Wood Vaires-sur-Marne 77360

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Vaires-sur-Marne
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
A Vaires-sur-Marne (77) near Torcy Wood Vaires to Vaires-sur-Marne is a gay and bi place. Enter the parking lot located at the intersection of the road and the ford Launay Avenue tits and go to the woods.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
Avenue des Mésanges
77360 Vaires-sur-Marne

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2 d. ago
Hello, de bonnes queues à sucer NOW ?? Et mon cul est en Feu… ;-)

4 d. ago
The Seine.... so it's Vaires sur Seine now..

4 d. ago
Je fréquente souvent le bois de vaire mais actuellement je suis le long de la seine, venez me rejoindre je vous attend pr vous sucez ou me la mettre dans la chatte Je suis dans l’impasse entre le pont de gournay et le canal de chelles, le long de la seine habiller chaudement en haut mais lingerie porte jartel en bas

5 d. ago
Des queues now

5 d. ago
Hello, any good cocks to suck around?? A good ass to lick? And my little ass is on Fire… ;-)

21/12/2024 in 20h03
Je cherche à sucer belle bite je reçois à villeparisis

17/12/2024 in 08h25
Je reçois chez moi à villeparisis pour sucer 69

16/12/2024 in 17h11
Hello, Une bonne tige à sucer dans les parages ? Un bon cul à lécher ? Et mon p’tit cul en Feu… ;-)

14/12/2024 in 16h29
Hello, Une bonne tige à sucer dans les parages ? Et mon p’tit cul en Feu… Alors ? ;-)

12/12/2024 in 16h52
Hello, Une bonne tige à sucer dans les parages ? Alors ? ;-)

11/12/2024 in 22h05
Je cherches bite à sucer cette nuit je reçois à villeparisis

05/12/2024 in 15h54
Un/des Actifs dans les parages qui aient envie de se faire sucer et lécher ? Je mettrais bien ma langue autour d’un gland bien dur…Mon p’tit cul est en feu également ;-)…

30/11/2024 in 19h18
Any Actives around who want to get sucked and licked? My little ass is on fire too ;-)…

29/10/2024 in 16h20
Des actifs qui reçoivent dans le secteur...

29/10/2024 in 16h20
Finalement je ne passe pas de suite sa sera sûrement en fin de soirée

29/10/2024 in 13h58
Nikolope doit passer je crois

29/10/2024 in 06h45
Du monde cette après midi? J’aimerais me faire promener en laisse et bien sûr que l’on abuse de moi.

22/10/2024 in 17h10
Des actifs tbm dans le coin??? Me depl...

08/10/2024 in 20h29
Qui dispo pour que je le ou les pompe et me prendre et me remplir la bouche à la fin ? Message en mp si intéressé

08/10/2024 in 07h24
Sur le secteur de Chelles en fin d'après-midi, des lieux chaud actifs à me recommander dans le coin? Je cherche à me faire pomper en discrétion sans blabla Retour direction Le Mans ensuite, si certains connaissent des aires intéressantes!

20/09/2024 in 13h45
Anyone this afternoon?

19/09/2024 in 17h47
Available.. I'm here!

18/09/2024 in 14h59
Bonne branlette vers 14h avec 3 autres mec Dommage celui que je préférais se faisait pomper Si tu te reconnais viens privée j’aimerais te revoir j’ai adorer ta branlette

11/09/2024 in 13h16
Queues à pomper ? Y a-t-il autre chose que des octogénaires ?

25/07/2024 in 14h18
Asvp surveille le lieu

25/07/2024 in 10h42
J'y passerai cette après-midi vers 14h j'espère y trouver du monde

25/07/2024 in 03h33
Dispo maintenant ? J'habite à 5 mn !

19/07/2024 in 19h44
Bonjour, savez vous si il va y avoir des contrôles dans le bois, ou une présence plus rapprochée des autorités a cause des JO ces prochains jours ?

16/07/2024 in 18h50
De passage ce soir sur ce lieu passif soumis à violer hard uro mollard etc 0627191196

23/06/2024 in 08h32
Du passage ce matin ?

19/06/2024 in 18h50
Bonjour, Langue, bouche et petit trou à dispo. pour queue(s) … ;-) Des intéressés ? ;-)

19/06/2024 in 09h52
Merci au p’tit Gars brun, super mignon, doux, … j’ai adoré te sucer, quelle belle queue bien raide et dure !! On a été dérangé, dommage…j’aurais aimé te sucer jusqu’au bout et prendre ta queue dans mon p’tit trou… ;-). À + …

18/06/2024 in 17h12
Bonjour, Langue, bouche et petit trou à dispo. pour queue(s) en manque… ;-) Des intéressés ? ;-)

17/06/2024 in 18h26
J arrive 25 minutes

17/06/2024 in 17h52
Langue, bouche et petit trou à dispo. pour queue en manque… ;-) Qui ??

05/06/2024 in 17h55
…je suce et je lèche très bien également ;-)

05/06/2024 in 17h43
Une langue agile pour mon p’tit trou et pour me pomper jusqu’au bout…? ;-)

05/06/2024 in 17h21
Un actif bm de passage dans le coin pour moment sympas en forêt ou chez lui s'il reçoit proche de ce lieux! Lissez bien mon profil avant de me contacter pour éviter de perdre son temps!LOL

11/05/2024 in 17h27
Tongue, mouth and small hole available. for a missing tail… ;-)

10/05/2024 in 20h18
Je propose ma queue à pomper, mon p’tit trou à lécher et à doigter…jusqu’au jus ; Intéressé(s) ? J’adore pomper également, lécher…

27/04/2024 in 09h17
Je suis sur les lieux en megane 3 noir entrain de me branler dans le voiture je vous attend

24/04/2024 in 19h21
Qui offre sa queue à pomper ? Son p’tit cul à lécher ? Hygiène irréprochable bien entendu…

10/02/2024 in 18h58
dispo .....

08/02/2024 in 16h31
Une bonne queue qui aurait envie de se faire pomper ? Un bon p’tit cul à lécher ? Hygiène de rigueur bien entendu !!

08/02/2024 in 10h06
Envie d’un plan avec plusieurs mecs qui veulent se faire pomper et etre aussi actif si ils veulent et me remplir la bouche a la fin, qui est chaud pour un truc ce samedi soir?

28/01/2024 in 01h35
Wood closed until further notice.

27/01/2024 in 06h51
Who is available this morning?

25/01/2024 in 20h27
Person ??

25/01/2024 in 19h04
Quelqu’un prêt à jouir ?

25/01/2024 in 17h11
Très envie de pomper et lécher…

25/01/2024 in 04h55
quelqu'un de dispo ???

10/01/2024 in 15h46
Avec ce froid y aurait-il un actif de bm pouvant recevoir now. Me depl dans le secteur

08/01/2024 in 17h30
Rech 1 actif qyi puisse recevoir dans le coin..

05/01/2024 in 18h03
Bois fermé!!!. Parking côté cimetières. Un actif dans le coin...

30/12/2023 in 22h32
available tonight!!

27/12/2023 in 18h44
dispo !!!!!!!

25/12/2023 in 13h47
Dispo .. j'offre ma bouche !!

23/12/2023 in 08h43
Ils sont ou les actifs????

23/12/2023 in 07h08
Jy passe vees 9h.. dit moi si un actif sur place..

22/12/2023 in 19h24
Slt les actifs jy suis dans 2mn...qui my rejoint pour..

22/12/2023 in 11h28
Une queue à pomper now ?

18/12/2023 in 09h49
trav, very female this evening receives in Montévrain for a gangbang at 8 p.m. In the hot events section receives Montévrain this evening. Register participants already. I'm looking for a Max cock to fuck me with several registrations in the very slutty female Event section.

17/12/2023 in 20h24
I receive this night I am looking to suck and be bz

13/12/2023 in 13h55
cc received this evening in work scenario event section (work for juice shower) registration open event 7:30 p.m. already two participants from Montevrain

06/12/2023 in 18h25
Une bonne queue prête à être pompée ?

05/12/2023 in 09h40
Salut je reçois tous les jours sur villeparisis

02/12/2023 in 18h54
Personne prêt à jouir ?

02/12/2023 in 17h15
Qui a envie de se faire pomper, lécher, +++

01/12/2023 in 21h30
Une bonne queue à pomper ?

24/11/2023 in 01h55
Finally, this place is accessible again! But if we still want to be able to enjoy it, gentlemen, please take your trash away! Plus there are trash cans in the parking lot, so your wives won't discover them in your pockets! ;-)

21/11/2023 in 17h07
Qui a envi de se faire pomper, lécher et branler ?

20/11/2023 in 00h39
dispo cette nuit !!

18/11/2023 in 17h08
Qui dispo dans les alentours ?

17/11/2023 in 23h53
Qui disponible maintenant

16/11/2023 in 23h33
dispo .....

16/11/2023 in 12h57
comme tous lieux de drague y a les degeu et les autres mais les degeu sont souvent les meme qui s en foute car aj pire des cas y a bobonne a la maison si on est plus dehors …grrrr

16/11/2023 in 11h52
Encore un lieu fermé ! Officiellement cause chute d'arbres suite tempête, mais je n'en ai vu aucun par terre. Vu le nombre de déchets aux endroits de rencontre, je pense que ce ne sera pas accessible avant longtemps. Et si ce site rappelle souvent de ne pas consommer sur place, messieurs ayez au moins la correction de déposer vos déchets dans les poubelles qui équipent le parking !

