Wood in the municipality of Peujard / North Gironde

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Saint-Laurent-d'Arce
Area :  Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Place in the north-Gironde. Take the N137 towards Blaye, turn the D142 "Puymorin road", rolling a little, then turn left on a white road, just before the bridge that passes over the A10. Drive 300m on the way. The dredger is located in the woods on the right.
Address :
Chemin des Prévôts
33240 Saint-Laurent-d'Arce

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12 d. ago
Personnes ?

12 d. ago
Disponible ce soir sur bourg ou les environs

15 d. ago
Disponible mercredi soir sur bourg ou les environs.

18 d. ago
J'y serai dans 20 minutes !!!

25 d. ago
Thanks for the time in the car tonight, if you're not there, let me know in pm

25 d. ago
Vais passer faire un tour tranquillement maintenant

27 d. ago
Hello, full of desires because I am shy and a novice, I would like to go there and let myself go gently.

01/03/2025 in 13h24
Disponible ce jour bourg et ces environs

28/02/2025 in 12h19
J'y suis , le site est fermé par un ruban rouge et blanc !!! je repart !!!

28/02/2025 in 10h59
j'y serai aujourd'hui 28/2 de 12h à 13h !!! pour me faire mettre !!!

04/02/2025 in 16h14
Anyone now?

31/01/2025 in 16h10
Free tonight 10pm in Libourne

31/01/2025 in 13h22
Available around 4 p.m.

30/01/2025 in 13h55
Really want to meet someone? Can someone meet me?

29/01/2025 in 16h24
I'll be there in 30 minutes

29/01/2025 in 07h35
I receive on the Libourne side man or active shemale to fuck my shemale Preference bm and above all nice hygiene respect Senior vicious welcome and active passive shemale

27/01/2025 in 00h34
Indeed, we have the impression that the place has lost quality, which is a real shame... a lot of blah blah for not much encounter.

26/01/2025 in 23h31
the real problem is those who think they are what they are not!!!

26/01/2025 in 19h50
I think I'll try to come tomorrow

26/01/2025 in 18h42
Never had this kind of problem

26/01/2025 in 17h38
Have a lot of retirees... I don't go there anymore because I ran into the cops 3 times. Then someone told me he had been attacked there. So I don't go there anymore. And if it's to get your car damaged, see old people, or old disgusting transvestites, no thanks I prefer not to come there. It's a shame because flirting in real life is way better than blah-blah-blah on the sites.

26/01/2025 in 15h54
Is that it?

26/01/2025 in 15h54
Yes indeed. Fewer people than before but not completely empty.

26/01/2025 in 15h13
You have to fall?

26/01/2025 in 14h41
Personally, every time I go there is never anyone. Except once a car with all the windows sealed so impossible to join them

26/01/2025 in 11h07
It also seems to me that our town halls are doing everything to eradicate cruising areas, which doesn't help matters.

25/01/2025 in 18h19
Anyone to suck?

25/01/2025 in 14h57
Disponible ce soir sur bourg ou les environs

23/01/2025 in 12h22
Anyone here for lunch?

22/01/2025 in 20h01
I'm going there in 20 minutes.. would suck well.

22/01/2025 in 13h44
I'll be there around 8pm tonight if you're interested?

22/01/2025 in 13h40
Available Saturday evening in town or surrounding area

22/01/2025 in 12h49
I will be available tomorrow. If anyone can receive in a warm place. Proposal in pm

22/01/2025 in 11h17
Anyone there around 12pm for a blowjob?

22/01/2025 in 09h57
Tomorrow Thursday 23/01 someone can meet me around 10am, in Bourg and its surroundings

20/01/2025 in 17h50
I'm there, anyone?

19/01/2025 in 08h32
Who can receive warm? active/passive no taboo

18/01/2025 in 13h33
People around, I'm available

17/01/2025 in 13h44
Given the freezing weather, can someone meet me tomorrow Saturday 18/01 in Bourg, Blaye or St André for a moment of shared pleasure?

17/01/2025 in 11h15
I'll be there around 1pm!!!

15/01/2025 in 21h36
Anyone tonight?

15/01/2025 in 20h30
Available tomorrow morning before working in town or surrounding area

15/01/2025 in 12h36
I'll be there this afternoon around 3:15 p.m.!!! Ass open and ready to fill at will!!!

14/01/2025 in 20h08
Available tomorrow early evening in town or surrounding area.

07/01/2025 in 11h40
Available tomorrow evening in town or surrounding area

07/01/2025 in 11h16
I'm still here waiting for some old cocks to suck

07/01/2025 in 10h31
Je suis toujours là j attend des queues il pleut pas et ne fais pas froid alors venez me remplir la bouche

07/01/2025 in 09h06
Y a t il un vieux mature cochons vicieux pervers pour venir me fourrer sa bite dans la bouche et me faire bouffer son cul. Je suis bois de peujard

07/01/2025 in 08h08
I am in the woods waiting for you

07/01/2025 in 05h52
Bonjour grosse salope au bois ce matin vers huit h pour sucer des grosses queues bien juteuses accepté éjaculation bouche ou visage ou sodo. Je peu vous sucer même a la portière de votre voiture le temps et pas beau mais j espère qu il y auras du passage laisser message privé pour se retrouver facilement

30/12/2024 in 14h12
Is it foggy there?

30/12/2024 in 11h28
Anyone out this afternoon? 12/30

29/12/2024 in 16h39
Here until 6pm queue looks like

22/12/2024 in 17h24
Available tomorrow afternoon

20/12/2024 in 12h31

19/12/2024 in 18h48
Available very early tomorrow in town or surrounding area

19/12/2024 in 17h15
until 5:30 p.m.

19/12/2024 in 16h57
Oh darn, are you staying there long?

19/12/2024 in 16h33
I'll be there to get fucked in about 30 minutes (5pm)

16/12/2024 in 18h32
Anyone tonight?

12/12/2024 in 22h44
I'll be there in 20 minutes... to pump.

12/12/2024 in 13h25
Je vais y aller !!! Mon cul a dispo !!!

11/12/2024 in 14h11
Je vais m'y arrêter vers 15h30 /16h !!! Venez me remplir !!!

07/12/2024 in 18h57
@lars : pour les couples oui...certains sont très exigeants...il y a qu'à voir sur wyylde, certains se prennent pour des stars alors qu'ils loin d'en être eux mêmes !

07/12/2024 in 18h54
Once every five years!!!! and again, actually more chance of meeting and having fun with couples, but they still have to like you, on the other hand, guys are an open bar

07/12/2024 in 18h51
And even there there are some heavyweights who insist.

07/12/2024 in 18h50
Exactly that's what single women do sauna and free club So safety

07/12/2024 in 18h47
J'ajoute que , sans parler de tinder et des applications de rencontres, une femme seule peut rentrer gratuitement dans la quasi totalité des saunas et clubs libertins de France et d'ailleurs, où elles seront , par ailleurs, plus en sécurité que sur des lieux de drague.

07/12/2024 in 18h41
@ lars, oui ça peut arriver mais une fois tout les 5 ans.... On a plus de chances de croiser un couple sur un lieux de drague qu'une femme seule

07/12/2024 in 18h19
I totally agree, but there are still some who dare, at Broustier for example not so long ago.

07/12/2024 in 18h15
Here is finally a thought that resonates!!! Bravo!!!

07/12/2024 in 18h08
A l'heure de tinder ou autre applications, une femme seule va pas se faire chier à venir sur un lieux de drague pour se faire sauter.

06/12/2024 in 15h43
Well here it is

06/12/2024 in 14h21
The last time we were there, it was a meeting with 2 members and despite refusing the others, they insisted instead of staying away just watching so for the moment, stop as a couple

06/12/2024 in 14h10
I confirm that single women are extremely rare or even non-existent, on the other hand there are couples who still dare to come and have fun despite the pain in the necks and the haters, in the right place at the right time as they say.

06/12/2024 in 11h01
Well, did you miss anything then?

05/12/2024 in 18h11
So go there with your wives, we'll see!!!

05/12/2024 in 18h08
Totally agree

28/11/2024 in 16h37
Who in the town or surrounding area?

18/11/2024 in 06h21
People in the late afternoon?

17/11/2024 in 13h12
Anyone this morning?

14/11/2024 in 21h26
Anyone on Saturday morning?

06/11/2024 in 15h43
Available late afternoon

28/10/2024 in 14h41
Je suis sur place, je peux aussi me déplacer ailleurs pour celui qui veut se faire sucer en toute discrétion. Je suis en trav sexy , prête à vous donner du plaisir. Bises

28/10/2024 in 07h11
I could be there in the afternoon, in the area, for active guys.

28/10/2024 in 06h28
People today?

25/10/2024 in 13h35
Anyone in town or the surrounding area on Monday?

21/10/2024 in 19h48
People in town or around?

21/10/2024 in 13h12
Available late afternoon

20/10/2024 in 14h55
Late afternoon tomorrow

08/10/2024 in 18h58
Who is available tonight?

02/10/2024 in 07h25
Available tonight in Bourg

30/09/2024 in 11h34
Looking for old guys to suck hard, hurry up. I'm in the alley

30/09/2024 in 10h28
Je suis bois de lafu premier parking j attend des grosses queues a vider pleine bouche ou visage dépêchez vous j ai trop envie de vous pomper comme une grosse salope

30/09/2024 in 08h39
Looking for old men who would like to jerk off on my face mouth I squat and you empty yourself on me I am in the woods big alley warn thank you

30/09/2024 in 08h13
Big slut very slut I am looking for now and early afternoon big cocks to empty I take in mouth or on face I suck in chain I am naked under my pants and I walk tail in the air in the big alley come quickly I really want to suck or get fucked. Leave message thank you

29/09/2024 in 17h05
If you want to empty yourself in my ass, let me know!!!

17/09/2024 in 20h05
Available tomorrow evening

13/09/2024 in 19h04
people in the area I'm there until 8:30 p.m.

10/09/2024 in 16h43
Available tomorrow

10/09/2024 in 09h46
Available today

10/09/2024 in 08h47
Who is available to empty my balls? Reply in PM

09/09/2024 in 08h48
Nobody today?

08/09/2024 in 21h04
Available tomorrow

06/09/2024 in 12h13
Come and suck your old pigs, it's not raining anymore. I'm waiting for you

06/09/2024 in 11h37
I'm on site at the end of the alley for old pigs of epprave. Lope ass in the air to suck you

06/09/2024 in 09h35
Lope fesse al air will be at the peujard woods from eleven o'clock to noon to suck big cock with oral or anal discharge. Leave a message

03/09/2024 in 20h22
Anyone tonight?

30/08/2024 in 05h47
Available today in town or surrounding area

29/08/2024 in 08h54
Hello, available tomorrow.

26/08/2024 in 09h39
Hello, available Friday

24/08/2024 in 12h57
People today?

14/08/2024 in 10h19
I won't be everywhere at the same time, but I will go where I have answers and where there are people.

14/08/2024 in 00h34
I would like to know how "Jackie33" manages to be on the same day at the same time in Peujard, Pugnac, Cézac, at the Broustier lake and in Bédenac at the same time???? He has twin brothers???

13/08/2024 in 21h45
I will be in the night from Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th from 2am in the morning Come in large numbers to satisfy yourselves and defile me Leave a personal message

26/07/2024 in 19h21
hello is it still possible to meet people and play a little in these woods or around… I have the impression that it is more and more complicated.. I am talking about real life

25/07/2024 in 18h05
Available tomorrow around 10:30am

25/07/2024 in 06h20
Available in town or surrounding area

18/07/2024 in 18h45
Available tomorrow morning.

