Cruising spots aire-de-repos
Areas Badouliers and Lake St. Martin -A64
Cruising spot gay & straight in Capvern
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (07/06/2018)
RN 154 - Area Mare aux Forks
Cruising spot gay in Marcilly-la-Campagne
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (01/06/2018)
Bords de Seine St Marcel
Cruising spot gay in Vernon
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (13/10/2013)
Chaudonnes the rest area on the A11, direction Province / Paris
Cruising spot gay in Prunay-en-Yvelines
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (30/11/2013)
Area Ver-Les-Chartres The Souchet (direction Paris-Le Mans) - A11
Cruising spot gay in Ver-lès-Chartres
proposed by GayExhib (05/03/2015)
forest Rest area Montech Toulouse Montauban
Cruising spot gay in Bressols
proposed by lolofafa (05/08/2013)
Aire steering Pavilions Perpignan - A9
Cruising spot gay in Pollestres
proposed by mod_fr20e_paris (01/01/2015)
Parking Joigny exit A6: drag the guys
Cruising spot gay in Sépeaux
proposed by janono (03/10/2014)
Aire de Lafayette - A75 between Issoire and St Flour
Cruising spot gay & straight in Lorlanges
proposed by lino15 (30/04/2019)
Concept of Arcis: instead of gay cruising
Cruising spot gay in Condé-sur-Huisne
proposed by kang (16/06/2013)
Add a cruising spot !
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