14/11/2023 in 18h21
Très envie de sucer et lécher, et réciproquement ;-) Je propose mon p’tit cul également ;-)

14/11/2023 in 13h46
trav pour gang bang ce soir chez moi montevrain rubrique event ch et recois 2/3/4/5/6/7 bite

13/11/2023 in 23h21
dispo .. j'offre ma bouche !

12/11/2023 in 12h33
Du monde à 13:00 pour se faire sucer et se faire lécher ;-)

11/11/2023 in 22h41
dispo cette nuit !

03/11/2023 in 00h03
dispo !!!!!!

24/10/2023 in 16h31
Hi I receive in villeparisis for 69 and more

20/10/2023 in 23h11
available for a plan in the woods this evening!

18/10/2023 in 21h37
available for an appointment this evening!

13/10/2023 in 23h10
Je reçois à villeparisis cette nuit

13/10/2023 in 22h14
Dispo cette nuit ! J'offre ma bouche ..

04/10/2023 in 02h02
Bonsoir. Quelqu'un y sera ce samedi ? Pour ce faire sucer ou sucer ?

28/09/2023 in 12h39
Je suis dans les bois cette apres midi !!!!

25/09/2023 in 20h33
Du monde ?

24/09/2023 in 12h09
Je reçois en glory hole à Chessy . Envoi ta queue en privé si t’es chaud. C’est anonyme et gratuit. Il y a un drap accroché entre deux portes avec un trou dedans, tu viens, tu mets ta queue dans le trou et je m’en occupe. On se voit pas, on se parle pas, je te vide et tu repars. Je t’attends ;)

18/09/2023 in 17h22
Hi, I'll be there in 30 minutes to suck

17/09/2023 in 13h10
Très envie de faire jouir un bel homme en le suçant, en le léchant… mon cul est à dispo également

13/09/2023 in 12h05
Si un couple passe dans le coin, je suis dispo toute la journée...

12/09/2023 in 10h20
Très envie de me faire sucer, de sucer également et de me faire lécher… ;-)

05/09/2023 in 13h45
À seulement 5 minutes de ce lieux je te propose de venir dès maintenant, aujourd’hui je suis dispo toute la journée pour que tu puisses glisser ta queue dans le rideau installé dans mon entrée, ma bouche attend derrière pour te donner du plaisir ! Plan direct sans bla-bla et totalement discret car je ne te vois jamais et tu ne me vois jamais. Idéal pour les amateurs de discrétion, les mecs mariés et/ou bi, les heteros curieux, les mecs de cités etc… Contact ici ou de préférence SMS discret au

28/08/2023 in 14h49
Du monde cet après-midi ?

23/08/2023 in 12h54
Du monde ?

20/08/2023 in 09h03
Bonjour cherche gros queue imberbe a sucer rapide dans les bois

18/08/2023 in 10h53
Du monde tout de suite ?

01/08/2023 in 23h39
And shit it's raining and there would be only small players in pm well next one

01/08/2023 in 22h39
gone I come to put myself at your disposal .. I will be with blind glasses

14/07/2023 in 10h12
Bien envi de jouer dans les bois

09/07/2023 in 14h30
I'm curious to know where is the lake?

07/07/2023 in 18h25
hi i'm here

06/07/2023 in 15h03
Très envie de Pomper…lécher… ;-)

06/07/2023 in 12h07
A lake ?? Or ?

06/07/2023 in 09h46
Where is this lake?

06/07/2023 in 08h57
I'm going to sunbathe at the lake this afternoon. If a couple wants to accompany me, join me let me know I'm available all afternoon. Notice also to single women even if at the edge of the lake its not what's missing, if you want to accompany me or any other plan let me know sign here...

30/06/2023 in 12h14
Super Seb 77 super des rencontres comme ça

30/06/2023 in 11h33
De passage hier jusqu'à 17h. Pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent. Des habitués, mais peu... Alors je me suis rendu dans la grande clairière au fond, sur un banc, je me suis dévêtu ne prenant garde tout de même. Puis me suis caressé, toujours en faisant attention, un cycliste est passé, m'a regardé faire et est parti. Puis discussion avec un habitué que je connais pour avoir des fois fait quelques cochonneries... Nous sommes allé dans la clairière de nouveau, au niveau des tables de pic-nic, au moment où le temps s'est gâté. J'ai sorti ma queue, il m'a bien sucé, puis branle mutuelle, et enfin il m'a pris sur la table et lui en moi, je me suis fait jouir en me branlant... quel orgasme pfiou merci à toi si tu me lis

27/06/2023 in 21h17
Disponible jusqu'à 22 h00

21/06/2023 in 16h04
Who's partying tonight....

21/06/2023 in 13h33
Cc, who wants to take a ride on the sports course in the afternoon?

17/06/2023 in 12h58
Dispo pour exibition ,mattage ,candaulisme ,massage . Faites moi signe on discute et on voit ensemble comment on peut se rencontrer seul les motivé ,les concret , les expérimenté,les vrai couple envoyé message les fantasmeur oublié moi svp

14/06/2023 in 16h20
J'offre ma queue et une soumission soft au premier qui me contacte pour me vider les couilles j'ai chaud elle colle est son bien pleine faudrait me les masser avant la mise en bouche

11/06/2023 in 21h37
Des gens disponible ce soir ?

11/06/2023 in 17h00
Je voulais mettre queue à sucer, j'ai faim

11/06/2023 in 16h54
Il y a quelque , cherche une queue pas a sucer

05/06/2023 in 09h04
J'irai bien m'exhiber la bas , c plutôt simpa , si il y a des personnes pour venir avec moi bronzer a poil :)

02/06/2023 in 17h09
Qui y va ?

02/06/2023 in 14h10
Très envie de sucer, branler et lécher… voir plus… Hygiène irréprochable souhaitée ;-)

31/05/2023 in 18h20
Très très envie de sucer, branler et sodo si envie réciproque…

31/05/2023 in 11h12
Quelqu'un dans la zone entre 12h et 13h?.

28/05/2023 in 00h23
Disponible ce soir jusqu'à 1 heure joffre mon sexe...

23/05/2023 in 14h20
Qui pour me sucer ou branler rapidement proche du bois ? Faites moi signe .

08/05/2023 in 17h16
Of the world, of the passage? Or next? wave

05/05/2023 in 13h08
Someone in the area. I'm in the parking lot waiting for a good queue

03/05/2023 in 22h24
Hello, who is available now to empty me?

03/05/2023 in 12h29
who wants to be dumped?

30/04/2023 in 21h30
I'm offering my cock tonight....

23/04/2023 in 18h24
ah .. it's raining .. well who wants a big balaclava to take care of under popper tell me I can move around within reason

23/04/2023 in 18h14
of the world tonight I'm going with blind balaclava and poppers..

21/04/2023 in 07h27
I'm passive I'm in the woods I'm waiting for you

20/04/2023 in 12h29
I receive today 5 minutes from the station of Chelles! Looking for a deep throat pumper max 40 years old

20/04/2023 in 11h35
Recherche une coquine ,un couple , des candauliste, pour s'amuser dans une ambiance amicale passé moi un p'tit message pour que l'on s'organise je suis plus ou moins disponible en fonctions des jours , hygiène et discrétion sont obligatoires ... Bisous et amusé vous bien .

17/04/2023 in 12h10
Who joins me now? I'm in the woods, hot to get sucked

13/04/2023 in 17h55
A man for tonight? A mouth to feed?

06/04/2023 in 12h52
Thank you, the couple who contacted me had a great time yesterday so I'm available for you whenever you want... I'll be in the woods from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. very wet sex for anyone who wants to contact me...

05/04/2023 in 16h29
Très envie de pomper, lécher et me faire sodo. Now ;-) …

05/04/2023 in 15h18
Hi everyone over there?

03/04/2023 in 12h40
Little walk this afternoon, if anyone wants to taste my taste, it's with pleasure that I offer my sex for a long moment of pleasure....

25/03/2023 in 16h15
Looking for a couple for this disco evening tonight, we're doing the evening for three discreetly, I love it....

25/03/2023 in 11h46
Really want to pump..., I'll be there around 12:15... ;-)

20/03/2023 in 17h52
it already exists in department 34!!!!!! lol

20/03/2023 in 17h45
We can write to our deputies to improve the law because it will avoid certain worries and would reduce femicides. A guy who can't do with his good wife anymore, can't masturbate in his car, get sucked outside, go see a whore in the middle of the night because it's the court and a heavy fine is offered to him!!. Without PRESENCE of family and children, exib and acts could be done. Given the band of hippocrites that the country has, we are forced to play Russian roulette! not seen not caught !!!

20/03/2023 in 16h07
@clealakokine: I completely agree with you, me if I were a deputy, I would open an outdoor place in each department where exhibitionism would be legal and access free, and in my opinion, I think that a lot of people couldn't help coming to take a look at it when they themselves wouldn't even dare to drop their pants, people don't dare, when deep down inside, it would excite to watch sex in the open air

20/03/2023 in 15h49
Your idea is super nice but not easy to find, the ideal would be to have deputies who could improve the law on exib and outdoor sexual practice. There might be fewer problems in society!

20/03/2023 in 14h44
I also have the idea of ​​finding a pleasant place in the 77 or near in order to organize a special event on a weekend where everyone would be invited to come for a walk, sunbathe, picnic in a typical outdoor setting. clearing forest, sheltered from walkers and families etc and where everyone would come and practice what they like if someone has a private fenced lot not overlooked its even better than you think!!! Free sharing hygiene and good humor are mandatory ... like the 70s and better ....

20/03/2023 in 14h34
Looking for a couple or a woman for sexual erotic games, massage, going out to the cinema, restaurant, walk, exibition, hhf trio, submissive candaulist, passive, without violence, irreproachable hygiene, I await your proposals .... I am also looking for an ideal place to organize in the open air on weekends a giant meeting sheltered from the gaze of family walkers etc. a place where those who are interested could come and have a look without fear and in sharing and good humor. sexual freedom!!!