15/07/2024 in 14h22
Want to suck.

15/07/2024 in 01h01
People this evening?

14/07/2024 in 18h58
On vacation from the 22nd.

13/07/2024 in 19h51
Very nice meeting, if you are here don't hesitate to contact me?

13/07/2024 in 12h49
People this afternoon?

10/07/2024 in 20h26
Person ?

10/07/2024 in 06h23
Available early evening in town where approximately

26/06/2024 in 10h01
Who in 20 min

17/06/2024 in 23h41
Anyone there?

17/06/2024 in 13h15
Available this afternoon in town or surrounding area.

17/06/2024 in 08h06
Available today

14/06/2024 in 21h12
Available Monday during the day.

07/06/2024 in 16h48
Person ?

06/06/2024 in 15h27
Is this place definitely dead? Nobody today....

25/05/2024 in 18h13
Disponible sur bourg ou les environs.

25/05/2024 in 15h20
Who is around today 05/25/24?

23/05/2024 in 18h42
Available tomorrow morning in town or surrounding area.

23/05/2024 in 06h32
Anyone to suck in town or the surrounding area?

22/05/2024 in 15h35
Anyone to suck in town or the surrounding area?

20/05/2024 in 08h35
No one to suck in town or the surrounding area?

06/05/2024 in 11h16
Available tomorrow around 5:30 p.m.

03/05/2024 in 20h12
Who is available around 8:30 p.m. or 9 p.m.!?

29/04/2024 in 21h10
Available tomorrow around 6pm

25/04/2024 in 13h56
Available around 4 p.m.

18/04/2024 in 16h02
Available around 5 p.m.

07/04/2024 in 21h14
I'm at home in jail, first stop, hot I can move if people are motivated

01/02/2024 in 17h36
Who tonight? Message in mp

30/11/2023 in 11h42
Hello we are looking for tomorrow Friday a clean man over 60 years old vicious pigs to play with two sluts at home a good trio a dominator and two whores leave messages for address and let us know in mp thank you

30/11/2023 in 10h20
Hello currently in the woods of peujard I am waiting for men over 60 years old preferably vicious very dirty to fuck me quickly I am hungry for big cocks. Attention the barrier is closed you have to go under it on foot warn me kisses

27/11/2023 in 19h18
I'm there !

23/11/2023 in 14h27
I receive until 4:30 p.m. to be used do not hesitate to mp me

21/11/2023 in 16h23
I'm there, tail in the air

21/11/2023 in 15h59
I'm going to air out my sex

20/11/2023 in 22h33
Available Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. to be used as you wish

18/11/2023 in 15h40
Person ?

18/11/2023 in 11h06
Available today

08/11/2023 in 14h18
I am available Thursday and Friday from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. to serve as a cum dump, do not hesitate to contact me

06/11/2023 in 17h19
I'm there, tail in the air

30/10/2023 in 18h12
Who early in the afternoon?

24/10/2023 in 15h50
Who tomorrow during the day?

18/10/2023 in 09h49
Who in the evening?

13/10/2023 in 11h50
Looking for a man, shemale or trans to come and use me as a sex object. I'm free until 4:30 p.m. Don't hesitate to pm me

10/10/2023 in 13h40
Dogging Thursday afternoon, mp

08/10/2023 in 23h24
Hi, I am available Monday from 3pm to 4:30pm Tuesday Thursday and Friday from 11am to 4:30pm. You come and use me as you wish. I receive at my home total discretion

06/10/2023 in 18h36
Available tomorrow morning

05/10/2023 in 19h10
in 15 minutes, small white van

05/10/2023 in 18h00
Hello, available until 7 p.m.

04/10/2023 in 23h58
Hi available now if interested private number

04/10/2023 in 20h21
I'm still there a little bit

04/10/2023 in 20h04
Anyone tonight?

01/10/2023 in 22h31
Who tomorrow night?

28/09/2023 in 20h34
It's getting sad........

28/09/2023 in 17h28
Anyone out tonight?

11/09/2023 in 08h37
Anyone going there today?

10/08/2023 in 10h43
Looking for a man who can receive from September I give my number in private

09/08/2023 in 22h10
Yes I'm waiting...

09/08/2023 in 21h58
Good evening still available....?

04/08/2023 in 21h21
Available tomorrow morning?

02/08/2023 in 08h11
I'm going to go there I really want to suck

01/08/2023 in 10h58
Two transvestites including a submissive looking for a handsome active beardless male, we can receive tonight on Ambares

31/07/2023 in 13h16
Anyone here this afternoon?

25/07/2023 in 12h57
I'm in the 2nd place and... no one

29/06/2023 in 20h52
people as soon as it gets dark tonight???

23/06/2023 in 16h29
Who's around tonight?

21/06/2023 in 13h24
Who's available tonight?

13/06/2023 in 23h23
who is this question for??

13/06/2023 in 23h02
Cc, available tonight? Hello

13/06/2023 in 22h27
Cc, available tonight? Hello

13/06/2023 in 16h27
good evening there are people in the evening at nightfall ???

08/06/2023 in 15h23
Anyone for this afternoon? Male, trans, active trans

08/06/2023 in 06h45
Available this afternoon from 4:50pm to 5:45pm. Feel free to come see me.

29/05/2023 in 16h47
Really want to come by around 5:30-6pm to suck one or more cocks. Who's available?

23/05/2023 in 18h12
Short walk between 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

23/05/2023 in 09h22
A couple this afternoon to exhibit dogging or more...?

09/05/2023 in 23h48
Available Thursday between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. at 5 minutes, I receive for more comfort

09/05/2023 in 13h07
I'm in the main alley the bariere and lifted if someone wants to come and whip my ass and get pumped the female dog and on the other hand I'm a man

09/05/2023 in 11h16
I should be there around twelve fifteen on the big alley

09/05/2023 in 11h13
I would be in the Bois de Peujard in the big bare aisle at the bottom I suck and I get a preference for men over 60 but given the weather I stay as a man. I am very greedy and I like the vicious left messages kisses

05/05/2023 in 19h44
Coming with a condom, my ass in the open air is open!!

05/05/2023 in 17h52
Little hairy ride today!

05/05/2023 in 10h55
of the world today

29/03/2023 in 16h34
People to empty in my throat or on my face?

20/03/2023 in 08h07
Available around 5 p.m.?

17/03/2023 in 08h56
Couple for showing off or more in the early afternoon?

05/03/2023 in 21h31
Too bad there is no one...

05/03/2023 in 16h14
Who tonight after 9 p.m.

01/03/2023 in 08h47
Available around 5 p.m.?

28/02/2023 in 22h48
Available Thursday and Friday in the afternoon I receive for active men. Alone or with others, do not hesitate to contact me

28/02/2023 in 16h56
Who tonight?

28/02/2023 in 15h18
I'm getting active men around until 5 p.m. today don't hesitate to pm me

27/02/2023 in 21h00
Bin , un gars sympa avec une jolie bite bien dure....hummm, c était cool

27/02/2023 in 20h10
J y suis mais c est mega défoncé, pas cool .....

27/02/2023 in 18h29
Anyone tonight?

18/02/2023 in 19h08
Ca s'est passé dimanche dernier.

18/02/2023 in 11h05
Indeed, I saw a lot of window shards in the small parking lot. When did this take place?

17/02/2023 in 17h47
It seems that people have had their cars broken into on the site

17/02/2023 in 12h22
I receive until 4 p.m. at my home (St Savin)

16/02/2023 in 20h59
Tomorrow around 5?

09/02/2023 in 12h06
Who around 5 p.m.?

05/02/2023 in 10h59
This morning now

05/02/2023 in 10h57
Want to get sucked by a guy

23/01/2023 in 07h37
Who around 5 p.m.?

19/01/2023 in 23h57
Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

19/01/2023 in 23h55
I receive on 4 legs tomorrow on Saint Savin, if interested pm me

16/01/2023 in 10h05
Currently in the woods big submissive slut looking for tails over 60 years old I'm waiting for you

16/01/2023 in 10h02
Bitch333, not won with this weather....

13/01/2023 in 17h10
Monday the 16th from 8:00 a.m. to 15:00 a.m. I will be in the Bois de Peujard at the end of the alley to suck you off in your car or in the woods I am looking for men or women or couples to play real submissive sluts I like all violent soda, uro juice and especially whipping and spanking I'm waiting for your messages I'll wear lingerie under my pants and I'll get dressed in the woods for you vicious perverted pigs quickly to your messages the slut is waiting

12/01/2023 in 13h41
hello we are looking for very well hung men for tonight, we are waiting for your proposals :)

12/01/2023 in 06h00
Monday, January 16 from 8 a.m. to 15 p.m. the slut will be bois de peujard I am looking for a man over 60 or a couple or a woman to be your submissive I suck I take sperm uro love raw words and violent soda mandatory spanking come and get emptied and have a whore at your feet leave message thank you

06/01/2023 in 18h02
I will lend my big cock tonight to a woman or a naughty couple without taboo...

26/11/2022 in 08h07
Anyone this morning?

25/11/2022 in 08h35
This weekend bi couple will be in the Bois de Peujard my slut will be exiver in front of men over 60 years old you can touch her jerk off and get sucked condom mandatory ç a big slut who loves cock couple super welcome leave message

25/11/2022 in 00h07
Available Saturday morning

23/11/2022 in 15h47
Free Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday for couples, trav and even man who receives in the corner...

20/11/2022 in 18h29
I'm nobody there except a car with bottle boxes. Too bad

20/11/2022 in 17h42
Guys a peujard?

20/11/2022 in 12h08
I will try to spend this afternoon for active cool I will wear a hat

19/11/2022 in 13h42
Free Sunday afternoon until 6:30 p.m.

17/11/2022 in 17h35
Who tomorrow around 5 p.m.?

16/11/2022 in 17h38
Available ?

15/11/2022 in 15h45
I'm there until 6 p.m. level wood of lafue

13/11/2022 in 13h47
A liability this time?

12/11/2022 in 20h05
A direct threesome tonight?

08/11/2022 in 17h30
I'm here for an hour

06/11/2022 in 20h25
Hey everyone, anyone tonight?

04/11/2022 in 18h43
dans 10 mn très envie no tabou

03/11/2022 in 22h45
People tonight

28/10/2022 in 10h00
Recherchons pour lundi31 hommes très mûrs pour baiser ma chienne travesti grosse cochonne aime tout godage fouet suce elle seras livres en pâture a hommes vicieux cochons pervers prévenir par message merci

28/10/2022 in 06h14
I'm looking for couples or bi men to take care of a big slut who loves everything I wear lingerie I'm taking care of Mrs. and Mr. for Monday, October 31 from nine a.m. Bois de Peujard leave a message to let me know thank you

27/10/2022 in 23h23
Not found, too bad

27/10/2022 in 16h03
Available tonight and for the night on this place if a couple wants to show off or more contact me.mp

27/10/2022 in 14h57
I'm there at 3:30 p.m., people want to suck? F H

26/10/2022 in 14h17
Thank you to the guy with the Renault Capture Bleu who fucked my wife in front of me last night, I regret not coming down to take a closer look

17/10/2022 in 05h51
This morning big whore will be at peujard in the woods to suck and get banged by an old male over 60 years old come I'll be waiting for you I'll be there from eight o'clock this morning let me know by pm thank you. I do everything and I love everything

12/10/2022 in 12h02
Available late afternoon.

