ZI la Motte Valencia Doors

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Type : Nature gay & straight
City :  Portes-lès-Valence
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Along the tip-end take the right path, or there is the barrier. Up the road about 500m and right kindling. Or above 1km right at a big trunk lying, right at the small woods. Gay couples sometimes straight.
Address :
362 Rue Louis Saillant
26800 Portes-lès-Valence

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10 d. ago
Queue métisse à sucer pour femme cet après midi 19cm

13 d. ago
Bonjour je vais y passer en voiture entre 16 et 18 h aujourd'hui

22 d. ago
Qui veut sa pipe ce soir?

23 d. ago
En soirée pour couple, femme ou trav très féminine si mp

24 d. ago
Quelqu'un vers 16h30 ?

06/02/2025 in 09h32
In profile photo my submissive is working tonight in Valence I offer it to me voyeur air of fruitier 10:30 p.m. she likes to be fucked in front of voyeur on the chain her hair is natural she will be in thigh boots and on a leash

14/12/2024 in 07h45
I'm going there in the Morning mp

13/12/2024 in 18h12
I arrive in Valencia in 1h30 and I really want to suck a big cock! Who wants it?

10/12/2024 in 19h45
Passing by tomorrow Wednesday 11 around 11:30 come and ask me in private

07/12/2024 in 16h48
There is no one at the mound

19/11/2024 in 14h59
Hello a woman for plan in my cabin behind the curtains I will be at the vannes around 6 p.m. until tomorrow morning 6 a.m. Leave mp

28/10/2024 in 18h07
Want to try new outfits tomorrow around 12:15 p.m. who wants to pm

25/10/2024 in 15h54
Anyone available?

12/10/2024 in 09h41
Bonjour, branle et suce des grosses queue Bientôt en tenue sexy pour vous pour le plaisir de vous faire bander et jouire

12/10/2024 in 06h47
I'm going there this morning

01/10/2024 in 10h04
Hi, who's available around 12pm?

15/09/2024 in 07h25
I'll be there during the day, but I don't know what time yet.

14/09/2024 in 09h46
I'm there xxx

09/09/2024 in 07h45
This Monday 9 cers 9am will certainly be later Really want to be caressed and sucked tenderly and why explode in the mouth

09/09/2024 in 07h43
J'y serai certainement tout à l'heure Bien envi de me faire caressé et sucer tendrement et pourquoi explosé dans la bouche

06/09/2024 in 16h59
someone tonight to take care of my tail?

05/09/2024 in 14h21
I'm there xxx

31/08/2024 in 13h33
What about this afternoon?

24/08/2024 in 14h41
I'll be there tomorrow morning, 08/25 from 11am to 12pm. I'll be naked, blindfolded and available for self-service, ass and mouth.

19/08/2024 in 18h17
I'll stop by tomorrow afternoon to get active..

19/08/2024 in 10h05
I'll be there this afternoon...

18/08/2024 in 16h48
J'y suis xxx

28/07/2024 in 19h44
I'm going there tomorrow morning happiness mp

15/07/2024 in 17h33
I just had him fucked by a man with a very nice cock. He fucked me for half an hour. My ass is all dilated. It was very very good. I want it again.

13/07/2024 in 17h43
Who around 6 p.m. Saturday the 13th to fuck me like a whore?

06/07/2024 in 15h09
There is someone

30/06/2024 in 23h17
Thursday I receive at my door big tails motivated to fuck my ass! To your pm

30/06/2024 in 08h23
Someone to suck?

30/06/2024 in 05h34
Hello, I'm currently there this Sunday 5:00 a.m.

28/06/2024 in 12h05
I suck big greedy cocks

28/06/2024 in 09h53
Bonjour la personne qui et a la motte vers le chenil et le pont elone tout les jour en Volvo de 3h du matin a 5h , et tu sur le site , tu recherches quoi ou si quelqu'un peu me renseigner mri

21/06/2024 in 18h01
I'm going there tomorrow morning at 9am to get sucked all the way

18/06/2024 in 04h45
Hello.... photos of you... Complete physical description and sex size!!.... Me submissive in soft BDSM Trav for one or two real Dominator Bm/tbm, confirmed intuitive resistant connoisseur who educates me into an obedient female dog. Today from now at my place 30 minutes from the road towards Montélimar (it's before!! ;) !or at your place if I am properly received (clean bathroom to prepare myself.