20/03/2023 in 14h06
35-year-old man is looking for a woman or a couple for an intimate encounter, massage, sexual games, cinema outing, outdoors, forest exhibition,

20/03/2023 in 14h02
Looking for a couple or a woman for an intimate exchange, massage, sexy outing, hot walks in the forest...

18/03/2023 in 18h55
Hello @Nono77, straight man is it ok?

18/03/2023 in 18h49
Madame and I will be very receptive this evening around 7:30 p.m.… for bi couples, bi men,… Courtesy and impeccable hygiene are essential. Suck, wank, cuni., see penetration with a condom if desired by Madame ;-)…

18/03/2023 in 12h02
J’arrive… qui a envie d’être bien pompé, léché, … Mon p’tit cul à dispo. …. ;-)…

17/03/2023 in 13h21
Salut je cherche à sucer et avalée jus je peu recevoir a villeparisis

12/03/2023 in 14h15
I'm there for 30min. I put my buttocks available to the first comer..

11/03/2023 in 16h09
Qui dispo pour bien me pomper ou branle ...

10/03/2023 in 13h16
Je serais en promenade de 13h30 a 15 h00 si quelqu'un veut tripoter branler sucer !!!

06/03/2023 in 12h07
Kel active tbl want my little one... available from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

05/03/2023 in 08h43
Who to get pumped, licked and enjoyed ;-)

05/03/2023 in 08h37
People this morning?

04/03/2023 in 18h57
Really want to pump a nice cock...

04/03/2023 in 18h18
a big cock for 8 p.m.?

04/03/2023 in 17h07
Who now?

04/03/2023 in 12h28
I'm going there for 2:00 p.m. to run a little if someone wants to come and give me a hand or mouth finish I'm a taker...

03/03/2023 in 20h37
Unactive in the corner to satisfy...

03/03/2023 in 17h08
are there often people in the evening?

28/02/2023 in 14h36
I would like to be massaged entirely naked full massage and no mytho, we see together for the rest so feeling!!!

28/02/2023 in 14h34
Free from 5:00 p.m. due to withdrawals

27/02/2023 in 12h46
I'm looking for a mouth to feed between 4 and 6 p.m. quiet in the woods...

23/02/2023 in 10h46
I offer my candaulist services, Domi plan, soft submission, I take care of your wife for the mutual pleasure of the senses, make me a request if interested, we see together for the organization of the plan. Best regards.

22/02/2023 in 21h33
People right away?

12/02/2023 in 15h49
Shy man, curious, players hope for a risky meeting or plan to play in the woods at more or less forbidden games I await your proposals with the pleasure of reading you...

09/02/2023 in 13h34
Really want to suck a good cock and lick a little ass… and you?

21/01/2023 in 15h28
Hello everyone this afternoon

20/01/2023 in 15h05
I want to go out with a couple to the cinema or other for an exciting and discreet naughty moment....

18/01/2023 in 14h34
I am at the ucpa of vares sur marne if anyone wants to sexiber on the parking lot by car or on the straight line around the lake I am discreet....

14/01/2023 in 12h42
Want to pump now…

11/01/2023 in 16h21
Envie de sucer, qui de dispo. ? Vers 18:30…

06/01/2023 in 05h40
Salut je vais y allez aujourd'hui j'ai grave envie de sucer

04/01/2023 in 21h47
Who tomorrow morning is ready to absorb my cock in the mouth...

03/01/2023 in 10h36
Looking for cocks to suck… and more ;-)

30/12/2022 in 14h25
Looking for candaulist husband who lends me his wife for an intense moment present or not....

28/12/2022 in 20h05
Hello, want to make me suck, who available?

26/12/2022 in 15h37
Passing through the area around 6 p.m., an active TBM available that can receive me????

26/12/2022 in 10h33
I'm waiting for you in shorts and blue jacket .... Without socks lol

26/12/2022 in 09h15
Me ok for plan sucks this morning around 10:30 am, tell me if it's ok

26/12/2022 in 09h08
Who's plan sucks today?

22/12/2022 in 18h26
I arrive around 7:30 p.m. If you have to be sucked… ;-)

17/12/2022 in 12h00
Naughty walk this afternoon around 12:30 p.m.... to suck beautiful cocks and lick little asses... mine is ready too ;-) If you're tempted... Black Mercedes SUV...

16/12/2022 in 10h36
Little walk between 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. in the woods in the cool I'll be in green jogging

26/11/2022 in 01h52
Mei with pleasure

23/11/2022 in 15h12
Who would be hot enough to come and pump me without blabla

12/11/2022 in 14h17
A vicious mouth to welcome my perverse sex???

05/11/2022 in 12h51
good person last night (but given the time not surprising).. please pm me if you want me to be available again tonight, giving me a schedule

04/11/2022 in 22h36
I'm there I'm going to make myself available under a balaclava

04/11/2022 in 18h52
From the world to the mtn?

02/11/2022 in 13h22
From the passage in the afternoon? send me a message ;)

01/11/2022 in 10h19
I'll be in the woods today walking around and offering my sex discreetly notice to amateurs

25/10/2022 in 06h49
From the world today I would like to suck a good cock

20/10/2022 in 11h57
Hello am in the passive wood looking for active cho can move me

15/10/2022 in 11h27
Another myth...

15/10/2022 in 00h18
I was at the place of Drague this day at the times indicated by the initiator but I did not find them … well at least I took a walk

14/10/2022 in 16h50
@thin initiator wish I had seen that

14/10/2022 in 12h07
Nobody to plan between guy I'm there

13/10/2022 in 17h34
I plan to bring a woman to fuck her outside in the woods tomorrow around 2:00 p.m. with the woods pentalon on her ankles I will take her pussy and probably make her suck me if any voyeurs want to see stay away please don't don't get too close madam is very shy its a first for her.

09/10/2022 in 17h17
I'm there and I'm going to put myself in a corner under a balaclava and poppers who find me fucking me ^^

09/10/2022 in 11h48
Available to offer my cock for jerking off, sucking, caressing behind a tree in the middle of nature...

06/10/2022 in 13h56
Manly man looking for wild fuck in the woods right now I'm sent there mp

30/09/2022 in 11h57
I am there today to offer my sex in the middle of nature woman, couple, submissive, sucker sent mp for meeting

29/09/2022 in 11h08
I'm going for a walk looking for mushrooms this afternoon Joffre my sex to whoever wants it if interested send pm

26/09/2022 in 16h25
Thank you to the couple who came it was extra when you want I take Madame with you the delicacies like that I don't get tired of it

23/09/2022 in 14h35
Looking for a couple woman alone naughty voyeurism sharing candaulism ... I am available

20/09/2022 in 22h17
Good evening Is there a couple ready to come and join us tomorrow late afternoon (21/09), my naughty girl and I, for a little naughty walk Biz to all

20/09/2022 in 11h30
I immediately receive mature men at home

20/09/2022 in 11h29
mes fesses sont dispo de suite et tous les jours et toute la journee.suis as 5 mn du kiloutou de chelles et j'encule aussi etc .bjr les hommes murs

19/09/2022 in 08h03
my buttocks are available to mature men all day and every day. I'm 5 minutes from Kiloutou Chelles and I also fuck etc.

16/09/2022 in 10h17
#xmen11 im ready to get caught tonight

16/09/2022 in 09h49
hello mature men. my buttocks are available all day and am 5 minutes from kiloutou de chelles. I'm waiting for you in my bed and I also fuck etc.

15/09/2022 in 13h49
Notice to amateurs, I propose to come and cuckold you, candauleur, I would appreciate making your unacknowledged fantasies come true, I am looking for real and concrete women alone, also submissive, would be a plus... See you soon, I hope

14/09/2022 in 11h45
mes fesses sont dispo les hommes murs je vous attend dans mom lit et j'encule aussi etc

09/09/2022 in 08h53
People today?

09/09/2022 in 07h12
my buttocks are available all day and every day for mature men and I also fuck etc. I'm 5 minutes from Kiloutou de Chelles and I receive home

07/09/2022 in 08h03
Passive to the woods of vares now

06/09/2022 in 15h01

01/09/2022 in 09h47

30/08/2022 in 11h07

29/08/2022 in 08h55

28/08/2022 in 10h44
bjr . tres tres envie de faire enculez par des hommes murs tout suite dans mom lit et j'encule aussi etc

26/08/2022 in 09h19
Who this morning???

25/08/2022 in 07h32

22/08/2022 in 08h56

21/08/2022 in 11h34
Passive to the woods of vares attend active

19/08/2022 in 10h28
mature men come bugger me at home right now and I'll suck your cocks for you. am as 5 mn of the kiloutou of chelles. I'm a good empty balls who receives all day

17/08/2022 in 04h35

15/08/2022 in 11h40

14/08/2022 in 10h00

12/08/2022 in 21h35
I go there Saturday night around 11pm. MP

12/08/2022 in 13h34
I hope I have a nice cock to suck ;-)

10/08/2022 in 19h55
@sbi76: indeed if your buttocks are exposed, it immediately shows that you are a slut who is waiting for that hmmmmmmmm, too bad we are not closer, so that I can file your ass without soft top and more

10/08/2022 in 19h15
@actifbbk ... I specify: blind balaclava and shorts down ... it does not look like a pd breaker ...

10/08/2022 in 16h08
Assets in the area that can receive?