10/10/2022 in 16h10
Very submissive slut looking for Monday, October 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 15:00 a.m. bois de peujard man trav woman or group of men over 60 years old very dirty and vicious to fuck me I love sucking takes juice mouth and face uro dildo soda violent and above all strong spanking mandatory condom wear whip and dildo I would wear bottom thong and PJ raw words mandatory leave private message for appointment kisses

08/10/2022 in 22h17
Who available?

04/10/2022 in 15h14
Bonjour, qui vers 16h?

30/09/2022 in 16h26
Who in the evening?

29/09/2022 in 18h37
Hello, a clean tail

29/09/2022 in 15h58
Someone finbd afternoon

27/09/2022 in 18h57
Hello anyone?

24/09/2022 in 14h48
People this afternoon?

23/09/2022 in 09h46
People in the early afternoon today? Contact in PM, thank you.

22/09/2022 in 18h27
Available to suck and fuck me if interested Pv

22/09/2022 in 17h31
Available Saturday afternoon.

22/09/2022 in 06h05
Big slut will be bois de peujard this morning from eight o'clock for big vicious pigs I do everything. Above all, treat me like a real whore, insult me, spank me, get high violently, I love it, I can suck two or three cocks at the same time, I like kisses.

21/09/2022 in 12h12
Big bitch sucks tomorrow Thursday peujard wood all the vicious pervert pigs over 60 they have to spank me very hard and treat me like a deep and hard soda female dog contact me quickly for tomorrow

21/09/2022 in 06h02
Big slut in female underwear looking for tomorrow Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 15:00 a.m. men or women perverse perverse vicious pigs to get sucked I accepted strong spanking dildoing strong soda I am a real female dog love cum in the mouth more uro warn me for tomorrow peujard wood kisses

19/09/2022 in 22h02
Passing around 5:30 p.m.

19/09/2022 in 16h52
Big slut looking for Thursday morning until three o'clock. One or two men over 60 or very vicious women. I like crude words spanking sodomy godevje deepthroats true slut in female underwear in the woods I walk around like that. I am waiting for your messages thank you naughty kisses

19/09/2022 in 14h46
Want to suck

16/09/2022 in 21h29
Who this evening to abuse my transvestite darling?

13/09/2022 in 11h40
Available late afternoon.

10/09/2022 in 08h36
Available this afternoon or nearby

09/09/2022 in 16h38
Available to suck

25/08/2022 in 21h12
The path and practicable or not

25/08/2022 in 18h19
Who available Saturday afternoon?

25/08/2022 in 16h10
I'll be there in 15 minutes. Really want to have a good cock to mouth

25/08/2022 in 15h00
I can pass there

17/08/2022 in 01h02
Propose direct plan tonight for emptying of balls by my very hot transvestite darling tonight

13/08/2022 in 16h28
Too keen ! Anyone around?

13/08/2022 in 07h24
I pass in the morning. With a desire to suck

11/08/2022 in 08h08
Coucou un coquin maintenant ?

27/07/2022 in 13h01
You have to be in good spirits to go there because the path is horrible and when you get there guys between 50 and 70 me who is looking for a transvestite couple, beh has to bang the car in the holes. for my part, I don't leave any paper or a condom because after it's actually like Bordeaux lake!! Royan beach or cestas very badly seen

27/07/2022 in 10h59
oops, it's not this place, but the wood of lafue which is closed....

26/07/2022 in 14h20
Because people are pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!

26/07/2022 in 13h47
why was it closed?

25/07/2022 in 17h17
hello, is access possible again?

25/07/2022 in 09h22
Anyone going there today?

20/07/2022 in 16h33
In the morning, it's not often crowded

08/07/2022 in 18h19
CH plan with trav or couple very eager to make me suck peujard or bedenac

07/07/2022 in 17h32
People in an hour?

07/07/2022 in 17h22
Little passage as a couple this afternoon Both naked in the woods And sex for two because people surprised us too bad we would have both sucked After it's Big as wood We'll come back

04/07/2022 in 15h34
Anyone in the woods this afternoon?

03/07/2022 in 11h39
Big slut dressing lingerie under these clothes looking for today 2 p.m. very dirty perverted old men over 60 or bi couple I am at your feet and obey like a whore I like everything and accepted prevent everything by messages thank you

25/06/2022 in 17h36
I'm going there

24/06/2022 in 12h31
I'm there a little in the woods, are there any very juicy tails, I'm waiting

24/06/2022 in 10h45
Slut will be in the woods from noon lingerie under these clothes I want men over sixty to suck soda and the more I take juice in the mouth greatly appreciated the vicious very dirty do not warn thank you

17/06/2022 in 23h58
Good blowjob tonight for emptying balls?

17/06/2022 in 13h25
Someone to take my ass? Well fitted and very hard

16/06/2022 in 06h46
I'm there it's extremely quiet

16/06/2022 in 05h29
I go there around 6:15/6:30

15/06/2022 in 17h13
Available for couple if you feel like it

15/06/2022 in 15h59
pity person

14/06/2022 in 17h06
A woman or a couple to have fun until 6:45 p.m.

13/06/2022 in 10h58
Hello everyone, I come to warn you that the wood of the hide, where the entrance is closed by wooden stumps and where orange anti-tags are painted, of the presence of 10 cm nails planted in the floor. I removed a good hundred but it must remain well hidden. Attention danger

06/06/2022 in 09h42
It's sunny, maybe we'll go there this afternoon

06/06/2022 in 09h14
Big slut in naughty lingerie under her clothes will be in the woods today from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. to suck more hard soda for very dirty men over sixty years old Notify me by pm thank you

04/06/2022 in 19h18
Passing by earlier with Mrs., if the guy in the Audi Breack is there, it would be good to calm down on the accelerator, I'm not going to offer you Mrs. because you want to be the driver. For the rest, a hell of a surprise, a woman alone in a red car at the level of the glass terminal, uhmmmm

04/06/2022 in 19h16
People around 9 p.m.?

04/06/2022 in 10h05
Anyone this morning?

28/05/2022 in 13h21
Bonjour, Je vais aller au bois en début d'après midi, Entre 14h et 15h.

24/05/2022 in 20h49
Too bad, I took advantage of Mrs. all alone

24/05/2022 in 18h49
Anyone tonight?

23/05/2022 in 00h46
Are there people tonight?

21/05/2022 in 13h11
J'y suis

20/05/2022 in 17h47
Tomorrow Saturday 21 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. I'll be in the woods in a skirt and thong bottom I'm looking for a man over 60 to suck him thoroughly and soda greatly appreciated the hard spankings so bring your whip leave a message thank you

19/05/2022 in 20h03
People around 9 p.m. today?

18/05/2022 in 17h47
Small discreet walk, 6:30 p.m. / 8 p.m. gentlemen approach gently thank you for respecting

17/05/2022 in 22h17
Passing by Thursday around 8:45 / 9 p.m.... Pm if interested

17/05/2022 in 19h40
Friday 1:30 p.m. I really want a big cock in my slutty ass

17/05/2022 in 19h25
Who's available now?

17/05/2022 in 17h22
There is a lot of people ?

17/05/2022 in 12h39
hello someone Friday afternoon around 1:30 p.m. very want to fuck me and also take

16/05/2022 in 08h36
I'm there but no one, it's a shame

15/05/2022 in 17h12
I'll be there tomorrow morning

15/05/2022 in 10h41
Hello big slut will be in lingerie this afternoon wood of peujard to suck and be fucked by man over 60 vicious pigs loves strong buttocks hummm leave messages thank you

11/05/2022 in 05h59
Hello, I am looking for a well-hung man to fuck me on St André de cubzac and who could receive me at his place. I like big vicious pigs I do everything and love free juice every night I'm waiting for your kisses messages

10/05/2022 in 16h05
Who wants to get sucked off? I'm there

10/05/2022 in 10h20
It's sunny, I'm going to walk my tail there

09/05/2022 in 12h20
Well it's not moving, the guys are too shy I'm going elsewhere

08/05/2022 in 18h19
Je serais de passage demain matin aux alentour de 8h si des personnes intéressé. Bises

08/05/2022 in 18h17
Someone tomorrow morning around 08:15 to have a good time

07/05/2022 in 22h16
I'm looking for tomorrow Sunday big vicious hard pigs not to fuck tomorrow dildos and spanking very hard are want to prevent mp kisses

07/05/2022 in 14h24
I'll be in the woods this afternoon for active guys

05/05/2022 in 17h15
Who available in town?

05/05/2022 in 17h15
Friday from 12 pm mp for those interested.

04/05/2022 in 12h09
Big slut looking for men over 60 years old very vicious perverted pigs to fuck me very hard I do everything and love everything offer me kisses

30/04/2022 in 15h53
It's very quiet!! I stay a while longer if it tells anyone. Little tail nap in the air for a foodie or a passing foodie

30/04/2022 in 14h36
I'm going for a ride to see if anyone is taking advantage of this beautiful sun!

30/04/2022 in 14h19
Slut will be in the woods tomorrow morning very early to mop up and get fucked only by old people over 60 I do everything and love being fucked in the ass, pissing and spanking if you are interested leave me a message

29/04/2022 in 08h33
Bonjour salope seras au bois cette après midi au fond de l allée avec un peu de lingerie venez vous faire vider je suce le fais enculer godez moi fouetter moi j aime sa j aime les vieux vicieux cochons pervers portez vos godes et baiser moi comme une chienne. Prévenir motivée merci

18/04/2022 in 14h50
Salut....du monde ce lundi soir? Très envi de donner du plaisir....envoyez un message en mp

17/04/2022 in 20h04
A couple tonight?

17/04/2022 in 13h14
I'm there in 10 minutes showing off and juice

16/04/2022 in 19h13
monday afternoon plan nature gang bang in doggy position recois creampie

03/04/2022 in 19h45
Hi nice trav or trans available tonight?

28/03/2022 in 14h01
it's sunny... i think i'm going to go and have a look

23/02/2022 in 11h58
I'll be in the woods for sex only with active guys

22/02/2022 in 16h38
à part le grandseb pas la queue d’un comme on dit très déçu

17/02/2022 in 21h04
Tuesday after 3:30 p.m.

17/02/2022 in 18h06
I am waiting for you drink of lafud

17/02/2022 in 17h16
Tonight I'll be in the woods for active guy

17/02/2022 in 17h04
I pass there in 20 minutes a couple or a woman to exhibit or more

17/02/2022 in 15h22
Tuesday what time?

17/02/2022 in 10h19
someone next tuesday afternoon

05/02/2022 in 17h26
Hi who's available tonight?

03/02/2022 in 12h13
Hi who's available this afternoon to get caught?

03/02/2022 in 06h24
Who's available tonight?

02/02/2022 in 07h29
Who to suck tonight?

29/01/2022 in 16h03
I'm going to take a tour person moron site

28/01/2022 in 11h37
Recherche homme plus de 60 ans vicieux très cochon pour me fouetter le cul ce week-end bois de peujard je fournis fouet a vous d apporter corde pour m attacher dans la position qu il vous plaira et a vous de jouer je suce reçois foutre pleine bouche sodo très apprécier et brutale laissez message. Attention plus de 60 ans couple bienvenue aussi

27/01/2022 in 20h20
who sucked

27/01/2022 in 18h35
I'll be by tomorrow around 1:45 p.m.

