Cruising spots aire-de-repos
Rest area facing the lake
Cruising spot gay & straight in Cintrey
proposed by webmaster (05/10/2016)
Area Teyssonge highway Titans
Cruising spot gay & straight in Jasseron
proposed by profilsupprime (29/09/2016)
Parking undergrowth
Cruising spot gay & straight in Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
proposed by laurent4953 (25/07/2023)
highway rest area dole
Cruising spot gay in Damerey
proposed by moderee71 (26/09/2016)
Behind the tourist office of Sain-Lauren-Nouan
Cruising spot gay in Saint-Laurent-Nouan
proposed by GayExhib (24/09/2016)
Area N151 Rest
Cruising spot gay in Charost
proposed by GayTruck (19/09/2016)
Pornic rest area
Cruising spot gay in Pornic
proposed by ladysugar (29/11/2016)
RD rest area before 1504 and Parking Tremblay ..
Cruising spot gay in La Motte-Servolex
proposed by gaypourmecs (23/05/2024)
station Parking
Cruising spot gay & straight in Briis-sous-Forges
proposed by dimitridu91 (07/09/2016)
Castelmaurou discrete area the night (31)
Cruising spot gay in Castelmaurou
proposed by lolotte31 (06/09/2016)
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