10/08/2022 in 11h40

09/08/2022 in 22h42
@sbi76: at the same time, when you see the world we live in, when you see a hooded man, you are necessarily suspicious, when you do not know him, the PD breakers will unfortunately always be present, so we are careful and we don't dare

09/08/2022 in 22h36
je suis reparti comme souvant 2/3 mecs qui matte mais ne fond rien ... peur d un mec cagoulé ... dommage

09/08/2022 in 22h05

09/08/2022 in 21h41
There are 3 guys, the old one at the entrance, I'm going to ask myself a little further

09/08/2022 in 21h20
of the world if I come to make my available now?

08/08/2022 in 09h47

07/08/2022 in 16h14
Who wants to suck and get sucked?

07/08/2022 in 06h33

05/08/2022 in 11h20

04/08/2022 in 18h36
Not many people and it floats

04/08/2022 in 17h44
Assets in the corners for nice moments.. am like the super boiling weather..

03/08/2022 in 06h45

02/08/2022 in 11h10

31/07/2022 in 19h53
Jogging tomorrow around 7:30 p.m. … blue shorts. Fans for a break?

25/07/2022 in 07h29

21/07/2022 in 23h20
you are hard on yourself!

21/07/2022 in 21h40
in the world to take care of an ugly under a balaclava and poppers tonight?

21/07/2022 in 14h41
seb77500 the hater of the site if there are message boxes on the premises c made for that to put messages or announce the dumbest guy on earth

12/07/2022 in 23h32
Otherwise Xmen11 you know how to write in lowercase? It's a bit aggressive as a communication, don't you think?

12/07/2022 in 23h23
Xmen just blocks everyone (me too he blocks me ..) no big deal he won't get fucked by anyone

12/07/2022 in 09h25
Xmem11 and a person who blacklists people for no reason

11/07/2022 in 16h02
Looking for a candaulist naturist couple threesome for a nice moment full of sensuality

01/07/2022 in 21h11
I can receive at a bi friend also on villeparisis

29/06/2022 in 08h02
Salut du monde aujourd'hui pour sucer j'ai grave envie

25/06/2022 in 08h50
Who wants to get sucked? And when ?

23/06/2022 in 16h47
I'll be there around 6:30 p.m., active I love getting sucked!

20/06/2022 in 21h42
I am present at the wood at the level of the bench to have my balls emptied...

20/06/2022 in 16h25
I'm going tomorrow at 7 p.m.

20/06/2022 in 15h57
I will be there between 6:30 and 8 p.m.

13/06/2022 in 21h15
Available to offer my sex to a welcoming mouth. ..

13/06/2022 in 10h02
hi xmem11 why are you blocking ??????? I don't think I was rude to you or vulgar I'm a pretty cool and nice guy you can ask the van for kisses anyway

12/06/2022 in 17h07
Seb77500, I went twice in two days and saw a new face! It came true! Phew. It reassures me about this place so great.

11/06/2022 in 13h08
The impression that no one goes there anymore... what a pity. Wood lends itself well though

01/06/2022 in 20h54
Je reçois ce soir à villeparisis j'ai envie de sucer

31/05/2022 in 22h23
I'm waiting... a little longer...

31/05/2022 in 22h00
I'm there, I'm waiting until 10:30 p.m.

31/05/2022 in 21h35
well I want to have my empty tonight .. I'm going there in 15 minutes (the time of the way) I wait to see if there are cars a bit and put me in the woods blindfolded .. you come you take care of my package .. empties me and breaks you ..

30/05/2022 in 06h47
J’irai y courir vers 13h30. Short bleu … suis open ++++++

28/05/2022 in 21h32
J’y serai dimanche 29/05 à 12:45 pour sucer, lécher et plus ;-) ; Plan à plusieurs Top… ;-)…. Citadine mauve…

19/05/2022 in 11h41
Salut je reçois aujourd'hui pour sucer mec

16/05/2022 in 04h26
Who to suck at 5:30 a.m. / 6 a.m.?

13/05/2022 in 19h21
Hello I am looking for a guy to suck I can receive in Villeparisis

06/05/2022 in 22h48
no one again too bad

06/05/2022 in 21h53
I'm there, I'm waiting for cars in the parking lot to make me available

06/05/2022 in 21h17
are there people there if I make myself available?

23/04/2022 in 22h26
du monde ce soir si je m y met a dispo ?

21/04/2022 in 17h09
Who in 30 mins?

06/04/2022 in 19h02
I am looking for a partner for immediately until 10:00 p.m. offers a plan in the heart of Paris 16th I can receive make your request otherwise from 10:00 p.m. station of vares sur marne to get sucked off on my way home from work ....

05/04/2022 in 18h56
Tonight I come home late from work I just want to spit in my mouth I'll be around 9:30 p.m. Vaires station if interested let me know

02/04/2022 in 16h20
Available to give my hard cock a deep mouth...

01/04/2022 in 14h40
Salut du monde aujourd'hui

28/03/2022 in 12h42
Hi top guys Who wants to be sucked in a deep throat and put his creamy cum in the bottom Who wants a good tough ass to put his creamy cum in the bottom Yes I suck and fuck without a condom because I like to feel the heat d A tail and above all take all the good hot juice I go where you want at home or forest or parking lot or WC or Small quiet corner Also likes to be with two or three active Yes I am a real slut or a bitch in heat But I assume it

26/03/2022 in 08h55
Hi top guys Who wants to be sucked in a deep throat and put his creamy cum in the bottom Who wants a good tough ass to put his creamy cum in the bottom Yes I suck and fuck without a condom because I like to feel the heat d A tail and above all take all the good hot juice I go where you want at home or forest or parking lot or WC or Small quiet corner Also likes to be with two or three active Yes I am a real slut or a bitch in heat But I assume it

25/03/2022 in 08h51
Salut les actif Qui a envie être sucer en gorge profonde et y déposer son foutre bien crème au fond Qui a envie d un bon cul bien endurant pour y déposer son foutre bien crème au fond Oui je sucer et baiser sans capote car j aime sentir la chaleur d Une queue et surtout prendre tout le bon jus bien chaud Je me déplace où tu veux chez-vous ou forêt ou parking ou WC ou Petit coin tranquille Aime aussi être avec deux ou trois actif Oui je suis une vraie salope ou une chienne en chaleur Mais je l'assume

24/03/2022 in 20h15
Hi want to do me a double anal and suck at the same time

24/03/2022 in 18h06
hello Who tomorrow or tonight to make me discover....want to suck....moves me only if message in pm

21/03/2022 in 13h55
Hello everyone this afternoon

20/03/2022 in 17h24
Available tonight to offer my sex to a mouth...

14/03/2022 in 12h33
welcome to bussy

11/03/2022 in 18h29
People tonight?

06/03/2022 in 18h53
Who's available for an express pipe drink my juice..

17/02/2022 in 10h20
I'm going there this afternoon, I hope to find some nice cock

06/02/2022 in 22h02
How is your car?

06/02/2022 in 21h01
I'm sitting in my vehicle on the edge of the marl which wants to suck me hard!!!

26/01/2022 in 16h36
I'll be there in 20 mins

12/01/2022 in 19h06
I'm going to take a walk around 9 p.m. on the banks of the marl I'm not against a good pipe on the edge of the canal

08/01/2022 in 14h59
Looking for a couple to spend a nice evening !!!

04/01/2022 in 12h57
Someone for exhib / voyeurism?

30/12/2021 in 13h08
active reception in bussy

28/12/2021 in 10h55
recoi a bussy

21/12/2021 in 18h09
Passing by at the end of the day, I am active 30 years old, love being sucked for a long time in deep throat mode ideally and sodomy with a condom. BM 18cm

17/12/2021 in 18h06
Me around 7:30 p.m.

16/12/2021 in 21h00
I go there if there are people!!!

14/12/2021 in 22h08
Du monde qui y passe cette nuit? (Vers 2h?)

10/12/2021 in 20h37
Tonight available for any plan!!!! I receive

12/11/2021 in 13h35
Qui est dispo ?

30/10/2021 in 12h27
A desire I will take a walk in the woods this afternoon I can take out my cock and my balls shaved close to my pants if you want ...

19/10/2021 in 15h27
I'm active not passive lol

19/10/2021 in 15h26
I would go for a walk every hour around 5.30 p.m. in the woods if the little blonde that I met the last time is on this site, you will contact me when you want ... otherwise for couples we can always dream, contacted me also and for the others contacted me also if your a man knows that I am passive is a little believed ...

15/10/2021 in 18h38
Active man is looking for Domi soft plan in a discreet place if interested let me know

25/08/2021 in 17h40
A little passage around 8 p.m. would relieve me!!

22/08/2021 in 14h49
Tonight 5.30 p.m. precisely I would be available to give my cock to taste it will be clean smooth ... I want to dominate and give my cock while playing with your mouth you who will make the bitch contact me if your available ...

20/08/2021 in 23h39
Are there still so many mosquitoes at the moment? And lots of cops?

17/08/2021 in 15h45
J'en reviens à l'instant. J'ai croisé 2 fliquettes de la Police Municipale en patrouille à vélo dans le bois qui m'ont gentiment expliqué qu'il était interdit de s'aventurer dans les petits chemins du bois et qu'il fallait rester dans les grandes allées.

10/08/2021 in 19h36
Is there a man to empty me after my hard day ...

10/08/2021 in 14h33
Hello, anyone this afternoon?