27/01/2022 in 17h54
J'etais passé quelques fois et il me semblais que ce lieu avait un peu perdu en vie mais ça semble repartir ... tant mieux ! dés que j'ai plus le covid j'y retourne

27/01/2022 in 16h28
Bonjour, Du monde demain vendredi 27/01 en journée ?

27/01/2022 in 14h10
After 2, 3 passages yesterday afternoon with my man, we threw our choice on 2 guys, are they here on the site, if yes they will recognize themselves, but this moment was very pleasant.

26/01/2022 in 22h31
I'll be in the woods tomorrow to have sex with several people, I'm very passive

18/01/2022 in 18h07
Tonight I will be on Peujart for a sex plan with several messages in mp

14/01/2022 in 08h40
Grosse salope seras lundi matin à partir de 9h bois de peujard au fond de l allée en bas et string uniquement sous son manteau pour sucer vieux cochons pervers aime les mots crus j' adore sperme pleine bouche sodo violente exib vous pouvez me fessée j' aime le hard et crad. Venez me baiser j' attend vos queues. Me prévenir par mp merci

12/01/2022 in 06h04
Bonjour au bois a partir de 8h je recherche grosse queue a sucer éjaculation en bouche apprécié sodo violente et fessée mots cru une vrais salope. Sous mon pantalon je porte bas plus mini jupe. MOTS CRU APpREcie. Garez vous ouvrez votre portière sortez votre queue et j' arrive vous pomper dans votre voiture ou nature. Laissez moi message pour vous trouver bisous

11/01/2022 in 11h12
Tomorrow morning 8am I suck big cock YOU WILL OPEN YOUR COCKTAIL DOOR AND I PUMP UP TO JUICE. Notify by messages thank you

11/01/2022 in 11h05
Tomorrow, Wednesday I suck a big cock with a full mouthful cumshot come and fill me I like the very creamy juice hummmmm I am from 8am you take out your notes with the car door open I approach and pump you thoroughly. Notify by messages thank you

11/01/2022 in 05h53
Bonjour grosse salope seras au bois de peujard fond de l allée blanche demain mercredi à partir de 8h. En bas et mini jupe sous le pantalon je rech plusieurs h ou CPL je suce a fond accept fessée très forte sodo hard. Je vous suce dans votre voiture ou forêt mots cru obligatoire et hygiène de rigueur a cette uro pleine bouche laissez message bisous

09/01/2022 in 16h35
People this afternoon?

07/01/2022 in 11h46
Bonjour, Du monde cet après midi (vendredi 07/01) pour petit moment de plaisir ?

05/01/2022 in 15h13
Around 4:30 p.m.

05/01/2022 in 14h25
Who available tonight?

04/01/2022 in 08h35
Bonjour dimanche 9 janvier nous serons ma femme et moi habiller en lingerie bois de peujard au fond de l allée blanche pour sucer et se faire baiser par homme plus de 60 ans hygiène de rigueur nous sommes deux grosses salopes et nous adorons sucer ensembles. Les couples sont les bienvenues. Laissez messages bisous

01/01/2022 in 16h05
I'm going to go there

28/12/2021 in 13h57
Available late afternoon to get sucked or more

27/12/2021 in 15h20
I'll be there around 3:45 p.m. if anyone ever wants to get caught.

20/12/2021 in 13h36
Tonight exhibits in the woods more fuck plan

30/11/2021 in 18h03
Who available tomorrow night?

23/11/2021 in 11h18
Who available tomorrow morning?

19/11/2021 in 10h35
Who, couple or trav, want to receive a TBM and very naughty man, in trav if you prefer... around St André de Cubzac, this Friday evening!!!

14/11/2021 in 13h22
A beautiful woman in a gray zafira. Available maybe I don't know

12/11/2021 in 22h28
demain hotel recois mecs pour baise hard me contacté en mp

04/11/2021 in 10h13
I'll be there within 20min

03/11/2021 in 06h53
Someone this morning Contact me

29/10/2021 in 18h44
Anyone looking for a H or in trav TBM to receive around St André? I am front / back

24/10/2021 in 12h59
I'm not in trav all the time so I also like couples ... TBM and without taboo

04/10/2021 in 17h14
People to fuck me there by 6pm?

02/10/2021 in 15h53
Impossible it's full of hunter

02/10/2021 in 15h30
I'll be there in 30 mins

19/09/2021 in 20h41
Who to suck me a little before 2 p.m. Monday

19/09/2021 in 12h23
A blonde in the woods looking for mushrooms

14/09/2021 in 22h19
It seems to me that a barrier has been installed at the entrance to the path

14/09/2021 in 16h21
Who in the evening?

14/09/2021 in 11h56
Who around 5:30 p.m.?

13/09/2021 in 13h17
Anyone going there this afternoon?

13/09/2021 in 08h03
Who around 6 p.m.?

06/09/2021 in 14h53
Woman or couple available this afternoon? Prevent in pm

05/09/2021 in 08h00
Anyone going there today?

30/08/2021 in 13h33
Who around 6:30 p.m.?

28/08/2021 in 11h02
I go there around 3:30 p.m. ...

27/08/2021 in 10h47
I'm going to take a tour of the moron site then the wood of lafue

24/08/2021 in 10h14
Tonight for several wood fucks for those who want to empty

19/08/2021 in 08h52
Hello, I'm going to go there around 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m. to suck. contact me in pm

18/08/2021 in 14h12
Tonight go to the woods for a fuck plan in pm for the hour

15/08/2021 in 14h40
Cette après midi et soirée pour mec actif recherche queux à vidanger

13/08/2021 in 17h02
Thank you to the 2 guys with the black Mégane and the gray C4 for having fucked Sabrina well earlier, it's true it was hot but you assured, see you soon

09/08/2021 in 19h43
Good evening can you tell me how to get there from N10 towards Paris and from Bedenac please I would like to know the place thank you

08/08/2021 in 15h24
I'm in the woods to meet an active guy for a good fuck and a ball drain

04/08/2021 in 16h13
Sunday afternoon meeting in the woods for fuck plan contact me for better meeting in mp

04/08/2021 in 15h55
Who will be available tomorrow at noon?

02/08/2021 in 19h20
Someone tonight?

01/08/2021 in 14h29
I am there, there is no one ....

01/08/2021 in 13h51
I'll be there in 20 minutes

01/08/2021 in 13h40
People this afternoon?

31/07/2021 in 11h01
Is there a couple, woman, or work world for this moment and it is towards or that it turns? Because every time it's deserted

30/07/2021 in 13h54
I'll have to go take a look;)

25/07/2021 in 17h55
Who tonight fills my mouth and stuffs my ass from 7 p.m. on sr places or bedenac

23/07/2021 in 08h57
Seeking active to relieve sucks deep throat spanks wide open

22/07/2021 in 18h42
Available from Wednesday, August 3 I can move at your convenience to flirt with women, couples ... I study all proposals and remain open to all eventualities

22/07/2021 in 11h42
It's sunny.. Too bad no one

22/07/2021 in 10h06
That's a good idea;)

22/07/2021 in 09h25
If we went outside with this beautiful weather

21/07/2021 in 18h55
I go there around 8:15 pm .. Woman or couple .. we can always hope;)

17/07/2021 in 18h42
We would like to go there tonight for exib

17/07/2021 in 12h19
Thanks to the young man for the good blowjob earlier

13/07/2021 in 15h22
Of the world on the spot

12/07/2021 in 11h16
Tonight around 7 p.m. I'll be in the woods for an active guy and fuck plan

12/07/2021 in 11h11
Who tonight at

02/07/2021 in 09h15
Seek to suck and get fucked hard

30/06/2021 in 08h56
The good weather is coming back today, if we were going to fuck this afternoon

23/06/2021 in 10h32
Hello, I'll be there in 15 minutes for a woman or a couple

22/06/2021 in 15h09
Hello, I will be at the woods tonight at 9 p.m. for a plan to fuck several warn me what is coming because the last time certain I did not find I am in a discreet place thank you tonight

20/06/2021 in 09h26
I tried to find this place several times... someone could give me the exact GPS coordinates, really want to go there!

17/06/2021 in 07h38
Hello everyone in the morning for sex time or around

15/06/2021 in 12h26
I will be in the Bois de Peujard tonight from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in whore mode, I'm waiting for you gentlemen to empty you

13/06/2021 in 19h29
From the world?

13/06/2021 in 18h47
beh stay there it makes room elsewhere for the others

13/06/2021 in 17h01
Here we are gray audi a4

13/06/2021 in 00h19
End of the day at what time?

12/06/2021 in 19h41
At first he exhibits without his knowledge and I would make a sign to approach if it goes well ... no need to talk about the site made as the meeting was fortuitous thank you

12/06/2021 in 14h39
Hello we will make a passage tomorrow at the end of the afternoon (Sunday) for a first outdoors for madam so gently thank you gentlemen

12/06/2021 in 13h41
There is no one I am there

12/06/2021 in 12h39
In the world this afternoon around 2pm?

11/06/2021 in 19h00
Who interested in a naughty jogging

01/06/2021 in 15h24
Go to Peujart for a fuck plan

31/05/2021 in 21h20
I will be tomorrow afternoon for a fuck plan and tail emptying contact me in pv

26/05/2021 in 19h51
I'm there for a while ...

14/05/2021 in 15h08
Who is available today from 4 p.m.

05/05/2021 in 10h21
Who comes looking for good cock

04/05/2021 in 07h16
for wednesday search man directive for plan hard fuck several to receive semen

03/05/2021 in 11h49
on site early after noon exib plan ,, I fuck madam black in front of voyeurs who jerk off if desired ,,, don't touch madam stay 2 minutes ,, thank you

02/05/2021 in 20h18
For hard fuck plan and shows off looking for a man to join me in the Bois de Peujart

30/04/2021 in 09h52
Seek to suck and more moves me

26/04/2021 in 19h03
Tassel looks

26/04/2021 in 15h14
Looking for woman or couple

24/04/2021 in 19h21
Hello, we receive on Blaye this Sunday 25 afternoon man tbm directive and without taboo

15/04/2021 in 19h10
Who is available for tomorrow afternoon, I love to suck and be suck and fuck

14/04/2021 in 09h37
I really want to go for a walk today. Is anyone going?

12/04/2021 in 12h27
hello I will be in the Bois de Peujard for a group fuck plan to receive several semen

05/04/2021 in 13h25
Around 3pm by bike I will be a boy but for active people!

02/04/2021 in 17h13
Seeking woman or couple prevent by mp

02/04/2021 in 13h14
If ever that interests, I'm in the woods until 1:30 p.m.

01/04/2021 in 09h24
Good considering the new constraints I think I often come to cycle and offer what I have .... often in the afternoon ....

30/03/2021 in 18h39
If my ass plan on Wednesday is canceled I will go for a bike ride to the three places around 3pm, I will not be a female (not possible by bike lol) but will be a bitch anyway

29/03/2021 in 17h10
Hello, I'm going there in 20 minutes for couples or women. Exhibits or more, you can contact me

28/03/2021 in 10h07
I will get there around 15 at the bottom under my pants and without panties for active naughty ...

26/03/2021 in 18h45
Too bad no one from 6 p.m.

26/03/2021 in 08h28
Thanks to the 3 rascals who found and followed us, it was a very pleasant Good Moment (thicker the blanket next time, lol)

26/03/2021 in 02h46
Looking for woman or couple for plan this afternoon

25/03/2021 in 15h57
The place is sad, I will come back with Mrs before the curfew

25/03/2021 in 13h21
Who now?

