Cruising spots aire-de-repos
Rest area near Aixe sur Vienne
Cruising spot gay & straight in Séreilhac
proposed by soniatrav85200 (14/06/2022)
D310 St-Rémy-du-Val Hut - 1 km Exit 20 on A28
Cruising spot gay in Rouessé-Fontaine
proposed by profilsupprime (20/06/2013)
Eturqueraye area of the A13 (direction Caen / Rouen)
Cruising spot gay in Éturqueraye
proposed by ameliesupport (15/07/2020)
Mill rest area on the A13 (direction Caen / Rouen)
Cruising spot gay & straight in Bourneville
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (13/10/2013)
Beaumont en Auge area - A13 (Caen-> Rouen)
Cruising spot gay in Beaumont-en-Auge
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (19/10/2013)
The area Dauneuse - A10 Dambron
Cruising spot gay in Dambron
proposed by GayExhib (03/06/2018)
Rest area Feuillères
Cruising spot gay in Feuillères
proposed by jerome94 (26/01/2014)
Rest area Fonches
Cruising spot gay in Hattencourt
proposed by jerome94 (26/01/2014)
Area Goyencourt East
Cruising spot gay in Fresnoy-lès-Roye
proposed by jerome94 (26/01/2014)
Tilloloy East and West Rest Areas
Cruising spot gay in Conchy-les-Pots
proposed by jerome94 (26/01/2014)
Add a cruising spot !
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