03/08/2021 in 17h43
I come to take a tour I will certainly tie myself in a corner with a blindfold for those who want to play .. not against a shot of poppers in the mask that I will have

29/07/2021 in 11h34
Available at the bottom of the woods towards the slightly hidden cemetery if you manage to approach me and I unbutton myself to piss her your right pass so that you can come and hold caress and see more according to our tastes, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

29/07/2021 in 00h49
I go blind on the Rodin for a while under poppers for you to enjoy

25/07/2021 in 06h31
Who's going this morning

23/07/2021 in 23h07
I'm going now make myself available

22/07/2021 in 18h59
hello there are people tonight

22/07/2021 in 10h29
Hello everyone has the same search for a couple, a woman, or a man who loves to be a woman ....

20/07/2021 in 14h59
Well we are there but there are families and children so trip complicate.

20/07/2021 in 14h10
A little late but we're coming

19/07/2021 in 14h41
hello a friend proposes to tie me under a balaclava and gag the tail has suckers available with poppers to gas me at the same time on the 20th around 2/3 p.m. thank you for your PMs for those who will come

16/07/2021 in 16h32
Bonjour je serais là bas avec une femme novice mais très gourmandes vers 17H Avis aux amateurs ou voyeurs

04/07/2021 in 19h24
Hello, there are people tonight.

01/07/2021 in 13h45
an asset in the area to take care of my ass?

30/06/2021 in 14h16
an asset in the area?

27/06/2021 in 16h05
Who around 7 p.m.?

25/06/2021 in 14h49
i am if anyone wants my ass

25/06/2021 in 13h14
an asset to file me?

24/06/2021 in 11h12
My desire is simple I am looking for a person to caress me, masturbate me, pump me warmly, I would like to get completely naked in the middle of nature in order to enjoy the moment. I'm active and don't want to suck or be fucked, I just offer my body to someone who will take care of it.

23/06/2021 in 17h59
I'll be there between 6:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

23/06/2021 in 17h57
Do you want to get sucked in the woods, if there are volunteers?

23/06/2021 in 13h25
People this afternoon?

13/06/2021 in 17h52
Which evening after 8 p.m.

10/06/2021 in 14h41
Anyone this afternoon?

08/06/2021 in 20h50
I'll be there tomorrow afternoon, I love getting sucked for a long time in deep throat mode ....

03/06/2021 in 17h30
I am there I am looking for active males tbm to relieve him after a good day of work !!!

31/05/2021 in 15h07
Available tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. only to make me lick the scoops and stick of ice greedily ....

21/05/2021 in 08h35
I would be there around 10:30 am / 11:00 am; towards the end of the Allée des Renards, black jogging, white stripes

21/05/2021 in 07h31
I was there yesterday, and I got sucked very well for a little guy on my bike, to do it again, I'm going back there for sure today.

20/05/2021 in 12h37
I'm there :)

20/05/2021 in 08h01
I'm going there today between 11am and 3pm. Black survet, high bench, black cap. If we meet, say Misdooe, I answer you Croozr

14/05/2021 in 15h20
Bad weather today, so I won't go!

14/05/2021 in 11h36
Passing through this afternoon .. Who's coming?

08/05/2021 in 11h24
Of the world today?

07/05/2021 in 15h16
People at the end of the day or tomorrow morning?

04/05/2021 in 17h58
Cho assets to find my way back, follow Citroën C4 white

25/04/2021 in 08h54
Hello, are there people there?

14/04/2021 in 07h00
passive trav received this wednesday 10:30 am 7pm in montevrain rue de rome

12/04/2021 in 19h38
I no longer go there since the new confinement because it is more than 10 km away!

12/04/2021 in 17h44
another beautiful apm with a h in Bermuda shorts which fingers divinely well and almost made me leave in a few minutes ... Fortunately I knew how to take advantage and satisfy 3 hours by gently wanking them. a last 3-shot allowed me to finish myself. There are even more people around 4.30 / 5 p.m. I love to jog there but a priori I don't meet anyone from the site ;-)

10/04/2021 in 16h57
Trav betty is looking for active available tomorrow evening and Monday late afternoon and evening

10/04/2021 in 13h31
Cc, people there?

10/04/2021 in 07h24
sunday 11 april cc gang bang i would be available to receive 2 to 4 queues sunday april 11 morning at 9 am for me gang bang mouth and smooth ass in trav female soda juice shower sucks popers for your tails leave me message that if serious and real otherwise forget to receive montevrain

05/04/2021 in 08h16
rather 10am today, it's still a little cool

05/04/2021 in 07h14
present this morning from 9 a.m., come by and we'll see

04/04/2021 in 06h23
Passage this morning? send message

02/04/2021 in 14h30
Hello, from the world this post-mifi?

31/03/2021 in 15h52
I am going now

31/03/2021 in 10h06
Of the passage this afternoon? I'll be there !!

29/03/2021 in 13h19
I'll be there this afternoon!

02/03/2021 in 15h10
Someone ? I'm there

02/03/2021 in 09h16
Hello, I am active and I am thinking of spending the afternoon in the woods, enjoying the sun a little and many other things. Give me a sign

26/02/2021 in 10h07
an asset to file me?

25/02/2021 in 13h03
an asset to take care of my ass?

19/02/2021 in 16h59
You astonish me lol But it is above all a woman who walks alone in the woods in search of cocks, it does not exist: it makes you dream but as men are starved and no longer respect women when they say "no", they do differently to make love like being accompanied by their man or "bodyguards" and certainly not in nature

19/02/2021 in 11h29
We all have the right to fantasize valou77sud lol

19/02/2021 in 10h01
Greetings, libertarian friends if a beautiful woman wants to come and offer herself to the woods of vaires sur Marne, I reserve my attention to her !!!

17/02/2021 in 15h27
am I active in the area?

16/02/2021 in 15h29
am I an asset? or as always absolutely nothing !!

15/02/2021 in 09h17
Hello. You want to get my ass sucked and fingered. I don't get ...

09/02/2021 in 14h19
I'll be there at 4pm, an asset to screw my ass up?

08/02/2021 in 15h03
I am in 1 hour, an asset to file me thoroughly?

02/02/2021 in 15h30
an asset in the area?

02/02/2021 in 10h08
Xmem11 I have never seen or discussed with you so why did you block me ??

26/01/2021 in 06h22
looking for a good threesome this morning around 9am I receive two nice hard cocks me total smooth work available I receive montevrain

24/01/2021 in 14h53
Someone to dump in the area?

22/01/2021 in 17h30
xmem11 can you contact me please

13/01/2021 in 15h10
Police on the spot attention

10/01/2021 in 18h07
Would I be there to suck hot guys around 6.30pm? Possible car plan given the cold

05/01/2021 in 19h30
Qql to empty discreetly in the corner?

01/01/2021 in 19h07
From the tail to pepom over there? NOW

21/12/2020 in 03h28
Am passive wall to spank and sodomize + pissing. Move me

17/12/2020 in 16h45
A greedy mouth around Lagny?

16/12/2020 in 17h35

15/12/2020 in 20h07
Driver on a break in the industrial area of ​​Lagny want to empty my balls contact me mp

14/12/2020 in 14h03
Who wants to suck me, fuck play with my ass in the wood of vaires? I'm there.

11/12/2020 in 09h16
I will spend Sunday there at the beginning of the afternoon to suck cock !!

10/12/2020 in 19h16
Guys to empty now?

08/12/2020 in 12h34
Passive wood vaires

05/12/2020 in 15h05
Cc, of the world? A sudden urge to suck a cock ...

28/11/2020 in 11h23
Hi, with the 20 km 3 hour rule, are there any new people in this place?

20/11/2020 in 17h32
I go until 6:30 p.m.

17/11/2020 in 13h12
Passage today?

15/11/2020 in 14h46
When a couple in the parking lot of vaires I miss the candaulist relationship

12/11/2020 in 19h25
Are you hot? I'm there

12/11/2020 in 17h08
I'm there in 30 minutes

07/11/2020 in 12h57
Claude77_66. I am not a subscriber so I cannot reply to you in PM. the answer is yes. I love

07/11/2020 in 12h47
Yes claude77

07/11/2020 in 11h06
Who wants to fuck me between 3:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.

06/11/2020 in 15h26
People around 5pm today in the woods?

04/11/2020 in 16h29
I'm going to go for a walk

30/10/2020 in 14h20
Of the world today?

26/10/2020 in 18h51
Passage this afternoon and 3 "old" people including one sucking the other two. nice little hard cocks or almost ;-)

20/10/2020 in 13h47
People to pump around the end of the day

29/09/2020 in 14h14
an active recoi in the corner too want to have my ass fucked

20/09/2020 in 16h17
Who to pump me?

17/09/2020 in 15h14
13.30 at the bottom of the wood two men caress each other. One fingers the ass of the other who wanks his pants off to his knees. Thank you it allowed me to lower my shorts and jerk off from afar ;-) I'm going back around 4.30pm!

17/09/2020 in 14h53
People at the moment

16/09/2020 in 06h05
A guy to empty now?

07/09/2020 in 01h38
A guy wants to go there so that I suck him? I can be there very quickly

02/09/2020 in 21h52
A small passage around 9.30 pm ... And a passive lowers his pants at the entrance to the undergrowth. And there had to take it. It comes in by itself! well done

02/09/2020 in 17h29
Want to make me suck. People on site

31/08/2020 in 19h52
So tonight around 7:00 p.m. Two great guys compliment naked for heat ... TOP Bravo and a young guy in an orange-trimmed hoodie who sucked and jerked me off too well. Thank you young h!

31/08/2020 in 17h09
Passing around 7pm! In jogger mode!

31/08/2020 in 15h49
who goes there?

27/08/2020 in 22h49
Someone available to be a pepon?

20/08/2020 in 21h29
People tonight?

