Cruising spots aire-de-repos
Possibility of beautiful meetings
Cruising spot gay in Villemareuil
proposed by webmaster (17/12/2015)
Towards Wissous
Cruising spot gay in Chilly-Mazarin
proposed by trav91 (16/12/2015)
Pouancé rest area (2 sided)
Cruising spot gay in Pouancé
proposed by heifer49 (14/01/2022)
Total service station Lorient / Guidel
Cruising spot gay in Guidel
proposed by elodietv29 (02/12/2015)
Rest area between Gourin and Carhaix
Cruising spot gay & straight in Gourin
proposed by culottes (27/11/2015)
Area Blvd. Sapin Nostang on N165
Cruising spot gay & straight in Nostang
proposed by galeon1812 (22/11/2015)
Rest area is Beziers
Cruising spot gay in Béziers
proposed by xcream29 (19/11/2015)
Rest area at Nest Coquet Sudan
Cruising spot gay & straight in Soudan
proposed by titi44 (17/12/2016)
Rest Area Gourville
Cruising spot gay in Prunay-en-Yvelines
proposed by webmaster (09/11/2015)
Bigue area of the A57 direction Toulon
Cruising spot gay & straight in La Valette-du-Var
proposed by steph8366 (23/02/2019)
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