15/06/2024 in 09h35
I'm going there in 1 hour to pm

29/05/2024 in 15h58
Hello, looking for a beautiful slut who loves sperm and is available this weekend for games. Possible to receive at the hotel or travel.

21/05/2024 in 23h35
Thanks to all the pigs who leave the place filthy... Pick up your trash, bunch of losers. Dirty race.

21/05/2024 in 11h41
Who is motivated around 5 p.m.?

07/04/2024 in 01h44
I'm going to go there soon to empty myself, come pm

02/01/2024 in 10h36
I'm there I want you want to make me suck

12/10/2023 in 18h28
bonjour nu dans camion pour bon suceur ou jeune gay trav trans ce jeudi 12 derriere leroy merlin immat 105 la plaque gare toi devant moi et monte

26/09/2023 in 15h44
I'm on valance tonight hotel plan for whoever wants

26/09/2023 in 12h34
This is a great place to go dogging and meet new people. I am looking for a couple who wants to be initiated in a gentle and trusting way. Single woman who wants a very secret garden, I will gladly introduce you.

21/09/2023 in 15h44
routier dispo de suite jusqua demain 8h je suis gare derriere leroy merlin camion beige immat 105 si tu veux pomper au jus monte coter passager bm 17x6 lise

18/09/2023 in 08h59
Hello, who will be there this Monday 18th this afternoon around 2:00 p.m.?

09/09/2023 in 16h06
Un lieu sympa en bord de Rhône a l'ombre dans les arbustes. Ou de sales porcs qui viennent tirer leur coup laissent une multitude de préservatifs et de mouchoirs en plastique qui se collent de partout. Ramassez vos merdes les mongoliens...C'est quand même pas compliqué de mettre ca dans un sac et de le jeter a la poubelle. Certains ca ne les gène pas de sucer au milieu des excréments et des poubelles. La je montre une seconde facette du milieux gay et hommo...Pas mal de déchets humain dans le milieu.

08/09/2023 in 18h49
Salut les mongols Oui parce qu'on a que des débiles sur ce site qui te font chier avec des dialogues qui ne finissent jamais pour au final avoir un problème sur un rendez vous. Ou c'est pas la bonne heure, ou l'endroit ne convient pas ,ou la motivation a changé....Que des baltringues de pd qui vous font perdre du temps.

22/08/2023 in 08h55
Hi, I'm going there at the end of the morning to lie down naked, my little ass will be at your disposal protected relationship!

19/08/2023 in 01h10
I'll be there tomorrow late morning to get naked, I hope some active people will take advantage of my smooth little ass!

16/08/2023 in 12h19
For those who ask me privately where it is exactly, I just put a photo for everyone of course, see you later, kisses",

16/08/2023 in 01h33
Tonight from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., great new encounters, I'll be back, big kisses, see you soon....

28/06/2023 in 04h45
I'm there until 10am naked in the forest

27/06/2023 in 18h20
I'm here all night to get my twins emptied in a good mouth one on one face

25/06/2023 in 16h59
People today (25-06) for sex with cpl, f, trans or sexy shemale..passing around 5:30 p.m....here or elsewhere until romans...also looking for cpl candau..

03/06/2023 in 20h15
J'y serai dimanche 4 juin aux alentours de 6h00 adore me faire sucer longuement et tendrement Bon juteur sex 17x 5.5cm

03/06/2023 in 07h40
Hi, I'll be there tomorrow around 6:00 am.

28/05/2023 in 08h32
Bonjour j y serai cet après midi vers 13h ou avantjusqu à 18h. J aime sucer ou me faire prendre par plus de 50 ans

19/05/2023 in 21h22
Who tomorrow morning for a good blowjob and I offer him my tight little ass Enjoy tomorrow afternoon it's raining MP ......

13/04/2023 in 07h32
I go there from time to time and you can meet nice people there. Place frequented mainly by people over 40 during the day.