23/03/2021 in 19h23
Who was there earlier?

22/03/2021 in 11h54
hello there are people at the moment despite the cold ??

12/03/2021 in 12h54
Who is available this afternoon around 3pm?

19/02/2021 in 16h05
I'm here if anyone is interested. I stay until 4:30 p.m.

19/01/2021 in 15h32
Who tonight around 5pm?

08/01/2021 in 10h43
That's it you can come, it's less cold and then you will be less cold when it is in my mouth

08/01/2021 in 09h42
It's cold this morning to get your tail out in the forest isn't it? I liked to know if there are still a few people in the afternoon ??

08/01/2021 in 09h24
Who's available this morning. I have a desire to pump good cocks

07/01/2021 in 18h12
Who to suck mr now?

04/01/2021 in 07h45
Hello, are people going?

18/12/2020 in 18h54
I'm there in 15 minutes, with a big urge to pump

08/12/2020 in 21h19
I'll be there tomorrow morning at 5 a.m.

06/12/2020 in 23h50
Tomorrow morning 5:30 a.m. to 6 a.m.

27/11/2020 in 23h31
People on Saturday around 10am?

17/11/2020 in 17h07
People tonight around 6 p.m.

15/11/2020 in 14h22
Who wants to get pumped in deep throat in 30 minutes

31/08/2020 in 18h16
There is nobody ?

31/08/2020 in 17h29
Are there people at the end of the afternoon?

22/08/2020 in 13h33
Not many people

15/08/2020 in 16h29
The paths of Lafue are condemned by large blocks I do not see where we can go to have fun ..

14/08/2020 in 19h07
Too many old people !! It's impressive !

19/07/2020 in 12h33
Seeking smooth ass to fuck

11/07/2020 in 08h16
Who this morning? Very want to pump a good cock

10/07/2020 in 20h02
In the evening?

09/07/2020 in 08h11
Who wants to get sucked hard this morning?

07/07/2020 in 08h02
Hello . Who's available this morning. Very want to pump a good cock

05/07/2020 in 17h08
hello everyone bi passive couple looking for couple or woman we are open to any naughty proposals more info come in mp bis naughty exhib dogging cum threesome lingerie etc pleasure

01/07/2020 in 14h37
Who now?

27/06/2020 in 07h51
want to discover this place in exhib mode this Saturday June 27 in the evening, amateurs?

22/06/2020 in 15h54
Anyone there?

20/06/2020 in 22h54
Anyone present tonight?

20/06/2020 in 11h50
Couple, woman, working today or tonight

19/06/2020 in 23h14
Who come to suck me at the bottom of the road I wait

19/06/2020 in 20h05
Active bi for passive trav woman or couple available in wood patio or forest of patio beckons

13/06/2020 in 16h40
Who tonight?

13/06/2020 in 08h59
little message to those who frequent this cruising area: I lost my car keys (Nisan) contact me by message if find, in Karljean ... Thank you

04/05/2020 in 16h03
If the mountain biker in the blue short tee that I came across (black car) this afternoon around 3:45 pm recycling glass is on the site, can you send me mp please.

11/03/2020 in 15h17
I'm going, someone passive?

06/03/2020 in 09h39
a woman today

23/12/2019 in 16h40
Someone around 19h

29/11/2019 in 22h33
the world tomorrow?

28/11/2019 in 18h08
Someone night?

07/11/2019 in 14h18
Someone today?

23/10/2019 in 01h42
Someone pv

22/10/2019 in 01h56
Someone there

19/10/2019 in 01h27
There is a lot of people ?

18/10/2019 in 18h47
People late at night?

14/10/2019 in 10h54
Comment on fait pour faire la différence entre les chercheurs de champignons et les chercheurs de plaisirs ? Faut faire attention si on veux continuer à utiliser ce morceau de forêt ...

13/10/2019 in 11h45
En cette période de cueillette de champignons, qui veut goûter à mon cèpe cet après-midi ? Couple de préférence

12/10/2019 in 16h50
This morning no acorns only two mushroom seekers... it's becoming the desert this place

08/10/2019 in 17h42
Someone around 20h

08/10/2019 in 15h59
I'll see if acorns ....

08/10/2019 in 12h36
Acorns can be

08/10/2019 in 12h30
a lot of people this morning ..... The porcini ????

07/10/2019 in 13h14
The world ji am

06/10/2019 in 11h50
Hello, the passage today?

16/09/2019 in 13h59
Who goes there this AM?

17/08/2019 in 14h01
J will be there in an hour for woman or couple player. Mp

05/08/2019 in 18h18
Nobody except a pout band that's sad

05/08/2019 in 10h02
Hello I am between the 2 places in the containers after the bridge I leave tonight

25/07/2019 in 14h38
FPIC or woman tonight? flashing plan, dogging, suck and according to your desires ...

17/07/2019 in 12h46
Who tonight at 19h? Female couple or tv / ts preferably

09/07/2019 in 15h48
you pass it around what time?

09/07/2019 in 14h12
Someone this afternoon?

09/07/2019 in 12h43
Nobody ?

08/07/2019 in 16h22
Tomorrow I spend about 12:00. I hope to find a good asset

08/07/2019 in 15h30
Well I just had this passser etati desert waited naked little ... nothing! pity

19/06/2019 in 10h25
is better now that I tourjours is also frequented? gendrame defoncé path and not give me too want to retuurn masi with sunny days it's tempting!

18/06/2019 in 20h51
Tomorrow Wednesday, June 18, jy going to FPIC, female, trans female practicing exhibitionist, dogging ... would motorbike, leave me message for your schedule ....

14/06/2019 in 18h45
Who comes now?

02/06/2019 in 14h19
Is there someone today around 16h for couples woman or man

31/05/2019 in 00h48
There's the world at that time though?

01/05/2019 in 16h17
Good! The world today May 1 for plane sucks? No old thank you! Grandpas out !!

02/04/2019 in 15h08
Hello world there?

31/03/2019 in 19h53
I'll .. Maybe a couple.?

11/03/2019 in 20h21
Nobody at that time ..

10/03/2019 in 11h40
stoned path, I'd surely the sporting course a little further

10/03/2019 in 11h14
I'll go first thing to am, naked in my van for a tbm assets, no taboo

09/03/2019 in 17h51
The world present in 30 minutes?

24/02/2019 in 21h49
Somebody tonight?

19/02/2019 in 15h38
I Wood Peujard

19/02/2019 in 15h13
Hi to you that today?

19/01/2019 in 21h21
Someone on this Sunday morning?

19/01/2019 in 21h21
Someone on this Sunday morning?

05/01/2019 in 21h03
Good evening I Wood Peujard the world tonight?

05/01/2019 in 21h02
Good evening I'm drinking world Peujard tonight?

05/01/2019 in 17h07
I spend 30 minutes in

03/01/2019 in 14h27
Hello, happy new year to you all, somebody this afternoon?

25/12/2018 in 13h39
Gaul in an active well 15 min ?????

12/12/2018 in 06h49
Hi today 14h passing? Active or passive

11/12/2018 in 15h24
Billaux that at 17h

01/12/2018 in 09h45
I am available all day Sunday for a bi or hetero couple or a woman see a man so he can receive, view active and well-hung dildos xl games

19/11/2018 in 10h17
Thank you to the lovely couple for this charming photo shoot with wood. Ries pretty exhibitionist. My role as voyeur has been filled.

13/11/2018 in 12h35
I'll J transvestite submitted

29/10/2018 in 13h08
Weather not great!

29/10/2018 in 11h00
Too porcini researchers

21/10/2018 in 09h18
Active this morning?

15/10/2018 in 14h11
Which offers a nice level this AM? Please PM

15/10/2018 in 13h27
Ready to welcome you to the back of my van

15/10/2018 in 13h16
Damn it'll make short

15/10/2018 in 13h11
Bm active in 20 mn ????

12/10/2018 in 11h44
That available in 30mmin / 1h

07/10/2018 in 10h17
A round wood in 30 min and fitness trail near the transformer management cubnezais exhib in passive mode, small white van, feel free to show your tool

02/10/2018 in 19h26
I spend tomorrow late Wednesday after noon.

02/10/2018 in 19h10
Someone there ?

22/09/2018 in 13h32
The world this afternoon? Want to take my mouth

18/09/2018 in 18h17
Someone wants to party? Or even later

11/09/2018 in 19h21
The world around 20h?

06/09/2018 in 15h26
It not move much

06/09/2018 in 09h34
The world now?

02/09/2018 in 19h47
I'm in 30 minutes ..

01/09/2018 in 14h49
Hello the Kokins, a couple in the ferns wanting to be alone, oops c is the perfect place

30/08/2018 in 04h26
Lt. someone this morning between 6am and 7am. Map kiss .. suce..sodo. very cho

29/08/2018 in 14h05
Me in the evening

29/08/2018 in 10h25
J am there in 5 minutes

27/08/2018 in 16h40
Who is exhibiting its tail within 30 minutes ???

27/08/2018 in 11h26
Bon ben Monday morning it's quiet!

27/08/2018 in 11h26
Bon ben Monday morning it's quiet!

26/08/2018 in 17h24
Tians it's been that I have not been there. I would love to go rub my cock against a tree, or undress in a small clearing to make me put down the tail .. I am guided by that want an owl for exhib if it tells you! I have a beautiful tail, 'loves sucking bine deep, I like caressing my ass and likes to receive one or more fingers, and more if affinity! 9 told you this week? tomorrow morning ?

25/08/2018 in 14h36
Qui pour rencontre couple femme homme trav trans du moment que l'on prend son pied mutuelle

25/08/2018 in 14h36
Qui pour rencontre couple femme homme trav trans du moment que l'on prend son pied mutuelle

21/08/2018 in 19h35
Quelqu'un ce soir ?

20/08/2018 in 09h17
J will be in early afternnon to suck guys bm

05/08/2018 in 20h38
I would have to 9:15 p.m. .. I would not mind ..

05/08/2018 in 19h35
The woman or couple outings tonight?

04/08/2018 in 14h14
Family tonight may be if its someone interested, contact us by pv

03/08/2018 in 22h50
I spend around 23:30 .. Sait one ever ..

02/08/2018 in 18h24
Very good meeting tonight, thank you to the nice guy passage, the next time we switche hehehe

31/07/2018 in 21h15
Quelq'un tonight?

30/07/2018 in 20h56
World output tonight?

30/07/2018 in 11h52
is that the round gendarmerie stopped? a time it was hell ... it's been that I not go to the woods

29/07/2018 in 18h56
Who available now or in the evening?

29/07/2018 in 13h18
S who just show off this am ???

29/07/2018 in 01h27
Me around 11:30 I think

27/07/2018 in 13h34
Somebody tonight?

27/07/2018 in 09h33
I go around 10am if there are active

26/07/2018 in 16h03
I went from 13h to 13.45 just saw another passive sniffff

25/07/2018 in 14h47
World amidi this Wednesday

25/07/2018 in 06h45
Rech meks pumping 8am this morning that?

23/07/2018 in 21h33
Hello everyone I am couple exhib and transvestites I awaits you. Kiss

23/07/2018 in 16h14
Mmmm ca looks frequented this corner, I tate me to go see if it goes tonight ..

