Wood of Rocques: cruising spot with men all ages.


Cruising spot gay in Lisieux

proposed by mod_fr20e_paris  (19/10/2013)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Lisieux
Area :  Normandie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Dredge in the woods on the hills between Lisieux Ouilly le Vicomte. Men of all ages looking ... Moderator: like any public place, observe the place and do not eat on site (and exit covered!).
Address :
Chemin de Rocques
14100 Lisieux

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15/05/2024 in 12h16
I'm going there this afternoon

18/01/2024 in 13h57
J y suis le midi de 12h30 à 14h si sa vous dit venez me voir

17/11/2023 in 22h51
Monday noon why not?

09/11/2023 in 09h05
Who at lunchtime in the woods??

11/08/2023 in 13h41
Never seen anyone there

11/07/2023 in 00h19
Rayman I'm not far just in case ;)

06/02/2023 in 02h26
Still active this place?

05/05/2022 in 15h48
Who now in the wood of rocques

07/07/2021 in 18h07
J yv ds 1h to see because g rdv tomorrow evening to suck and maybe get fucked for the first time

02/07/2021 in 15h34
Someone now PM for appointment

05/01/2021 in 16h34
Too bad not too much time otherwise it would have been with pleasure

25/09/2020 in 14h50
Someone right away

31/07/2020 in 16h32
People right now for a little fun

09/07/2020 in 16h19
People this afternoon?

25/06/2020 in 19h16
Are there still people?

08/08/2019 in 21h56
Who to get sucked ??

07/07/2018 in 16h40
07/07/2018 World Tonight from 11:30 p.m.?

02/11/2017 in 00h11
here or wood of the long time Thursday, November 2 morning that reaches me?

30/05/2017 in 13h15
No all the time the policeman

20/05/2017 in 21h52
this place has become zero can no longer parked and wood is prohibited many police passages at any time of day

22/03/2017 in 13h29
Who to dump me?

11/02/2017 in 23h50
Monday night someone ??

26/09/2016 in 00h25
there was a nice transvestite to 6:50 p.m. aprem this, are you on this site?

03/10/2013 in 12h41
There's the tail here or what?

14/07/2013 in 22h51
tomorrows that evening around 22:30 ??????

17/09/2011 in 13h54
I will here can be as 23 and 25 September 24

… close history