Cruising spots aire-de-repos

Rest area of ​​Maine-de-Boixe


Cruising spot gay & straight in Aussac

proposed by vinnie  (19/12/2024)

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Aussac
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Between Angouleme and Poitiers on the N10, rest area of ​​Maine-de-Boixe 20km from Angouleme. In the direction Poitiers - Angouleme the rest area is located in front of the quarry cement. We must go deep. Small wood behind. In the sense Angoulême - Poitiers the rest area is about 1km after the careers of cement. There are fewer people on this side, will be in the bottom or near toilets.

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Moyvilliers rest area on the N31, near Arcy


Cruising spot gay in Moyvillers

proposed by profilsupprime  (26/06/2013)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Moyvillers
Area :  Hauts-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Moyvilliers rest area between Compiègne and Clermont on the N31, the roundabout intersection of the N31 and the D155. Right after Arcy, in line Compiegne-Clermont. There are benches and quiet corners at night ... Please respect the place and not to leave your waste. Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.

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Rest area of ​​the forest of Fouesnant

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  La Forêt-Fouesnant
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The Forest Fouesnant rest area between Concarneau and Quimper

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AREA OF SAN FELIX Lauraguais (near Revel)

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Saint-Félix-Lauragais
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Leaving St Felix Lauraguais to revel in the descent .. Right pissots old road and old (abandoned grimey). It dredge day and especially soon after dark .. Mainly types of corner .. there are ts night pdt to wait hours for nothing because they know each other ... very ... agée attendance after 22h plus chat..Quelques couples increasingly frequent

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Rest area Tanus old N88

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Tauriac-de-Naucelle
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
On the old N88 road N2088 now, through the village of Tanus, down towards the valley, then up the other side of the Viaur. Several seating areas, one with tables and benches, overlooking the famous viaduct of Tanus metal. Crossing N2088 with Saint Just road. Wood and board Viaur to isolate.

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area of ​​the temple Tregomeur


Cruising spot gay in Trégomeur

proposed by samdev54  (17/04/2020)

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Trégomeur
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
The temple area is located between St Brieuc lanvollon and at the exit to the Tregomeur D6, gay meeting, keep the place clean and be discreet

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Area of ​​Kemberg (meaning to Strasbourg) and Area 3 Armchairs

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
N59 bypassing Saint-Die-des-Vosges. Area of Kemberg (meaning to Strasbourg) and Area 3 Armchairs (meaning to Nancy). An area can move to the other taking the entrance ramps and exit of Saint Die. The toilets were dismantled. Dredge in the parking lots and in the undergrowth. And accustomed way. Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.

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Rest area Widow N44

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  La Veuve
Area :  Grand Est
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Rest area up to the town of La Veuve on N44 towards Reims Chalons.

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Rest area on ST SERVAIS RN12 between landivisiau and landerneau

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Saint-Servais
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Often the world at the rest area on the RN12 Morlaix-Brest, a little after Landivisiau

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Area between Dax and Saint Geours de Maremne D824

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Type : Rest area gay
City :  Rivière-Saas-et-G.
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Rest area after Dax to Bayonne on both sides about 3km after the area where there is a furniture dealer.

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