23/07/2018 in 13h44
I can tonight

21/07/2018 in 12h36
World aprèm this wood? For active guy or torque

12/07/2018 in 12h07
Someone this after noon? I HAVE the balls full

12/07/2018 in 02h25
J will be tomorrow around 14h to suck me and shagged by BM or tbm.pour guys who know me I have a 4x4 bleu.me prevent in many mp.venais.

10/07/2018 in 09h10
I would be active for 9:30

08/07/2018 in 18h54
bjr am looking for an active morning on st christoly blaye

05/07/2018 in 18h20
I'll be there in 30 minutes

02/07/2018 in 23h09
Yes you missed a lovely couple

02/07/2018 in 17h45
Or torque output woman looking voyeur or plan by 1 hour?

02/07/2018 in 13h20
Disgusted I just saw

26/06/2018 in 13h31
Largest world looks like

22/06/2018 in 15h19
Or torque output this woman am to 4:15 p.m.?

13/06/2018 in 13h33
Someone today?

07/06/2018 in 16h49
World at 18h?

06/06/2018 in 23h16
I passed this evening ... desert !! Too bad I was very thirsty :)

06/06/2018 in 11h02
I have fucked my wife the other day, 2 joggueur surprised us, next time do not hesitate to join us Ms. always very hungry

05/06/2018 in 23h32
I spend tomorrow, Wednesday around 18:30 ...

01/06/2018 in 16h05
Want to try the wood early evening around 19h or his trav vouple

31/05/2018 in 14h05
More too new to this place

21/05/2018 in 14h03
hello to all H loving massages and this to fluff the tail and the ass can receive on Bourg sur Gironde. Reply in PM

17/05/2018 in 07h24
Hi passage this afternoon. Rech meks assets. Envi sucking thoroughly

15/05/2018 in 17h44
Hello, someone tonight?

14/05/2018 in 10h13
Passive get active in my home fronsac

13/05/2018 in 17h47
Sorry forced from Mr Mayor went supposedly is prohibited unless it is because I'm different so I will not retuurn

13/05/2018 in 12h42
A passage to 14h

11/05/2018 in 17h36
Hi past tomorrow Saturday morning undress. There will be a few people to get sexual pleasure

11/05/2018 in 13h56
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path until Sunday evening

07/05/2018 in 13h42
Eager to break my ass around 16:30

07/05/2018 in 11h01
With the sunshine, ki pass this after noon?

06/05/2018 in 13h32
I'm on the scene which is just to the right of way side until tonight

05/05/2018 in 18h51
Young guys tonight?

05/05/2018 in 16h35
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path until Sunday evening

26/04/2018 in 15h41
The world around 17h? Couples can be? Trav? Private?

21/04/2018 in 16h45
There are less than 40 years here ??

20/04/2018 in 15h14
Someone today?

19/04/2018 in 21h54
At all sites, including this one, there is an almost complete picture of our society ... So, imagine that because we want something others are willing to grant us is done pure fantasy! Otherwise, we would all be on the street in the making tickling ... Personally, I have no heavy big problems because I am very clear and courteous in answering if negative. This is the least that when someone shows you the interest.

19/04/2018 in 12h42
The account "couplecohons" was apparently not happy with the site. They criticized and said they were leaving. I just help them, lol. Now I ask you to be courteous and respond when you are not interested blacklist rather than live. It is an icon that puts this sentence alone. Use it! And I also ask you not to formalize you when you blacklist. Many use this fuunction louse sort the profiles that do not interest them. So it's not a problem. We pass the following profile ... Thank you for your attention and good day!

19/04/2018 in 10h42
Last post on the subject torque pig for me, after a second message full of insults MP ... very classy. My previous posts were only intended to give a contradictory point of view, obviously it's too ... okay! Not easy to talk among those who take offense to being blacklisted, those who suffer the consequence of the behavior of heavy (they are everywhere, it will always and we all know they are part of the game), coarse and likely ...

18/04/2018 in 10h25
What a pity !

18/04/2018 in 10h25
Good riddance because tired of suffering misspellings.

17/04/2018 in 22h17
laughing. There hgironde who blames a couple that use this page to settle accounts. It's really not good Bouuuu. But the fact he can no worries. Besides "I participate in Site" Sorry sir you are on blackjack site, so your comment you set in private

17/04/2018 in 15h47
I spend late afternoon for a good plan !!

17/04/2018 in 10h46
Couples pigs thank you for your little private message. I quote "your not consulting us give those we do want quon c asser is clear yet no ad order to give us thank you to respect those above we do not desire those quon" I answered you: I have no orders to you give, but I can give my opinion on a site which I participate. You speak of respect start by respecting others.

16/04/2018 in 14h05
I never talk to them is couplecochons blacklist and I'm not understand too but ...

16/04/2018 in 10h10
Should calm on both sides! Needless to climb the towers. The insistent can be turned away quietly, and those who do not find what they want ... there are other sites. I understand that we have strict criteria but is not obliged f'insulter Everyone! And this site is a site I drag you recall! Personally I find it such a little heavy couplecochons you use the discussion area places like ad box that no personal ńznnonce your presence or your opinion on this place! So everyone should remain cool pourqu'on can continue to meet, to enjoy nice places that are becoming scarce, and to do lots of fun!

16/04/2018 in 08h19
Carl, if you're're Straight, it's normal, they do not want, it's their choice Then there was no harm in taking it, they exist, they say, they have their criteria, it is respected on this, good day to all and calm down, the sun will come back

14/04/2018 in 10h28
It's normal to get blacklist when we do not read an ad or when not correspond to pfofil. It make big heavy

13/04/2018 in 20h16
Lol ... Amazing how the other ... without the know ... on condition of anonymity can insult !!! :)

12/04/2018 in 17h33
me it my block I even know them not lol

12/04/2018 in 17h32
Hello couplecochons. You blocked me why?

12/04/2018 in 09h57
OK what time ?

08/04/2018 in 12h25
In 10 min

08/04/2018 in 10h00
The world what time this morning?

06/04/2018 in 14h59
The world around 18h30

05/04/2018 in 17h34
I go ... Woman or couple exhib ???

05/04/2018 in 12h03
J are going in early afternnon for me sucks and fucked

01/04/2018 in 18h37
A couple tonight dogging, exhibitionism or other?

01/04/2018 in 17h24
I wish you happy easter

28/03/2018 in 04h50
Lt. 6am this morning ?? emulation of ......

27/03/2018 in 19h58
No .. I'm gone

27/03/2018 in 19h38
No one anywhere?

27/03/2018 in 18h56
No one..

27/03/2018 in 17h04
Me too .. Although want to make me suck ..

27/03/2018 in 16h48
Although want dy spend

25/03/2018 in 12h44
Who pays for his coffee this am in the corner?

17/03/2018 in 12h06
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path until Sunday evening

16/03/2018 in 15h41
Hello who is this woman that left her bras and panties I would help much to remove

14/03/2018 in 09h22
someone in late morning?

09/03/2018 in 06h53
The world this morning?

02/03/2018 in 18h46
I seem to have an unmarked car with two policemen in front of the timber to 18h..quelqu'un confirm?

01/03/2018 in 18h34
Really too clumsy to do not with a Clio White who is not too understanding when it is not !!!!

16/02/2018 in 13h29
The world finally afternoon?

11/02/2018 in 15h22
Are there in the world by this time?

11/02/2018 in 11h56
I spend 15 minutes in

02/02/2018 in 12h21
I spend around 13h ..

26/01/2018 in 14h16
Will there 'It qq'un in a 1 / 2h?

21/01/2018 in 20h18
Nobody non..Mais given the state of the road that estpas surprising. The road is defonce and this time you really want to venture there ..

20/01/2018 in 16h54
No one ?

17/01/2018 in 15h44
Nobody yesterday evening, the world in the late afternoon?

16/01/2018 in 17h48
noon to person, I spend there

16/01/2018 in 16h12
I went around 11pm you need a 4x4 now! and there was no damage

16/01/2018 in 15h57
Someone evening?

12/01/2018 in 14h56
Passing around 16:30 ..

10/01/2018 in 22h29
Tonight small plane with nice white polo guy. If you know you thank you contact me by mp

10/01/2018 in 16h28
Someone there ?

10/01/2018 in 13h44
can pass this am

09/01/2018 in 17h42
Someone in the evening?

08/01/2018 in 17h27
Personally I am in 30 minutes

08/01/2018 in 16h11
Hi someone to make me a good pacifier?

08/01/2018 in 14h44
I'll be there this aprem

31/12/2017 in 14h52
I go this am with this good weather. Between 16:30 and 17h about .. can be a chance to come across a couple?

29/12/2017 in 15h42
I passes through 1h

22/12/2017 in 11h30
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path until you tomorrow afternoon

19/12/2017 in 17h59
T have been entitled to what?

18/12/2017 in 23h04
Ben me I'm going yesterday morning ... And the moment was fun!

18/12/2017 in 11h56
CC, there is still some way with these temperatures?

17/12/2017 in 21h18
Too bad couple33hot I was this morning at 11 am ..

17/12/2017 in 16h11
Always on site

16/12/2017 in 12h52
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path up to Sunday night

14/12/2017 in 17h40
I pass in 20 minutes. You never know

12/12/2017 in 23h30
Should contact me ;-)

12/12/2017 in 13h51
Someone tonight Wood?

03/12/2017 in 11h40
Always on site but no

02/12/2017 in 08h47
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path up to Sunday night

29/11/2017 in 22h37
No one in the area to accommodate a subject trav and very whore?

27/11/2017 in 19h27
couple33hot promote subscriber records with many pictures it will certainly be more serious, pleasure kisses

19/11/2017 in 18h30
Couple pigs inappropriate reaction. Revoyer the definitions of the dredge. you are off topic

14/11/2017 in 14h12
J spends late aprem

13/11/2017 in 13h14
Someone today, it's fine, must enjoy ;-)

08/11/2017 in 00h06
The boss of 113 held the sauna of the different elsewhere c is good sauna like the nikki and metropole. Jee frequent this environment depuos few years already

08/11/2017 in 00h03
No requirement to get naked. It takes s dress sexy. The best is the 113 c is large and well attended unlike the boat. cestas the VIPs there is no one ever

01/11/2017 in 07h58
I'm on the places that is just way off right up to tonight

31/10/2017 in 18h19
Is anyone there?

25/10/2017 in 16h15
concerned of a plan for at 18h? Torque can be?

25/10/2017 in 01h31
Between 15h and 19h ca not awry. And sometimes one has the right to visit beautiful couples

25/10/2017 in 00h46
Couplecochons is also real but never met. No hard feelings kisses

25/10/2017 in 00h31
Couple33hot is a real couples I have met several times and it is always a pleasure

24/10/2017 in 20h06
Hello, for my part I met couple33hot and couplecohons .. They are REAL, such as photos. These are 2 a charming couple who are aptly nicknames !! Then the Mythos, and frustrated go your way !! Do not be surprised that nobody wants to meet you ..

24/10/2017 in 15h53
The world right now to suck me?

22/10/2017 in 20h21
Of available there in a moment

22/10/2017 in 09h04
I'm on the places that is just way off right up to tonight

21/10/2017 in 20h27
Yes, what a pity: '- (

21/10/2017 in 16h11
Couplecohons damage .. I'm not available this weekend .. nice photos added ..

21/10/2017 in 13h15
Really? ... No rain on Blaye ..

20/10/2017 in 14h21
At the citadel? I do not know either ...