20/12/2022 in 17h41
I'm parking after laftral facing the Rhône all night to get sucked off

14/11/2022 in 11h40
this afternoon for blowjob and sodomy

09/09/2022 in 17h43
Libertine couple friends, do not forget your red lace in the interior mirror if you are looking for meetings in a parking lot.

03/09/2022 in 15h12
People around 6:30 p.m.

21/08/2022 in 08h22
Passing around 9 a.m. Very eager to make me suck. PM

15/08/2022 in 14h04
Available today and all week in Valence for women to couples

22/07/2022 in 22h24
Who tomorrow morning...around 10am

22/04/2022 in 06h19
Passing by this Saturday evening, for a good lope who loves cock

02/03/2022 in 09h00
Aujiurd hui 2 mars 22, j y serai du temps de midi. Envie de pomper une grosse queue. Si bon feeling possibilité d aller au plus profond de moi. MP

10/09/2021 in 10h52
passer déjà 3 fois il n'y a personne ou alors je ne connais pas l'endroit exacte? des infos svp

18/07/2021 in 18h16
Tomorrow afternoon I will go for a walk. I gladly suck cocks. I like to be fucked by several guys. Message in mp

21/03/2021 in 15h01
Tomorrow 3:00 p.m. couple or woman

03/02/2021 in 14h42
Maybe tomorrow I'll get naked looking for some ke, hummm

05/10/2020 in 20h53
is there anyone tonight

02/10/2020 in 20h38
Hello if there are couples in the vicinity of passage for meeting or exibe mp thank you

19/09/2020 in 12h35
From the world?

19/09/2020 in 11h25
I'm there!

19/09/2020 in 09h13
I'm there if there's a couple around

02/09/2020 in 16h55
a woman or a cpl for exhib or sex meeting tomorrow afternoon around 14h 15h

31/07/2020 in 06h34
I will be passing around 19h00 / 19h30 between Valence and Grenoble in nice work, leave me a message in MP

28/06/2020 in 15h10
Hello everyone tomorrow around 2 p.m. I'll be naked I will confirm tomorrow around 12 noon good Sunday everyone !!

24/06/2020 in 20h04
Bsr to all and to all I present myself 34years old road 1m80 approx 80kgs brown hair very short park in fiancey for the night I can receive in my cabin for woman and couple

24/06/2020 in 19h08
I was was this apm walked around naked and I pumped a good ke hummm

26/05/2020 in 22h23
J'y suis dans 45 minutes dans la zone

23/05/2020 in 16h01
I'll be there tomorrow, fine weather, get naked

24/01/2020 in 06h59
Cuckoo passage this morning. Who to suck me?

10/01/2020 in 08h03
Passing in the morning. Mp for plane

09/01/2020 in 22h02
I went this apm I met a very nice gat one has done great things humm

08/01/2020 in 12h01
I yrai discover this place "

08/01/2020 in 00h33
I yrai a ride early tomorrow apm

01/12/2019 in 17h27
On the whole between Lyon and Toulon, whether naughty or cpl ok to rogue plane?!?! Leave message, I remain connected, thank you

29/10/2019 in 18h34
transition from passive in the region until Saturday evening included me mp

21/10/2019 in 12h34
Hello I would be in the area tonight Women couple or trav

25/09/2019 in 19h27
Ideal for this meter naked as I did a rock in the woods !!

21/09/2019 in 05h52
Mirmiche21 very rude couple did not spend time with them, black list without having the courtesy to respond, 1 time, nothing to do on a sharing site and politeness, the first criteria of the site,

15/07/2019 in 21h13
Somebody tonight? I bb al hotel right next

30/06/2019 in 00h54
hello I can be there lundien beginning after noon ... looking clean cock sucking ... leave message if interested

24/11/2018 in 14h18
Bjr a couple for a woman exib aprem Mw

25/08/2018 in 08h06
I'm off to do VTC in the area.

28/07/2018 in 23h33
I pass over Valencia on Monday morning ... 30 Available around 8:00 or 9:00. Men wall that receives or trav. Thank you

25/07/2018 in 10h25
No, we go there sometimes ...

… close history