Cruising spots aire-de-repos
corner picnic in the forest Aubraie
Cruising spot gay in Olonne-sur-Mer
proposed by adilaternotabou (22/04/2014)
Rest area fountain in Les Houches
Cruising spot gay & straight in Les Houches
proposed by lyonbi (25/07/2013)
Our Lady of flaquette
Cruising spot gay & straight in Locquignol
proposed by n59xx (01/06/2018)
Rest area on D769 between Gourin and Le Faouet
Cruising spot gay in Le Saint
proposed by katytravice (14/04/2017)
Area asservillers A1 Lille Paris Lille
Cruising spot gay in Assevillers
proposed by profilsupprime (20/07/2013)
Area 03 Quaissainnes
Cruising spot gay & straight in Quinssaines
proposed by jeanp23 (18/07/2013)
The rest area Russey
Cruising spot gay in Narbief
proposed by profilsupprime (09/07/2013)
Area douchapt
Cruising spot gay in Douchapt
proposed by lolo24 (05/07/2013)
Aire Old Stables in Vivonne (86)
Cruising spot gay & straight in Vivonne
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (01/06/2018)
Between Aurec and Down
Cruising spot gay & straight in Malvalette
proposed by tomdesavoie (09/06/2015)
Add a cruising spot !
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