20/10/2017 in 14h20
Then missed, and the citadel, it then moves fredblaye

20/10/2017 in 14h04
I think being there around 16:30

20/10/2017 in 13h42
Someone at 14:30

19/10/2017 in 20h49
Anyone for a plan?

19/10/2017 in 15h58
I spend this evening after 18h ..

19/10/2017 in 10h27
Couple pig can navigate?

19/10/2017 in 09h31
Couple or woman today?

18/10/2017 in 20h42
Thin I could not come ...

18/10/2017 in 16h36
I would go for a walk around 18h ​​...

18/10/2017 in 13h18
I'll make it a walk in 30 minutes, it's been ...

17/10/2017 in 17h44
What time Noemie?

17/10/2017 in 17h06
Want to be a voyeur ...

15/10/2017 in 20h32
Share the location

15/10/2017 in 18h49
Ah yes ? And really nice and open pairs

15/10/2017 in 18h46
Stroll to the Citadel of Blaye with the miss and pretty nice pair

14/10/2017 in 10h27
At 18h person last night ... Apart pretty dark down hanging from a tree that made you want to know who could well have to abandon

13/10/2017 in 13h27
C is when you want couplecochons I am available

10/10/2017 in 22h15
There is a crowd ?

10/10/2017 in 21h39
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path up to tomorrow night

10/10/2017 in 14h15
Me, jy happening in the evening

03/10/2017 in 16h59
Who to 19h?

02/10/2017 in 17h59
I'm on the scene which is just on the right side path up to tomorrow night

29/09/2017 in 07h54
For several time I pass after 20h, 8:30 p.m. ... It is desert ..

26/09/2017 in 16h59
Someone in the evening?

24/09/2017 in 15h48
I'm on the places that is just way off right

24/09/2017 in 09h33
is that there will be voyeurs today for me to come m exiber naked

24/09/2017 in 08h56
Who sy exhibits today ?????

22/09/2017 in 13h10
Who to suck my beautiful tail in an hour?

19/09/2017 in 16h06
Who managed to contact couplecochons? I sent them a direct message and blacklist unanswered. Certainly I don not have pictures but this is no longer the case. If somebody was able to see or contact please let me know. Hope couplecochons

19/09/2017 in 15h52
Couple pigs I am available

09/09/2017 in 12h21
I'm on the places that is just way off right

06/09/2017 in 14h29
Is someone there?

03/09/2017 in 13h18
Heterosexual, looking for a woman, a couple or a guy to suck me more ... or contact me by MP

01/09/2017 in 13h52
Eric33310, you say too much Blabla, but you even do not answer messages Couplechon're a real couple with yes criteria but it is a real couple !!!!! And they respond to private messages them ;-)

01/09/2017 in 13h05
I spend at 14:30 today with my very full balls. If it rains too ..

28/08/2017 in 09h41
For who ?

20/08/2017 in 03h47
J would have liked with you ;-)

18/08/2017 in 12h22
Who today?

06/08/2017 in 12h36
Really fucked this way !!

01/08/2017 in 08h46
that for tonight

30/07/2017 in 21h21
I'm so in person 1/4 hour I leave

17/07/2017 in 10h51
I really want to ;-)

07/07/2017 in 22h31
Who go there that night after midnight?

19/06/2017 in 17h01
Couplecohons good idea to offer at night. May be available on Thursday night or Friday night to see ... ..

19/06/2017 in 15h30
Is there some one there?

18/06/2017 in 13h57
I am not free until evening between 19h and 20h same place yesterday

17/06/2017 in 20h54
The same place

17/06/2017 in 12h07
I'm on the places that is just way off right

14/06/2017 in 14h00
The world today?

05/06/2017 in 20h20
Is there will be someone in about an hour?

02/06/2017 in 00h11
Bjr couplecochons I contact you is you is mavez blacklist so I pence a mistake moin only ditte me thank you

31/05/2017 in 11h09
Hi I am not the cokin far today called me to be interested in a plan if

30/05/2017 in 21h17
Too bad nothing, not even a dogging

30/05/2017 in 14h39
Somebody tonight?

29/05/2017 in 16h30
I will spend Tuesday between 11am and 14h, if you are interested ...

29/05/2017 in 14h04
Isabelle, like what car you're there from what time?

29/05/2017 in 13h58
jy am until 22h may not be available between 19h and 20h

29/05/2017 in 13h37
Bjr has all of the world are today ??? if interested in about me ditte

29/05/2017 in 05h54
Big thank you to the couple there last night, if they recognize, c is when they want to start, 2 lovely people, sweet and naughty desire, pure moment of pleasure ;-)

28/05/2017 in 13h41
Couplechons Hello, I do not understand, I just saw that I was blacklisted ?? we met, I went home, we discussed it was nice .. can be a mistake, but honestly I do not understand

22/05/2017 in 19h29
I'm going there in 1 hour

22/05/2017 in 19h13
on the other side of the highway bridge Afterwords left 300 left again approximately 1 km on the right path more quiet and clean place, ideal for those so interested appointment leave messages

22/05/2017 in 14h06
Someone available today for active H, gentle and discreet

16/05/2017 in 22h20
Where and when?

16/05/2017 in 14h37
In fact, when you argue, you block !!!!

15/05/2017 in 13h47
The passage this afternoon?

14/05/2017 in 17h16
Big crowds, many car but the police landed ... and I get out of my car I left. There were a couple in a white utility. Coupler if it was you in the utility I followed with my Touran to see if you wanted to ask elsewhere. Do not perhaps had wanted a beard. I think the site is monitored within easy round every Sunday?

13/05/2017 in 20h08
One or guys available to suck? Opportunity to me

13/05/2017 in 20h01
Okay Hgironde I've ever been to Peujard or other things ... but there are other telement sites for libertines ..... this fuss is incongruous !!! CAUTION In all libertines places I frequented relous I saw, folded and well known ...... good luck forward to seeing you ❤

13/05/2017 in 17h01
coupleconchons you might be polite, if you do not come on the scene why continue to publish here? If you advertise on your card look for h up to 50 years to treat what old men who meet your criteria? If you go to gay cruising areas open to it's normal to find men of all backgrounds and of all ages right? Otherwise go to the club there is very selective you tighten bothered ... we hope to see you

12/05/2017 in 16h30
Shooting dredge Peujard: the Peujard drill much cleaner

12/05/2017 in 16h15
Where is it ?

12/05/2017 in 15h48
I would spend well but I prefer the wood Lafue the other side of the highway

12/05/2017 in 15h01
That available to 17h

11/05/2017 in 15h34
I do not understand why I was stuck, I did not disrespect, I just wanted to understand, nothing bad or pushy, and unlocks read my last post ;-)

11/05/2017 in 13h42
too they blocked me and I never knew why

11/05/2017 in 13h40
Couplecohons, I answered you, I have blocked you m '- (you ais I offended?

08/05/2017 in 12h00
A trip to noon?

06/05/2017 in 09h05
Cc world this morning?

04/05/2017 in 19h18
Heck, disappointed, c is wilderness: '- (

04/05/2017 in 16h28
Someone around 19h?

03/05/2017 in 17h30
Hello there toujour the world ???

24/04/2017 in 10h51
thank you has couplecochon m doing right time to enjoy this bizz A +

23/04/2017 in 12h53
jy would be in about 20 minutes and I hope to meet a nice sympathyque tail, a hair in my van the stiff cock

23/04/2017 in 07h32
Who will sy walk today?

18/04/2017 in 15h25
I went pence it out see if a good meeting is possible for this feast

18/04/2017 in 14h38
I'm up to about 18h

17/04/2017 in 22h54
Given couplehard. Very enjoyable. Ah next time

17/04/2017 in 17h29
I passed. I couplehard the cross because it was the only couple there. I did not dare approach you hard torque. Too bad I had time :)

17/04/2017 in 16h53
couplehard always nice and warm, shame I don not had time, next time the Kokins, kisses

17/04/2017 in 12h40
I will also go down in the am

17/04/2017 in 12h07
I also planned to spend around 17:00

16/04/2017 in 14h16
In 16.04 evening of world? I will surely go check it out.

16/04/2017 in 13h43
CC I would be there in 10 minutes for an active bm

15/04/2017 in 11h51
Hello, it's been awhile since I had not happened in this place .. after a walk in the woods that has not changed ... then a beautiful meeting ... good pipe and discution strongly the retuurn of the sun ... I'd like to be naked and take care of two or three nice cock with my mouth .....

11/04/2017 in 12h12
good I'll go for a ride ... I hoped there ura some tail between noon and two

11/04/2017 in 11h40
Thursday afternoon if weather permits

10/04/2017 in 18h45
not disappointed lovely little couple he has honored madam on the hood of the beautiful jalopy I was gone two fingers to fondle his balls for whom fills thoroughly next time may beings

09/04/2017 in 19h05
Tomorrow end aprême see if there is the pretty underwear

08/04/2017 in 13h50
It's getting good, I think I'll re-explore this place that had lost much in quality and attendance. Hoping to come across beautiful tails, beautiful mouths and why not a few couples. Gentlemen even though full balls take your time, a few more minutes before we will enjoy the greater good ... I'm brown and bearded. 9a does not please everyone, but it takes all tastes. So please I love sensual plans more ... biz

07/04/2017 in 18h33
Hello, pleased couplecochons

05/04/2017 in 08h48
Hi I am available in the corner tonight. If you are looking for big ejaculation I am

05/04/2017 in 08h18
Lt. couplecochons I am available if wanted

02/04/2017 in 21h02
world tonight

02/04/2017 in 10h43
response to couplecochon I have exchange some words with them to ask for information on this place he answered courteously my kindness is not me I have the ever meet, but I think that there are free to choose their partner jeux.enfin c is my opinion.

01/04/2017 in 20h48
Ben I've ever met, but I exchange messages with them regularly, and they answer me. I even their address they gave me. I was not in good shape at night or I could have gone for me .. I do not think. I think they are very selective such as age, and expect respect in messages .. this is far from true of everyone.

31/03/2017 in 23h22
You find ?

29/03/2017 in 16h11
Guys !!! I hope you use condoms ?? If that is the case. You are cautioned not throw your rubbish in nature.

29/03/2017 in 16h05
Yes restores his morale to see the couple on cruising areas

29/03/2017 in 15h27
Great if couples started dating this place is a very good news. I hope couplehard had a good time and they will come back for a ride ...

28/03/2017 in 19h35
Cplehard33 thank you to you, very nice !!

28/03/2017 in 18h26
Me too !!

26/03/2017 in 23h31
I think we must not go on Sunday ... pity there was not more often Debelle stiff cock

26/03/2017 in 17h20
The world but not of my age, and weird guys ... bcp walkers and vettetiste means ... ..

16/03/2017 in 06h22
I'll be there from noon to two, then to 17.30, if you want to suck you ....

12/03/2017 in 12h24
In 15 minutes I offer my ass

01/02/2017 in 08h22
Neither couple or pigs. .... !!!!

22/01/2017 in 11h50
Someone this afternoon Sunday, January 22?

03/01/2017 in 14h09
Too bad ... what is the interest?

13/08/2016 in 10h20
Beautiful people this am ???

04/07/2016 in 13h38
hi someone spend in the afternoon ...

24/12/2015 in 16h24
I am going to give my dick

19/10/2015 in 18h35
never seen couple of my great despair ....

28/09/2015 in 13h30
I'll try to go at 18:30

28/09/2015 in 09h40
if he come on Peujard it would be good ... it is soft and very well sucks!