19/08/2020 in 17h42
I come back from the woods to walk for 2 hours. I saw 2 old people there, 2 well-hung guys, 3 "other" people. On my arrival one of the old people to empty a guy before spitting on the ground (big squirt a priori). Then walk the cock in the air with nothing to eat. Then voyeur of a handsome guy wanking (but not wanting to do more! But beautiful q). Then take a walk again, and finally a guy to wank a few meters from me another who quickly squirt. And suddenly no one. Note a guy in red Bermuda shorts who kept spinning around doing nothing. And you, do you have great experiences there? Yesterday evening at 23.30 person in the dark woods

19/08/2020 in 14h05
Who when why? ;-)

18/08/2020 in 23h39
who now?

16/08/2020 in 15h32
I would be there around 7pm! In jogging mode and more

13/08/2020 in 22h02
A guy to suck on tonight?

13/08/2020 in 16h04
Passive available at the moment?

10/08/2020 in 15h05
am there in 10 minutes an asset to screw my ass?

20/07/2020 in 22h21
From around 11pm?

20/07/2020 in 13h38
an asset in the area? want to get my ass fucked?

08/07/2020 in 12h38
Who around 1:30 p.m.?

03/07/2020 in 14h01
an asset that receives in the area?

02/07/2020 in 18h52
From around 10 p.m.?

02/07/2020 in 12h31
I would be there

02/07/2020 in 12h28
Who around 4 p.m.?

02/07/2020 in 11h02
an asset around 3:30 p.m. to smash my ass?

29/06/2020 in 08h36
People this morning? Around 10am ?

25/06/2020 in 13h37
no one ?

25/06/2020 in 12h21
an active around 3:30 pm who receives in the corner to smash my ass?

24/06/2020 in 15h08
I'm there.....

24/06/2020 in 13h43
an active around 3pm to smash my ass?

23/06/2020 in 08h11
This morning!

22/06/2020 in 11h15
Anyone this afternoon? I'll go jogging - blue shorts around 3 p.m.

21/06/2020 in 07h08
A guy to empty this morning?

18/06/2020 in 17h16
Of the world ???

09/06/2020 in 20h24
Passing through Vaires from June 21 to 24 Recto Verso I can receive at the hotel

09/06/2020 in 14h01
I'm there around 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. on foot

30/05/2020 in 17h12
Around 6:15 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. for a jog! Blue shorts

29/05/2020 in 04h42
I'm going there tomorrow around 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. for pepom

27/05/2020 in 15h35
Who around 4:30 p.m.

26/05/2020 in 15h59
I'm there

26/05/2020 in 15h59
I'm there

26/05/2020 in 14h38
About 16 o'clock ? I'm going to jog there...

26/05/2020 in 07h28
today around 10 a.m.

25/05/2020 in 08h53
The déconfinement is slow to come to Vaires!!!

24/05/2020 in 17h59
It turns not badly but not easy physics. Too bad it cuts a little the envy. And mosquitoes attach quickly

24/05/2020 in 15h49
Sluts on site?

23/05/2020 in 10h42
Oui c'est ça. J'adore draguer là-bas et je suis passif et soumis

23/05/2020 in 09h34
I will be available around 11am!!!

23/05/2020 in 04h10
Available to pump discreetly very often until late. Write me if you are hot

22/05/2020 in 22h16
du monde pour un mec a dispo sous cagoule aveugle? si oui me dire

21/05/2020 in 23h09
tomorrow morning???

21/05/2020 in 16h18
Des actif vers 21h

21/05/2020 in 14h27
Guys this afternoon?

16/05/2020 in 16h42
Cho guys? Mp

13/05/2020 in 13h58
Ch good lope or buddy wank MP;)

07/05/2020 in 11h34
Confirmed: the forests still open from Monday.

18/03/2020 in 16h50
In fact, everyone is responsible for not becoming a vector for the coronavirus. The only solution is containment. You are not only responsible for your own person.

04/03/2020 in 13h16
I do not know why pourgangbang Blacklist me but a priori it confirms the Fake side. Even if there are reviews on his profile but it's amazing because all the photos come from the internet. I can easily give you the links of the original photos. So I do not understand why this Fake account is not banned and in addition at the time there were people who were attacked in the forests of the 77 following an appointment given by guys from cities so mistrust seen the profile ;)

28/02/2020 in 10h49
I would be there at 4 p.m. active to file me thoroughly?

26/02/2020 in 15h20
I am an active in the corner to file me thoroughly?

17/01/2020 in 21h23
Feel like you've emptied jy I'm very greedy and loves big fine.

04/01/2020 in 15h43
Who Sunday?

02/01/2020 in 17h24
Who goes tonight gives me pleasure and defonce my Q and I suck two or three Ps made me a message in private

02/01/2020 in 17h21
Who goes tonight gives me pleasure and defonce my Q and I suck two or three

24/12/2019 in 23h11
Is the world these days?

11/12/2019 in 20h16
Good evening !! Parking closed for works.

10/12/2019 in 19h47
Yeah. After this evening. Closed. :( Hopefully this is temporary. That said, given the state in which the wood because of some, it does not surprise me that access is permanently closed ...

29/10/2019 in 19h18
passage get to the hotel or m moves to hfc evening and all night Contact mp ...

23/10/2019 in 16h00
A young effeminate mouth?

14/10/2019 in 20h08
Personne sur place ! Dommage, j'étais chaud- bouillant pour distribuer ma semence ! :-(

01/10/2019 in 19h17
Qqu'un tonight around 22:30 with a mouth to offer?

16/09/2019 in 17h23
Nobody ki sucks or is sucks

16/09/2019 in 16h31
The world?

16/09/2019 in 10h19
it looks nice

03/09/2019 in 11h56
I'm nobody there to suck or wants mebaiser

30/08/2019 in 16h10
Well ptitospassif ... you take the real good because your message is breathtaking.

25/07/2019 in 22h03
Who goes tonight ??

19/06/2019 in 17h51
The world right now ... for me sucks etc.

04/06/2019 in 18h20
Lol given the time it's hot

04/06/2019 in 18h12
A good fuck in the party therefore cares !!? Nah

04/06/2019 in 18h10
Nobody ?

04/06/2019 in 17h55
Who to empty my mtn testicle available juska 21h 8:30 p.m.

06/05/2019 in 22h51
hello mouth good! I am interested !

23/04/2019 in 03h18
Someone today?

16/04/2019 in 17h46
There's nobody !?

16/04/2019 in 17h38
Who to empty my testicle now?

08/04/2019 in 12h52
I am available to participate.

08/04/2019 in 12h12
Shit, for a time I did not connect.

06/04/2019 in 22h26
The world at night

06/04/2019 in 10h21
It is this corner?

01/04/2019 in 17h06
How recognize you 77 good word?

26/03/2019 in 11h19
I come tonight?

26/03/2019 in 11h03
Nageurpompier, it's a pity you do not do it that night?

15/02/2019 in 11h27
And in addition there blacklist people. They are people who you've seen?

05/02/2019 in 17h26
The world to suck me and empty my balls?

29/01/2019 in 17h37
Beautiful program.

17/01/2019 in 21h28
Are there liabilities that night down

09/01/2019 in 13h22
People in the afternoon?

07/01/2019 in 17h07
# Bonne_bouche77, told me how to get in touch with you because even sms you not respond. Looking for an appointment tonight if you desire

26/12/2018 in 02h24
Trans woman or available now ???

21/12/2018 in 19h28
Always people there?

21/12/2018 in 02h35
Bonne_bouche77 thy gloryhole is open or not. Because no response or the sms or by mp. Looking to come now if you want

17/12/2018 in 23h43
Person available tonight for an active ??? Preference woman or trans trav

14/12/2018 in 18h36
Good evening. There you it woman, couple or trav, very feminine, who go there tonight for active man

22/11/2018 in 19h50
Hum person

22/11/2018 in 19h37
I arrive: p

22/11/2018 in 19h37
I arrive: p

18/11/2018 in 02h39
There are people in the evening and at night?

15/11/2018 in 14h52
I'll be there tonight at 18h this is the first time I go! Who to suck me? Tres also want to take an ass;) take top I have not;) If interested leave me a message I will answer you 16h! At all!

03/11/2018 in 21h15
Who here tonight?

31/10/2018 in 19h42
If people get sucked spineless or have a big tight ass I just be in Cairo wooden 30 min

31/10/2018 in 16h46
Of the world ?

16/10/2018 in 09h32
That this morning? J'm there for an hour Mp

30/09/2018 in 22h04
Person available tonight there?

30/09/2018 in 15h29
Who are available to come suck my (30/09)

25/09/2018 in 14h12
I'm in 5 minutes I want to suck a nice cock

12/09/2018 in 21h06
Ki Now I suck

11/09/2018 in 16h55
A yeah its long fessais

30/08/2018 in 16h21
Yeah he should have call relou77

29/08/2018 in 07h05
Superb mornings after the closing of places close!

16/08/2018 in 09h47
Footing à 18h30 ce soir !

14/08/2018 in 17h49
I'm going jogging around 6:30 tonight

14/08/2018 in 17h48
I'm going jogging around 6:30 tonight

14/08/2018 in 15h25
Who tonight around 7 p.m.?

13/08/2018 in 18h36
J are going there and really wanted to relieve myself;)

12/08/2018 in 00h02
Suis au parking du bois de vaire sur Marne,

11/08/2018 in 22h56
Trav betty seeks active tonight Am the wood around 23:30 vaire

11/08/2018 in 10h56
Trav betty cherche actifs ce soir Qui intéressé ?

24/07/2018 in 14h04
It is a pity missed

24/07/2018 in 14h04
It is a pity missed

22/07/2018 in 22h42
The world tonight?

