spot gay in Peruwelz
proposed by sebon (13/07/2013)
Rest area between Dinan / Lanvallay and St piat
Cruising spot gay in Lanvallay
proposed by jseb35 (11/04/2020)
Area Vallet, Nantes Cholet Axis before Vallet Rest Area Gay / Bi
Cruising spot gay in Vallet
proposed by gilles44800 (24/07/2013)
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