28/09/2015 in 09h35
I thought the guy cross with her black Fiat Panda which is often the Billaux someone sight?

17/09/2015 in 14h47
I am in agreement, do not throw your plastic everywhere!

29/07/2015 in 14h51
The world soon?

25/07/2015 in 22h20
Who's the guy in bike racing I spilled maquer

28/05/2015 in 22h47
I also noticed on here that when we say we move to a location at a certain time, oddly cops are sometimes. I've noticed several place in me after making a message on the place ..... Having Jaeny said there were police peugeard but saw nothing, she has heard about. Soyer careful, the constabulary prefers to us and take us PV flag. rather than face the thugs who were armed, at least there are in the wild lol

24/05/2015 in 08h13
Who in half an hour?

18/05/2015 in 15h22
Behind The sleeping area of ​​Bedenac wood is much cleaner and the road is passable without problems

05/05/2015 in 15h11
like I can go round fair eun just now

15/02/2015 in 23h17
I pass tomorrow morning around 7:00 am

12/01/2015 in 12h25
I'll check it out in an hour ...

24/12/2014 in 14h01
there is this after noon hoping to me ca festival will be a good little gift

18/12/2014 in 16h09
there would be someone there Sunday Monday or Tuesday night around 20h in the woods? I intend to spend it ...

13/12/2014 in 15h14
Hello who will towards 17-18h?!?!

14/11/2014 in 13h16
The time to go home I'll check it out ...

08/11/2014 in 13h56
There is a walk in aprem

03/10/2014 in 11h01
Hello I am looking for a fun qq s ago motivated people I would love a tail

03/10/2014 in 11h01
Hello I am looking for a fun qq s ago motivated people I would love a tail

02/10/2014 in 00h15

30/09/2014 in 11h24
Y is early afternoon

25/09/2014 in 20h52
Y went to trav me so much fun

12/09/2014 in 09h18
There is a walk in the morning

03/09/2014 in 14h16
Is there any kind up early 7:30?

02/09/2014 in 09h57
Couple Hard Hi, You found your happiness? ... I hoped to have the pleasure of seeing you one of his days ...

22/08/2014 in 12h00
I'll check it out now.

20/08/2014 in 15h08
There is a walk in the after noon I will like that you also see me motion

19/08/2014 in 16h08
Hello, I went there just now, a guy jerked me very gently stroking my balls ... wow! a large drop of wet beading at the end of my penis was more than delicious !!!

11/08/2014 in 21h13
Someone tonight?

06/08/2014 in 09h18
someone this morning?

05/08/2014 in 01h43
I spend Tuesday evening if someone interested, let me know to suck and get sucked!

26/07/2014 in 14h54
that this am getting sucked + and?

17/07/2014 in 10h47
there is this after noon

03/07/2014 in 12h26
there will be an early round after noon

17/06/2014 in 11h05
this after noon to 15h

05/06/2014 in 16h17
I think I'll go for a ride

03/06/2014 in 21h10
The world around 21:30, now it gets dark later?

25/05/2014 in 19h57
Plan now for someone 25/05 Sunday?

23/05/2014 in 16h22
c clear that the road is really in a state room

23/05/2014 in 00h15
7 h30 morning someone a present?

19/05/2014 in 09h23
around 11:30?

18/05/2014 in 12h57
total desert I go to Bedenac

18/05/2014 in 12h41
J y I'm still 10mn naked in the woods, viiiiiite

18/05/2014 in 09h56
who is visiting today?

14/05/2014 in 15h05
I'll check it out if trav goes there he will have the chance to suck my dick

08/05/2014 in 09h51
SOMEBODY today ?????

08/05/2014 in 09h50
moiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii several times hmmmmmmmm nice.

05/05/2014 in 12h21
hi the other day it was sucking a guy who had a small greyhound, I know it's ugly, but in the excitement I fantasized about the dog .... while I suck master and that I was knee jerk I thought if the dog just lick me I let him ... I'm ashamed but I have enjoyed strong .... it happened to you?

02/05/2014 in 10h40
the path is in a sad state .... :-(

24/04/2014 in 13h24
I'm about to Blaye map sucks see.

23/04/2014 in 17h35
why not

23/04/2014 in 16h36
There passage after 20 pm?. I think spend tonight ...

13/04/2014 in 18h03
tomorrow midmorning

06/04/2014 in 12h00
Nobody I go to Bedenac

06/04/2014 in 11h20
jy'll dildo me white fougon

23/03/2014 in 10h02
I feel like 2 fingers in the ass, is there a volunteer?

01/03/2014 in 09h58
ass beautiful cock available for today

16/02/2014 in 16h26
simpa moment just before noon

13/01/2014 in 05h48
Like yesterday, but around 15h 3:15 p.m. that day, send me messages to materialize appointment, I'm hungry and I want to give food

12/01/2014 in 19h02
I'll be there at the entrance in 15 minutes, or to suck me suck at our convenience

09/01/2014 in 23h56
Passing Sunday young (<35-40 years) interested? Make a sign I'm pretty active;)

31/12/2013 in 13h15
that this am?

30/12/2013 in 22h32
saw the message too late :-(

28/12/2013 in 12h49
quelqun this am? if possible active and tbm

27/12/2013 in 10h25
Very nice meeting yesterday with a couple, beautiful even, renew

26/12/2013 in 15h32
J y am in 10 min for active tbm white van

26/12/2013 in 15h24
J y am in 10 min for active tbm white van

29/11/2013 in 15h35
a hunter took out his gun from its Case and pull my ... um, I am he shoots me a second shot

16/11/2013 in 11h11
Someone within 1 hour

10/11/2013 in 19h46
6:30 tomorrow morning someone?

03/11/2013 in 10h49
I'll take a ride with mushrooms this morning I hope to find big and hard

31/10/2013 in 14h28
going for a walk after this afternoon with good weather will hope to see the world I'm hot ass

25/10/2013 in 19h30
I will be doing a tour tomorrow late morning or early after noon. Search for Young masturbates sucks and I fuck. Contact me :)

25/10/2013 in 16h20
will make a turn to the next hour

22/10/2013 in 14h09
a lot ???

22/10/2013 in 10h20
tells, there were many many people? I almost go there last night

11/10/2013 in 13h54
very good meeting at noon right time

27/09/2013 in 18h13
I want a nice smooth tail which in 1h!

20/09/2013 in 00h05
Who is hot for tomorrow, Friday 20 to 22 ha Peujard contact me

17/09/2013 in 13h38
ass good morning with the very hard queu

16/09/2013 in 18h12
which to pump me and 19h 20h 30 tonight?

16/09/2013 in 11h30
in the summer I thought several recovery APERCE see couples? but not had time to assure myself as I was leaving. Someone already there you seen couples in the corner or on the way? If the corner is sometimes desert. Question What is accustomed to the good times?

03/09/2013 in 17h49
good ass beginning after noon

24/08/2013 in 02h18
just passed person has damage kiss this beautiful blonde who was present just before

21/08/2013 in 12h17
spend this morning person

06/08/2013 in 15h47
Who for me to pump Friday. ???

30/07/2013 in 17h55
Someone Tuesday 20 pm? Leave message if OK .....

08/07/2013 in 15h06
to which 16 pm?

05/07/2013 in 16h07
Who tomorrow Saturday at 22h 10:30 p.m.

04/07/2013 in 12h51
you showing off you?

04/07/2013 in 12h31
Someone end APM Thursday? Can be 19 to 21 hours. If it's sunny I like sunbathing

23/06/2013 in 23h41
I went there in the beginning of the afternoon went .... Jy sucked a big .... Nice stem the plan ... 3 with 2 mature men ....

10/06/2013 in 20h38
I was there this morning at 11 am, met a guy with a huge cock! it was cool!

15/05/2013 in 07h10
Y'avait me as mosquitoes! lol!

12/05/2013 in 20h07
... Tuesday 14, around 15:30 / 16h ... who?

07/05/2013 in 13h58
Who to plan with active young in the afternoon? I suck, suck me and sodomized all protected and respect :)

29/04/2013 in 02h22
notice all I go aujourdh'ui Monday from 14h until 15h at worst

26/04/2013 in 12h17
I will try to find the place this afternoon ....

10/04/2013 in 20h33
Not a sniff chat

10/04/2013 in 15h53
who would be there tomorrow morning around 9:15 for a fucking plan?

10/04/2013 in 14h50
Somebody tonight at 20 pm? I pass

08/04/2013 in 16h21
Seen too late! Pity !

01/04/2013 in 19h23
I'm just me and my taste has sex?

14/03/2013 in 14h42
Who to 15h

13/03/2013 in 07h38
Who this morning before 8:30 am

10/03/2013 in 13h09
Who this afternnon to plan with active young?

27/02/2013 in 17h02
Huuuumm jen revien .... Men Huuum walls ... .. Jai suck my first juicy cock ..

27/02/2013 in 00h05
6:30 that morning?

19/02/2013 in 16h11
I can not !! There were 7 or 8 guys a monitoring and flew my c was nice .. !!

05/02/2013 in 16h50
Bedenac The area is not far. I go tonight. 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. or more

04/02/2013 in 13h34
I will also go towards 14h 30

04/02/2013 in 11h41
I think coming around 19:30 - 20 pm

04/02/2013 in 07h52
I'm switching around 19:30

03/02/2013 in 07h03
yes I 'am there my people go

02/02/2013 in 10h23
at what time ?

21/01/2013 in 13h13
21/01 I go this afternoon if anyone wanted to I'm here

12/01/2013 in 14h53
That Thursday night commotion suck-soda plan with an active young?

09/01/2013 in 15h33
I'll also try to come tonight to 20 pm?

09/01/2013 in 01h59
Yes, but you have to go before dark ;-)

09/01/2013 in 00h08
I'm spending tonight at 8:20 p.m. ET 20:45 absolutely nobody, no parked car and path that very few see impracticable ... This place is always patronize? I think so there are fresh tracks on the ground ...

08/01/2013 in 23h07
Given too late, too bad!

08/01/2013 in 19h04
at 20:30

08/01/2013 in 19h04
at 20:30

08/01/2013 in 11h27
At what time ?

07/01/2013 in 19h43
Who to suck me, getting sucked and get caught tomorrow night?

07/01/2013 in 19h42
Who to suck me, getting sucked and get caught tomorrow night?

05/01/2013 in 12h50
Hi everybody ! I am new to the area I wanted to know if it was better well attend if we could find trans or liabilities because I'm pretty active ... To what hours do people meet? Thank you in advance bizz

04/01/2013 in 11h51
J am going there this morning and c is reopened !!!!

28/12/2012 in 13h43
if the guy was black Mégane recognizes that leaves me a message ....

27/12/2012 in 17h34
Anyway its been close by frustrating because it is a bolt and not a cadena because if there is fire or a firefighter hunting accident. If not amused. A cut bolt

27/12/2012 in 17h34
Anyway its been close by frustrating because it is a bolt and not a cadena because if there is fire or a firefighter hunting accident. If not amused. A cut bolt

27/12/2012 in 12h45
otherwise just always listed on Peujard continue on the same road go over the highway continue for approximately 2km follow direction Peujard center and take the first left and then 500m right small parking with bois.faite sign if you want go

20/12/2012 in 14h20
I think it is more prudent to find a location near this one instead to park and get align ... go in search !!!! it stands in the current @ ++

19/12/2012 in 16h35
"Parking on the road": the police will line up for dangerous parking as the Bois de Bruges :-(

… close history