10/07/2018 in 06h46
I'll spend this morning around 9:00 am 9:30

07/07/2018 in 15h44
Tonight, jogging .. blue shorts, shaved crushes! No waffle, get your tails!

07/07/2018 in 15h34
I will run around 19h! blue shorts, shaved head ... made me sign ...

05/07/2018 in 20h38
Who to get me put in eyelash and enjoy in a tight space

25/06/2018 in 15h00
I am sucking a young guy to 16h! Possible?

24/06/2018 in 12h51
The world find an afternoon? Mp

20/06/2018 in 23h56
I suck Who offers me ca tail tonight that are empty or sperm to try to take my ass that are too narrow

16/06/2018 in 20h58
I would have sucked a cock full of sperm or find someone to see for penetrated my rear lock impénétrabl

16/06/2018 in 20h43
I would have sucked a cock full of sperm or find someone to see for penetrated my rear lock impénétrabl

16/06/2018 in 20h21
I would have sucked a cock full of sperm or find someone to see for penetrated my rear lock impénétrabl

18/05/2018 in 00h16
Which view do sucked tonight or take too tight ass

14/05/2018 in 22h58
Who would do this now sucked too tight or take a lash

09/05/2018 in 13h52
Men walls this afternoon to suck?

09/05/2018 in 12h51
Too bad missed

08/05/2018 in 22h17
Who is sucked now or want to take a too tight eyelash

07/05/2018 in 12h57
A couple exibh for this afternoon or trav?

07/05/2018 in 11h18
Who is pumped back

03/05/2018 in 21h56
Who is sucked now

01/05/2018 in 02h19
I want to suck and make me deflowered

24/04/2018 in 12h51
totally agree with you scyth14 it gets heavy.

23/04/2018 in 17h41
Lt. whether trav al intention dy ds spend the week that he make me sign mp

19/04/2018 in 11h34
jy 24:30 am noon will be the world?

17/04/2018 in 19h57
I arrived

17/04/2018 in 15h42
I would pass this evening at 19:30 which I know would have more luck than yesterday villevaudé

15/04/2018 in 07h01
Anyone for a morning jog? Come in pv

11/04/2018 in 10h22
Want to suck a cock full of sperm

10/04/2018 in 15h25
I'll be there tonight I 'arrive between 18h and 19h

10/04/2018 in 11h59
Want to suck a cock full of sperm

07/04/2018 in 14h10
Nobody is with good weather?

31/03/2018 in 18h13
Hi dick to swallow?

31/03/2018 in 18h12
Hi a note to swallow?

19/03/2018 in 17h58
You not take the lead with this guy guys it's just a big frustrated who thinks he has a body that allows him to do the little coach just LOL! Hundred an old guy who not assume it prompts and then he played dead so go your way bcp is better on this site that frustrated him as weird

19/03/2018 in 17h33
Sos pipe 77, you are very rude and self-centered, just the opposite of most people on this site. If your selection methods are a reflection of your personality, I understand that you stay hidden. Well stay alone and do not invite and, on site, to join you. For ever...

19/03/2018 in 17h30
I'm not frustrated, but I do not see why it would not work.

19/03/2018 in 17h15
Forget antares2 He blacklist everyone.

28/02/2018 in 19h38
The world now, with this cold?

16/01/2018 in 15h57
Hi I would be in 20min

09/01/2018 in 13h09
Want to masturbate on a porn trav ... A Working in the area of ​​these 4.

09/01/2018 in 10h21
Against time, I will not be!

09/01/2018 in 06h52
I now pass around 12:30 until 14:00 if a small Cpl goes through.

07/01/2018 in 20h40
Envi sucking a JMEC noon tomorrow? Who ?

31/12/2017 in 16h26
You black jogging wanking I'll have you suck it! if you know you send me mp

19/11/2017 in 17h58
there is a crowd ?

12/09/2017 in 13h49
sos_pipe_77 as I told you I would be welcome, but you gave me Blacklist?

26/07/2017 in 17h16
There is a crowd?

13/07/2017 in 13h07
Person to get sucked now?

12/07/2017 in 19h14
Good nozzle on the spot? See more. Walk of squirrels and surroundings.

04/07/2017 in 20h14
I am on site actually doing my jogging in blue shorts and we can see beyond my thong.

04/07/2017 in 18h51
Someone to take me for 20h with 4 legs

27/06/2017 in 16h07
J y'm with my cock out spirited quiet walk in the woods

26/06/2017 in 16h51
Tomorrow night or after tomorrow someone to receive a good pipe in my mouth and make me take 4 legged like a bitch

24/06/2017 in 13h53
Qqun comes?

16/06/2017 in 16h07
the world this Friday night ??

07/06/2017 in 23h45
Good bin ... No more success. Good night ! :-(

07/06/2017 in 23h16
Who on site around 23:30 to take a cock in the mouth, or more if want?

06/06/2017 in 15h15
I 'm going there this afternoon, nice warm liabilities, serious desire to kiss me !!

18/05/2017 in 15h04
Who wants to come this AM?

17/05/2017 in 16h31
Which is available now or tomorrow morning around 6am?

02/05/2017 in 22h09
World tonight to 22h30-23h?

28/04/2017 in 00h51
Oh50 also discription

27/04/2017 in 21h47
Bin good person tonight. Bad pick. :-(

27/04/2017 in 20h50
There tonight 21h15-21h30. Who to empty my balls?

23/04/2017 in 16h52
Chris4566 stops playing your tease. you blacklists people like you shirt exchange. not you move. you stay behind your screen.

21/04/2017 in 14h20
I'll be there tonight with a warm friend as it will be fair this is the perfect time to do good pr in the woods) Notice to hot guys;)

17/04/2017 in 15h28
Guys go there this after noon? I'll be there in 20 minutes

16/04/2017 in 19h29
I'm here tonight, from 8:00 p.m. Small beginner liabilities;)

31/03/2017 in 16h31
Me too what time?

31/03/2017 in 15h59
I can go to 17h if confirmation

31/03/2017 in 15h58
Hello !! Possible late after noon and you?

09/03/2017 in 15h46
Which is available for a plan in late aprem.je moves

08/03/2017 in 16h03
If someone has a plane to proposer.je am available at 17:30

16/01/2017 in 16h03
Attention often the police very often in civilian clothes and cameras in the parking lot and car pool

06/12/2016 in 17h22
You're too romantic pompeur_du77!

10/11/2016 in 11h32
you confirm what coquincalin?

10/11/2016 in 11h23
lilou_66 can you say more?

02/10/2016 in 15h45
is t he world this afternoon?

22/09/2016 in 15h08
Who wants to come now?

16/09/2016 in 16h26
Compliance is required, otherwise the share does not exist and pleasure even less !! Hope

06/08/2016 in 14h33
Also I am looking for glory hole, I'm on vacation right now but available from August 15 during the day. contact me

29/06/2016 in 11h32
a woman or couple this afternoon.?

26/06/2016 in 14h45
Who tomorrow?

11/06/2016 in 12h03
Cuckoo someone that apm?

21/05/2016 in 09h52
Hello I would be morning around 11am leggings jacket and white sleeveless sweater, tail search to suck, and to make me take any A

27/04/2016 in 16h47
Who was with white car ... I ... you're tracking but inter ... I assumed you were not interested. ..

15/04/2016 in 21h07
hello I do not know if this has already been reported but there is a camera has entered the car park on the left on top of a mat ..faites attention you ...

03/04/2016 in 22h26
I sometimes go to this place and never disappointed .toujours found sucking or getting caught.

03/04/2016 in 22h13
J went there yesterday not crowded but a married guy with a very nice cock sucked j el'ai yum

22/03/2016 in 19h39
There the world must take action!

16/03/2016 in 21h17
Who was today at 7:10 p.m.?

07/03/2016 in 18h09
J are going to a trav has to suck me ...

07/03/2016 in 15h40
Someone has to go active these days? I am only passive!

03/03/2016 in 20h47
I do not know if you're on the site, but thank you for the right time, the next time I go down on my car :). (7:40 p.m. / 8:10 p.m.)

21/02/2016 in 00h43
Hi there you are again?

10/02/2016 in 16h19
You're there how long?

29/01/2016 in 20h01
Who is coming ? I'm there

29/01/2016 in 18h51
If there's someone: make three calls lighthouse to show you thank you!

29/01/2016 in 18h27
I'm going, I'm in 10 minutes

05/01/2016 in 17h56
Beautiful meeting those Tuesday ..if you recognize yourself. .j'aimerais take well over my time ....

22/11/2015 in 19h15
That was today?

07/11/2015 in 14h12
What a passage in 30 minutes like doing me file

02/11/2015 in 19h14
I am may be a round in 10 min

20/10/2015 in 17h28
But still ?

20/10/2015 in 17h24
Beautiful encounter...

02/10/2015 in 10h58
Someone morning?

01/10/2015 in 10h46
Who spends late morning serious desire to blow me

11/09/2015 in 17h05
there was shit person

11/09/2015 in 16h02
Who want to pump?

07/09/2015 in 13h44
which come at 20:30? private message

07/09/2015 in 12h17
who come tonight? mp

02/09/2015 in 21h06
Hi when?

31/08/2015 in 19h33
who tonight?

26/08/2015 in 13h07
who want to suck tonight?

21/08/2015 in 12h08
that this aprem around 15:30?

17/08/2015 in 16h34
jy was this person aprem damage to pump me

11/08/2015 in 17h35
Hello, I look for a good juicy cock for the evening. RDV in MP.

08/08/2015 in 18h02
Jy'd Monday afternoon for couples, woman and guy assets

23/07/2015 in 08h50
I spend around 19: 30/45

27/06/2015 in 10h13
Someone today for my little cu tweezers?

19/06/2015 in 14h08
Bon bah still a good time with the bike man, yesterday and today triplet solo, super good !!!!

19/06/2015 in 09h29
I want more .... I will retuurn to noon)

18/06/2015 in 15h00
Back after a pretty rape my mouth, thank you to its 3 good cocks By cons, be clean minimum !!!! I have a reset because it reeked of dick ...

18/06/2015 in 12h28
I spend in 30min

15/06/2015 in 09h07
I come around 12:30 pm

15/06/2015 in 07h46
Someone twelve o'clock ??? Fancy a good cock

15/06/2015 in 07h46
Someone twelve o'clock ??? Fancy a good cock

06/06/2015 in 15h11
Quelqun in 1h to be emptied through my mouth

06/06/2015 in 00h01
The world now?

02/05/2015 in 11h29
If you know of toilet quiet exhib in 77 or 94

02/05/2015 in 11h20
Hi guys are sporting earlier this afternoon to show off cock?

01/05/2015 in 17h45
I'll be there shortly before 20h for couples or female

25/04/2015 in 14h31
Who wants to come take care of a good bitch, I am passive !!!! Please answer in private

23/04/2015 in 20h28
Qqun of plump in the regulars or subscribers?

21/04/2015 in 16h22
Cuckoo Pirouette, I think many have taken your example :-) I go and often couples, sent for ... Hehe ... Kisses

19/04/2015 in 12h02
Couple or woman to 19h30-20h? MP for info ... Hugs

11/04/2015 in 01h47
I'm almost there

10/04/2015 in 11h00
Passing that night ... If there is the world interested, please private message ...

21/03/2015 in 14h38
Couple or woman 4:45 p.m.?

15/03/2015 in 09h23
It will probably early afternoon! We would like you there crossed mecexhibqueue

14/03/2015 in 16h05
Private cocks went foxes

14/03/2015 in 14h21
of cocks to show off?

14/03/2015 in 12h38
Ya guys under 40 this afternoon I will be at 14:30 15h

27/02/2015 in 23h43
World in 20 '?

11/02/2015 in 16h59
The world tried to grope me through the window of my car around 19h?

05/02/2015 in 08h52
jy am someone ??

24/01/2015 in 17h04
Couple about 18:30?

18/01/2015 in 14h38
Thank you to the second guy who really made me ass three recovery and beautiful cum on my stockings, hum a real delight.

18/01/2015 in 12h30
Thank you to the fine gentleman that well fingering my ass. He preferred to enjoy my mouth, very good vintage. A next Sunday the same place.

03/01/2015 in 17h45
Are there in the world to fuck me over there ??

20/12/2014 in 21h16
Never person evening, shame! A couple off again

20/12/2014 in 20h47
I arrive there !

19/12/2014 in 20h56
Anyone interested in 20 '?

19/12/2014 in 08h36
World tonight at 21h? Please privately ...

26/11/2014 in 09h10
Who this morning to map sucks, fuck, cumshot.

22/11/2014 in 23h04
World at 1:45? Mp please

09/11/2014 in 08h25
Hello .. Women or couples around 12:30 today? Mp ... Hugs

22/10/2014 in 12h32
Pti novice ass mature man this afternnon, contact mp

17/10/2014 in 15h21
For active guy (or + domi) under 35 years old (now I turned torso underarm hair tail ass and legs). Pooppers / possible seals

16/10/2014 in 15h06
A mature man small tail to take my pti in an hour ass?

09/10/2014 in 22h22
Friday 10 Saturday, October 11, 21 H 1 H BO black Active Bi Bi Portuguese active / passive pumpers. Travs, LIABILITIES, ASSETS AND EVENING Saturday AFTERNOON WE ARE WAITING

05/10/2014 in 18h01
White was yesterday night ... tonight between 1H and 23H is the night couples and stiff cocks !!! sucking friends, voyeurs, tricksters ... goodnight!

05/08/2014 in 21h18
Lt. tomorrow desire to fuck me with 1 or more tbm guys

18/06/2014 in 19h07
J. Y am to 19:45 fucked without moderation. I hope to have many more juice @

15/06/2014 in 13h55
Thank you to the two tails that were well watered this morning. As I like, good hot and plentiful juice ... hmm

15/06/2014 in 09h16
Hello everyone, I'll be there around 10:30 this morning. mouth kiss without moderation.

18/04/2014 in 00h00
shame if I had known I come rather suck

22/03/2014 in 08h17
I can be in the evening of March 24 to 27, 2014

22/03/2014 in 07h44
Who this morning jy am to 9:30 in the parking lot

16/03/2014 in 08h40
Someone this morning?

14/03/2014 in 20h10
Someone to 00h? Want to get caught and sucked

14/03/2014 in 11h08
Quellqu'un for laying of the south? For I was hungry and I have the cu boulle that;)

13/03/2014 in 19h09
The parking lot was opened yesterday !!!

09/03/2014 in 14h59
who goes there today?

07/03/2014 in 15h44
I also suck and get caught

07/03/2014 in 15h41
Someone in the late afternoon?

07/03/2014 in 15h40
I'm in 30 minutes sucked and getting caught

07/03/2014 in 15h36
You can park nearby and walk to the wood

09/02/2014 in 10h52
giclette poor sucking with hood, without it even better and feeling the hot cum in the mouth lol !!!

26/01/2014 in 15h34
Hello, for those who frequent this site, parking is closed for renovation ..... the rest of the pool .. @ +

29/12/2013 in 14h40
Was on hand to pump I envied a dick

11/12/2013 in 01h25
===> Bimlv, I go sometimes, but I must be given at least the day before!

20/09/2013 in 09h22
Someone this morning?

18/09/2013 in 13h55
This afternoon (18 September)?

15/08/2013 in 13h49
At 18h for active

15/08/2013 in 09h47
No one this morning?

07/08/2013 in 15h29
Who wood now?

02/08/2013 in 22h36
Who seen it get sucked tonight

29/07/2013 in 10h34
Me ! What time ?

24/07/2013 in 21h04
fuck u too brr mosquitoes went this evening bcp people in the parking lot but little tails lol just looking a guy who had a really tiny 3 cms uh the same when it's good it pokey lol m ' sucked but too many mosquitoes really

29/06/2013 in 13h40
Who today ??

06/06/2013 in 19h21
which become seen my or my mecene for me and dressed me educated in transvestite (trav trans man or woman)

04/05/2013 in 14h18
Nobody interested in good slut with mouth and ass on fire !!!!

21/04/2013 in 10h18
Hello, mouth and ass filled this morning, mandatory condition spitting on me .... um ....! and not words.

24/03/2013 in 09h38
Addicted to semen, although I would suck one or tails with good juice this morning from 11h to 13h. My ass is on available cumshot deep well welcome.

23/03/2013 in 08h56
I would suck a good or tails with good juice this morning from 11h to 13h.

16/03/2013 in 08h53
I would suck a good or tails with good juice this morning from 11h to 13h.

22/01/2013 in 23h10
7am tomorrow morning will jy ..

13/01/2013 in 14h48
that this afternoon?

29/12/2012 in 16h42
someone tonight?

26/12/2012 in 22h21
someone tonight? me

23/11/2012 in 12h40
too far, damage

13/10/2012 in 12h40
Who will be the beginning of aprem down?

08/10/2012 in 18h48
tomorrow? morning aprem tell me

19/09/2012 in 18h30
going there next cemetery? thank you to tell me or the appointment happens on this side -)

16/09/2012 in 16h57
went there this afternoon the car park is closed will the other side (next to the cemetery)

15/06/2012 in 07h30
I'll be there between noon and 14h, bo ass take without moderation

09/06/2012 in 13h06
Who between 1:20 p.m. ET 14h

29/05/2012 in 19h41
I seek active guy cho (or domi) under 36

23/04/2012 in 11h34
Who join me?

07/04/2012 in 08h46
This morning around 11am to 12.30pm.

05/04/2012 in 16h33
graveyard side c is more discreet

29/03/2012 in 09h56
Hi who will be Friday, March 30 at 9:30?

26/03/2012 in 22h57
patie salt, a little later v feasible

24/03/2012 in 13h23
Which Wood Now

17/03/2012 in 15h01
Well I go now !! Any takers?

17/03/2012 in 14h38
I ass on fire !!!!

17/03/2012 in 14h34
I want to go today that interested !!!!

11/03/2012 in 13h02
A young passive available on 12?

21/01/2012 in 10h34
Hello I will be in the parking lot from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. gray car dept :) 69 Emptying balls without blah.

02/01/2012 in 08h06
I spend around 10:30 this morning until 13h.

02/01/2012 in 08h05
I passed and I sucked rt emptied two tails, friendly and quick.

24/10/2011 in 05h11
Michael you have a limit of ages?

26/09/2011 in 16h59
I'm going between 15h and 16:15 not many people, rather 3rd age. A handsome guy sporting black shorts and white top kind, very cute, our eyes met on several occasions, but it was too late for me, I had to leave. If you recognize yourself, feel free.

24/09/2011 in 18h22
that between 22 and 30 years tomorrow after noon?

19/08/2011 in 14h16
I seek man BF (rebeu welcome!) under 35 rather domi act or act / pass for reciprocal plan.

01/04/2011 in 04h59
Ok thank you Nicoco! ;)

29/03/2011 in 23h24
at what time finding young guys?

03/03/2011 in 22h35
OK, thanks !

02/03/2011 in 22h22
Nicoco Ok, thank you for your answer. You will often be you?

01/03/2011 in 05h06
What is the maximum age in the field? More young?

… close history